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Posts posted by mandee

  1. If this is to some email service, many limit around 10MB. You can use Google Docs or WeTransfer (all free) as a workaround


    Split your file in smaller part with Winrar by example

    Where do they get 'em ?

    "he will probably reply !!!"

    Eventually coaxed the progress indicator into continuous motion on a trial 1.7 Mbyte mp4, to be eventually advised "This type of file cannot be uploaded"

  2. Having passed by frequently I can't envisage any sum of money paid TO me that might entice me to enter either place under discussion.

    Interestingly the new water park further along, gives reductions on it's costly entrance fees to WP holders and Diplomats. I'm sure the diplomats need discounts for their expense .


    Brochures were left at our condo, with contact info, the 'phones rang unanswered and the email address was bounced.

    One redeeming feature was that annual tickets appeared to be at giveaway prices.

    It's another place I pass frequently, it is still a work in progress with never more than a dozen people using it.

    • Like 1
  3. The UK is no cakewalk when it comes to obtaining dual nationality for an adopted foreign child. You will have no chance of succeeding unless you first marry the mother.

    All adoptions from Thailand now have to be pursued in through the dreaded Thai Adoption Centre in Bangkok, in accordance with the the Hague Convention on Adoption, the terms of which you can Google. Likewise, there are UK government websites which give details on obtaining British citizenship and a British passport for a successfully adopted foreign stepchild.

    You will discover that it is an extremely arduous, complex and costly process, not for the fainthearted, which can literally take years to complete.

    One crucial hurdle you will need to surmount is for all adoptive UK parents foreign stepchildren to be "habitually resident" in the UK (tricky if you have been living in Thailand! See the Hague Convention on Adoption for an explanation of what "habitually resident" means for the purpose sof adoption )) and to be resident there when the application is made.

    After investing considerable time, energy and money (the Adoption Centre services are free, but the lawyers, psychiatrists etc they will refer you to are

    anything but!) I actually abandoned ship on a bid to adopt my teenage Thai stepdaughter. Quite apart from any other considerations, I just couldn't see us completing the adoption process before the run-out date of her 18th birthday. Your time constraints seem more predicated on your age than that of the child you are so generously trying to help.

    If you care to message me, I will be happy to pass on what I learned.

    Good luck. You will need it!

    It is encouraging to see that occasionally responses to serious questions hit the nail squarely on the head.

    This is definitive for me.

    Thanks so much to all who responded.

    • Like 1
  4. I have android (latest version I believe) on an LG G2 cellphone.

    After installing a particular app, APUS, which I believed initially cleaned up my screens

    in an orderly manner, I noticed a little semi transparent floating icon, a figure with arms and legs spread.

    I never found a use for it, but it always seemed to be in the wrong place wile I was entering stuff, and would open up

    a menu of little use when touched..

    Whatever I do I cannot get rid of it, having uninstalled APUS and many other suspect apps.

    Searching the android help sites has not helped.

    Can anyone kindly advise how to remove it please?

  5. I don't doubt that this topic is extensively discussed but here goes.

    My wish is to secure a British Passport for the child, so that he may be able to exploit the capabilities of his intelligence when he is old enough, Thailand not being a meritocracy and he only has a very poor very low-so background.

    He is now six years old and I'm due for pushing up the daisies quite soon, (4 years by the actuarial tables).

    If I married his mother, would this be a route ?

    I can present a legion of reputable people who can attest to how I have been caring for him since birth, if that might be of any help.

    Of course he would not be able to use the passport until his seniority, and maybe not need it at all.

    I am providing funds for his education after I die (out of reach from his "family")


    • Like 1
  6. Not directly related but I am a little astonished to see that as he moves from one grade to the next 5 yo to 6 yo..he and all his classmates are expensively capped and gowned for "graduation". Graduation to what ? He has not passed any exams I am aware of. Does this happen every year ?

    I notice that there are many top level cars belonging to the admin, while the classroom TV might be from "Fred's Unclaimed Freight"

    Also when paying fees the recipient showing on the bank transfer screen is simply one name, not XYZ School etc.

  7. Along with the certificate indicating that you are not in arrears, as mentioned by KittenKong, you will also need a letter from the Juristic person that the sale of your condo to a foreign person does not violate the ownership ratio. Both you and the buyer are subject to various fees and taxes. Acute Realty has an online calculator that is very accurate, and they need to be paid either in cash, or a cashier's check.

    You are able to complete a sale by proxy. I bought my BKK condo from a Nepalese, who was not present at the transfer. His (BKK real estate) broker handled both sides of the transaction, and did not involve a lawyer.

    Excellent calculator. thank you very much.

    Is there any way prior to the sale to get the Land Office Evaluation please ?

    Since a ploy to sell could be to sell at a ridiculous price, say Baht100,000 would/could Land Office raise any objections.?

    I see that such a move would not affect the Land Office "Income" from any sale as their valuation rightly takes precedence.

  8. I am selling my condo to an overseas buyer (well known friend). He will be here (jomtien) for one week in August and we hope to do the deal quickly

    at the Land Office. He has a Thai Bank Account and the paperwork covering the origin of the assets will be in order.

    Although when I bought the condo (10 years ago), all was smooth sailing I tend to fret about new regulations and interpretations of laws/rules.

    In this respect can anyone offer any advice as to how we can take all the requisite preparations to ensure a smooth transfer ?.The condo manager came with me previously and it was a breeze. We now have a new condo manager and I know he does not have the same depth of experience in this stuff.

    Is there a list of documents needed by seller and purchaser above the usual ID photocopies does anyone know.

    Failing the completion of the transaction for any reason, is it possible to sell/buy by proxy. If so does it involve lawyers.?

    Thanks to anyone who can help.

  9. I have been sponsoring a child at a school near Jomtien, and he is IMHO very bright and happy.

    His mother is now asking that he attend a "crammer" from 3 till 5 daily.

    I have seen the place a first floor shophouse open fronted, with many adolescents, mostly girls

    working studiously.

    I have a number of questions/issues please.

    Firstly I do not believe in "cramming" especially of children, I believe it is the norm in Asia.

    Second , what are the students cramming for and in particular, what cramming might a 5 year old need ?

    He is certainly not preparing for any examination that I am aware of.

    Can anyone kindly enlighten me please ?

  10. No problem to Ekkamai 29th, got off Udom Suk, better chance of seat and time saving.

    Went to Ekkamai on 30th to Check Minivan Service at Ekkamai for advance booking 3 seats on same day. No advance bookings No crowds either.

    Decided on train from Phyathai on 31st

    06:30, taxi driver in Silom 500 metres from Silom BTS and heading in that direction refused to take us. I told him to take us to Lumpini Police Station.

    Continually grumbling he drove to the BTS as asked, One minute.

    Train was bang on time 07:07. Uncrowded initially, but very crowded later, most got off at Chachengsao.

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