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Posts posted by rooinekrsa

  1. 3 minutes ago, Denim said:


    I understand what you mean.


    Unfortunately we are not dancing the okey kokey and we can't be in out in out shaken all about.


    Indecision helps nobody. For years before the brexit vote there were complaints from some that we would

    be better off outside the union. Those were the years that remainders should have been more vociferous.


    Unfortunately, complacency resulted in a very narrow victory for brexiters.


    Personally, for selfish reasons, had I been able to vote it would have been to remain. I think that with our big financial input we could have found common cause with other countries concerned about the immigration issue and got a better deal. We would have been better off fighting from within the ring where our punches might have hit home than arguing over the ropes from outside.


    We have seen how reluctant the EEC were to let Greece leave. Is not the UK more valuable to the EEC as a contributer than Greece is as a defaulter ?

    Sorry to say . Dont agree. too many restrictions placed on our farmers.my thinking is can grow, do it.puk the south americans

  2. On 2017-7-6 at 1:52 AM, darksidedog said:

    We are about to find out how dependent Thailand actually is on foreign labour across many industries nationwide. So far the agriculture sector, the fishing industry and here rice exports are already having trouble. I suspect there will be significantly more, and this hastily introduced law, brought in with no discussion, is going to cause serious pain and financial loss.And that is what happens when you don't think things through properly, as we have seen here time and time again.

    Oh well we just have to import some more 


  3. On 2017-7-1 at 3:45 PM, NanLaew said:

    Depends on what sort of bbq you are planning. Just grilling stuff for you own table or small parties or smoking and other slow-cooking methods.There's a wealth of designs and ideas on the internet. Pretty much no problem with chicken and pork here in LOS but getting decent beef may be a challenge depending on where you are.

    Google braai designs rsa.  We live outside 

  4. On 2017-5-27 at 2:13 PM, ubonjoe said:

    Doing a bit of work on your own home is OK. How much you can get away with depends upon where your home is located.

    Having some local help and being the supervisor looks better than doing it all yourself.

    When we built our home in a small rural village several years ago I did all the electrical and plumbing myself while workers from the village were doing other things.

    If I did not work on the house my missus would show me the door  555

  5. 11 hours ago, hottrader77 said:

    will the authorities be able to catch him in his farrari ? looks like the police officer tried to stop him possibly for speeding , the officer felt the full force of this type of car , i hope they find him he is probably at a race track , its a case of im a rich kid and does what the hell he wants , it would be good to see him behind bars and throw a few ladyboys in his cell that would stiffen up the case .

    Prosecute the b a r   ard in his abstention 

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