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Posts posted by glitter1021

  1. Mr Dorn... I am currently caring for my elderly father who is suffering from emphysema and requires the use of oxygen around the clock. Just like you described in your post, except for one major fact....

    My father never smoked a day in his life. His emphysema had nothing to do with smoking.

    Those of us that smoke, chose to do so, being fully aware of the risks associated with it.

    And yes, most of us smokers are well aware of the people that hate our smoking. I, for one, am very respectful of the people in my surrounding and will not smoke when there are non-smokers present.

    What is not needed is the zealot non-smokers, like yourself, that find a need to "educate" the smokers of the world. There is nothing you have said in this thread of posts that is anything I didn't already know. And likewise, there is nothing in what you have said that will suddenly convince me to throw the smokes away and quit for good!

    Just makes me want to go outside for a "smoke" break! smile!

  2. I am also a smoker and a drinker. I do these things because I enjoy them! Plain and simple.

    Do I realize that they may (and I stress the word MAY) shorten my live? Of course I do. But everything today in our world MAY shorten your life. Everything from hamburgers with fries, to drinking coffee, to sitting too long in front of a computer screen.

    Life is meant to be enjoyed to the fullest! And I am certainly enjoying my life!


  3. Well, we are middle aged. I am 46 and hubby is 52. Certainly not confrontational type of people! Yikes, no way!

    We live in Minnesota and well, they don't call our (Minnesotans) attitude towards life and people "Minnesota Nice" for nothing!

    Been reading alot here... is Khao Lak the "right" area for a middle aged couple? I believe I read on another site that that area is geared towards families and older couples. Not the wilder and "sexier" side of things that some of the young people would be looking for. Is that correct?

    I appreciate the information already posted. And I am sure as our trip comes closer I will have more questions.



  4. We are planning a trip to LOS in the spring of 2006. I have been reading this site since the tsunami and have found it a great source of information!

    I have traveled to Europe (granted, many* years ago) and Americans were not look upon in a favorable light. There was many times that I ran into natives of the country I was in that were very rude to me simply because I was an American.

    I consider myself a very, very polite person and find myself hurt and offended when I am treated badly just because of where I am from.

    Just curious as to what the attitudes might be like when we visit. Oh, we are planning to go to Khao Lak area.

    One other question, is language an issue? When I went to Germany, I did know enough German to get by (couldn't do it now... lol) but from what I have seen Thai is NOT an easy language to learn! Do most of the retail staff, etc in the tourist areas speak English?

    Thank you for your help!


  5. OK, another newbie! And yes, I found this site as a result of the tsunami.

    Right after the wave, I was on vacation, sitting here at home, bone chilling cold out, and just surfing the web looking for news of the tsunami. For two weeks I worked on a site out of Phuket helping relatives locate information about missing loved ones. Most of these families didn't have a clue on how to find things on the Internet, searching hospital lists, embassy lists, etc, including viewing photos of deceased to help in any way I could. Because it came to a point that IDs could now be made only by DNA, that site ceased operations.

    From a link on that site, I found a local bar in Khao Lak's web site that had many photos of the area. I have since been emailing with the owner of the bar as well as one of his friends, another business owner. With their help, I have been organizing donation drives here in Minnesota for toys for the children of Khao Lak. If I can help to bring a smile to a child's face, I know all my time and efforts are worthy!

    Since spending time "seeing" the area around Khao Lak, I am in love! What a beautiful, beautiful country. If the rest of Thailand is anything like Khao Lak, the people living there are truly blessed!

    We had been thinking about going to Hawaii in the spring of 2006, but I have changed my mind. I want to come to Thailand!

    I have been reading the rest of the site here, learning tons and tons! And the advice, tips and humor here are unsurpassed! Maybe by the time my trip rolls around I will feel like a native! LOL!

    Besides when it is -28C here (it was this morning) dreaming of a holiday in Thailand makes it seem not so cold! smile!


    Minneapolis, Minnesota US

  6. I saw this story in the United States two weeks ago. My husband is a college natural science professor. It is part of teaching about earthquakes to teach about tsunamis. I KNOW* that the ocean runs out preceeding a tsunami and the nearest I am to an ocean is about 1500 miles! I sat in a few of his classes and I remember him talking about it.

    I totally believe this account of this little girl! It is something that very well could have happened.

    She is to be praised for keeping a cool head and warning others while she had the chance.


  7. Thank you for the replies! I had totally planned on staying away from anything of a religious nature. That much I knew, and not in my nature to begin with. smile!

    I was just afraid of sending an animal that might have a religious meaning that would not be considered a toy. I just didn't want to offend anyone.

    As to duties, I had been informed to make sure the packages sent there to be marked as "tsunami relief" and that they would not be subject to duty. I am hoping that is correct! I would hate to have the kind men there helping to get these toys to children subject to paying to get them!

    As of now, I have nothing second hand, all of the toys I have are brand new. I have had friends and co-workers donating. I went to one store to buy coloring books and crayons and when I said what I was doing, they gave them to me!

    I know that there are many, many other things needed in the area but my thoughts have been about the children. I want to bring them a smile in a world that seems so out of sorts to them recently. And maybe occupy their time while the adults go about rebuilding the world once again for them.

    I just wish there was more that I could do....



  8. I have been in email contact with two gentleman that own businesses in Khao Lak. I am in the process of collecting toys and stuffed animals to send to the children of Khao Lak (mailing to these gentlemen to distribute).

    My question is this... are there any animals that are considered "off limits" as a toy? I mean, like, if there was a large stuffed toy snake, would a child run away from it?

    I know this may seem like a really dumb question, but I don't want to send anything that is meant to bring a smile to child's face only to have it cause a problem as it is inappropiate as a toy.

    As someone that knows NOTHING of the culture in that area of the world, any help would be appreciated!

    Thank you!


    Minnesota US

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