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Posts posted by phanganist

  1. I was asked to look into online streaming with this company MVTV to possibly do business together, but I don't speak Thai, don't watch any Thai TV or streaming, and know nothing about them. It's not always easy to know what companies in Thailand are legit or not just by looking at their website either. Is anybody familiar with them, use them, do business with them and have some insight?


    I thought Thailand was pretty strict about adult content also, but heard that they stream it. Anybody know what the current Thai laws are on that and/or whether this company does have adult content?

  2. Tropo, or anyone else have kefir grains that can be sent to Koh Phangan express? I can send payment via PayPal, or whatever other means for those charges.

    I had just started making my own and obviously did something wrong because the jar they were in blew up. :( I had started drinking coconut water kefir for my health issues and now I'm completely out. Can someone please help?

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