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  1. Lots of links here: thais are eating grasshoppers for protein - Freespoke Search But that is not the point. If people want to eat available insects that is up to them. If people are forced to eat insects because of floods, drought, that is a shame but a necessity to survive. But no one should be forced to eat insects by intentionally killing off other food sources, especially for made-up crises.
  2. Sadly you are correct. But I also see it as a lack of awareness of where this is heading, and the media, which should be alerting the people, does not. Some people try to create awareness, and the more that awareness is created the better chance to fight this. If no one says anything, then the results will be extremely unpleasant and inevitable. The message needs to be repeated over and over with the focus on the likely horrific consequences. People need to organize at the grassroots level and unite in refusal. Once enslaved, there is no going back, and those who advocate depopulation will have total power and the ability to mass murder much of humanity. Between the USSR and the CCP Stalin and Mao were able to starve about 100 million of their own people. Today's technology makes it even easier and it can be done in smaller increments as long as the media keeps silent.
  3. Formalizing the informal economy is just another way of saying that the government intends to take total control of the economy and force everyone to get a digitalID, ESG scoring and a programmable Central Bank Digital Currency with the goal of enslaving every citizen, and enforcing it by means of surveillance devices. Bank of Thailand to Test Programmable Payments in Enhanced Sandbox - Fintech Singapore When will Thailand be told by the WEF and the UN to stop eating meat and dairy and start eating bugs? People should be out on the streets protesting against these anti-freedom measures before there is no more freedom. World Climate Declaration There is no climate emergency
  4. Just because something was forecast doesn't necessarily mean it will come to pass. Many, if not most people haven't a clue of what is happening, so consider it a wake-up call.
  5. This smells like a project of the World Economic Forum (WEF) (C40.org) and it will end up being a death trap where people are forced to eat bugs and live in mud based "homes", banned from eating meat or dairy, unable to travel, unable to own private transportation and only allowed to purchase 3 items of new clothing a year. Right now the WEF, UN, IMF and the EU are developing mandatory digital IDs, ESG scoring, and central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) like communist China to control every aspect of everyone's life. If people fall for this, they will end up slaves until they are no longer useful, then disposed of.
  6. Sent to SSA at the PO Box address (PO Box 7162) by Fedex in July. Signed for at SSA 5 days later. Cost was B1403. No hassles.
  7. I am just telling you what I was told at the time.
  8. About 2 years ago at CW, I asked what happens if one is too ill to go in person for an extension of stay based on retirement. I was told by the IO that someone could represent me with some kind of medical document. No specifics were mentioned, but the IO probably meant a Bai Rap Rong Pat ใบรับรองแพทย์ (medical certificate)), but my status would change to something like "Sick", and if, for example, I happened to be grandfathered (in Thailand continuously since before Oct 1998), I would lose that status and if I recovered, I would have to start all over again under current rules as if I had entered the country for the first time. That would mean I would have to bring in B65K/month or put 800K in the bank, instead of 20K/month or 200K in the bank under the grandfather clause. I did not ask for any more specifics at the time and the above is all I remember. It is also possible that the medical certificate must be a certified copy issued from a government hospital. My only advice would be to ask your local Immigration Office before you get too sick to report in person. Item 25 on this page has more information: https://bangkok.immigration.go.th/en/visa-extension/#1610937669254-c6462860-6f05 25. Visa Extension - In the case of receiving medical treatment, attending rehabilitation, or taking care of a patient In the case of receiving medical treatment, attending rehabilitation, or taking care of a patient: Criteria for Consideration Must have been confirmed and requested by a physician of the hospital providing said treatment with full explanation about the illness, period of treatment, and the physician’s opinion that the illness is an impediment to travel. In the case of taking care of a patient, the applicant must have been confirmed and requested by a physician of the hospital providing the examination and treatment or by an embassy or consulate. In the case of caretakers who are not the parents, spouse, children, adopted children, or spouse’s children, permission shall be granted for no more than one person. Documents to be submitted Application form Copy of applicant’s passport Letter of confirmation and request for a temporary stay issued by a physician of the hospital providing said treatment In the case of taking care of a patient, the applicant must attach a letter of confirmation and request for a temporary stay issued by a physician of the hospital providing said treatment and documents stating relationship (in the case that the caretaker is a member of the family), such as a marriage certificate, a birth certificate, registration of child legitimization, child adoption registration certificate, or confirmation letter from the embassy or consulate.

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