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Posts posted by kennedy

  1. From my understanding it is related to a vitamin D deficiency. It affects the density of the bones and can cause the splayed foot already noted by other posters.It is particularly prevalent in North Eastern Thailand as the sunshine related to natural creation of this vitamin is reduced because of the mountains and the long shadows that are the result of the increasing trend towards growing rubber plantations which produce an abundance of shade. The effect of this is that the legs, particularly of younger women are naturally spread wider. This was a source of shame for villagers who unfortunately shunned them for this supposed defect. Faced with dismal prospects and little chance of a normal life, sufferers were traditionally repatriated to Pattaya and Phuket where the sun is much stronger. The surprising corollary to this was the added benefit to the family who began receiving a regular, unexpected income. Girls returned home cured of their vitamin deficiency, however the longer term result of this was that they aged very quickly and then they died, abused by aged, wealthy expatriate westerners who transmitted to them something much worse.

    So next time you funny guys see a Thai woman walking with a gait that doesn't look quite right, and you think about what sort of sleazy disgusting sexual innuendos might make people on TV laugh, you might like to consider the humanitarian perspective.

    Really funny huh?

    The best satire I've seen on TV.

    • Like 2
  2. It's a NO GO PERIOD !!

    Could you elaborate further? Did you try and were unsuccessful? Why did you fail? Were you successful at your own business in another country prior to coming here? Is it something specific to Thailand or to the business itself?

    You do realize 90% of small businesses fail within the first 5 years in most countries? So perhaps its not unique to Thailand. Just look around at the pathetic attempts at free enterprise all over the Chonburi area and you see businesses started with people of limited capital, lack of vision and absence of basic business understandings ( I mean both Thai and farang ownerships).

    It's a "NO GO PERIOD" to make an offer for an existing McDonald's in Pattaya? Maybe the owner wishes to move on or retire? I'm just not sure why "its a NO GO PERIOD!!"


    Kneejerk reaction to your Cement Batch Plant small business plan?

  3. 107,000 ACA applications vs 5,000,000 cancellations, and climbing. Hardly an equitable exchange by anyone's estimation. With the money spent creating the ACA, the federal government could have just put the 30,000,000 under-insured on Medicaid and called it a day.

    The real question here is whether the President is within his rights to selectively enforce the law. There are many that are opening questioning this decision, including staunch supporters such as Howard Dean. Many Presidents have chosen to selectively enforce the law on matters of national security, but this guy takes the cake.

    What do you suppose would happen if a political adversary of the Democrats did not toe the line when adhering to the letter of the law? The DOJ would use their "discretion" to selectively prosecute them to the limits to the law. Does everyone have a short memory or are we not still in the midst of a Congressional investigation into the IRS targeting of political adversaries of the current administration? What has changed other than the President's "promise", which of course we all know is as good as gold

    OR Yellow Cake

    • Like 1
  4. When GOD, or whatever name you may wish to apply to him/her, decides to give the World an Enema.....the Tube should be inserted in Pattaya!

    Never liked the place, and still don't after some 30+ years of visiting and in more recent years, living in Thailand.

    Another "Johnny come lately"

  5. I have an almost identical meat grinder like this one (700 Baht at Makro)


    I think, it's time to tinker a sausage stuff adapter.

    Shouldn't be rocket science..

    The problem with using what is essentially a meat grinder for a sausage stuffer is that the meat then gets ground twice.

    It tends to get too warm and becomes a bit of a mush. This then leads to dry sausages.

    No brainer. Put the grinder in the freezer prior to grinding.

  6. Kennedy, you obviously know what I was talking about.

    I would have to wait for someone coming from home or the states to pick it up.

    Have you ever used it?

    Yes, in eye dropper amounts whilst you could end up with blackened instead of browned. No sugar taste. Google for recipes. Good stuff IMO.

  7. Where I'm from, it's called Kitchen Bouquet. Selling it for over 100yrs. in the US. More to it than caramelized sugar, water, and salt.

    I have my doubts you will find it here.

  8. You are the cheap Charlie who would rather see your step kid have no phone or transportation to save a few bucks you don't even need and since your friends and neighbors know it's nonsense have to try and gain sympathy on the internet from random strangers ........ who is the one cutting the nose off ? her ? or you ? ........... you are the one who is refusing to give your step kid a decent product you can easily afford so you look like a cheap Charlie douchebag ..... and you are ....... It's you who is cutting your own nose off to spite your own face because you are wanting to save a couple of bucks you don't need to look like and be a douchebag parent instead and the only hope in hell of getting anyone to side with you is on the internet.

    Your a dick.

    I totally agree with the Op about making sure teenagers understand the value of things. Thailand and the world in general is getting f@#ked up by people who are ignorant and think money is the be all and end all of happiness.

    Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE Q6

    People who tell it like it is are always called dicks ....it's you're not your btw .... it's not about money it's about quality and nice things , it's just that quality and nice things cost more and the op and I guess you and other posters are to cheap to care about that when it comes to your Thai step kids ..... if that makes you sleep better at night fine by me.

    My wife is CHEAP.My stepson has grown into a fine young man.

    • Like 1
  9. Did this man actually do anything wrong ??? If he used the uniform to con the general public, as a disguise to cover up his identity because he was a wanted man, I cannot see what is wrong with this it was a private thing.

    Many people dress wrongly in public, Ha Ha look at some of the foreigners here, I get into hysterics looking at them. Young adults looking like ghostbusters, boys acting like ladies, kids mugging, knifing shooting.

    This guy could say " I'm just going to a fancy dress party" so what.

    Similar to being in government and swearing not to speak about what happens around you, it's not an offense to know but becomes an offense to act upon it.

    Yes he did do something wrong. He was in public dressed as policeman. I don't believe it was just to impress his girlfriend. If that's all it was he should have stayed behind closed doors. I don't let my wife out in her french maids uniform because she is not french and she would be falsely advertising. giggle.gif

    I think it's time to go off topic.

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