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Posts posted by ClutchCargo

  1. So whenever we log onto internet banking, someone may be recording our passwords pin's etc... Nothing to Hide???

    That's right, nothing to hide. The government is not interested in your banking passwords. They already have a legitimate avenue that works flawlessly for stealing your money. Its called taxes.

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  2. I highly recommend strongvpn. I have been using them for 2 years and have not had a single issue. Fast, reliable, and the ability to have your home country IP anywhere.


    I bought a preloaded router from strongvpn so I wouldn't have to frustrate myself configuring my own. Yes it was more expensive, but like I said, I have never had a single issue in two years of use, and if I did, they have 24 hr support where you can allow them to come in and take over your machine and fix it remotely. It is much cheaper if you want to flash your own router, however, this little quote from the site made up my mind for me:

    Warning - Flashing your router may BRICK your router

    Flashing and replacing the factory firmware with OpenSource firmware can cause your router to be ruined and non functional, aka "bricked". If you are going to flash your router with dd-wrt or tomato we advise you to be very careful and be aware of the firmware and version of router you have. Follow the instructions carefuly from the Opensource websites http://www.dd-wrt.com, http://www.polarcloud.com/tomato.
    We provide all the information on our website with no implied warranty or promise. You flash your router at your own risk.

    So, I bought the router and paid for the VPN right through strongvpn with no bullshit or complications. I am computer literate, but I also know that a computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any invention in human history (with the possible exceptions of handguns and tequila). Do yourself a favor, buy a preloaded router and a VPN account from the same company. There will be those who disagree, but then there are always those folks to contend with here. Gloom, doom, and better ideas abound on this forum. You asked for my experience and recommendation, I have given you both.

    Good Luck !!

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