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Posts posted by pautai

  1. Monday, 9 May, 2005, 23:07 GMT 00:07 UK

    Exercise 'slows prostate cancer'

    Prostate cancer can be a killer

    Regular vigorous physical activity could slow the progression of prostate cancer in older men, a study has found.

    The findings suggest working up a real sweat may help prevent men over 65 dying from the disease.

    But the team from Harvard School of Public Health found men had to work out vigorously for at least three hours a week for it to have a positive effect.

    The 14-year study, reported in the Archives of Internal Medicine, focused on data on 47,620 men in the US.

    Regular exercise throughout life has benefits and this could be yet an example where steady and prolonged application is 'money in the bank' later in life

    Chris Hiley

    Prostate Cancer Charity

    Previous research has suggested more physically active men may be at lower risk of prostate cancer.

    However, the link has never been shown to be particularly strong.

    The 47,620 men involved in the latest study were followed from 1986 to 2000.

    Each was asked to provide information about how much exercise - such as hiking, jogging, cycling, swimming and racket sports - they took.

    During 14 years of the study, 2,892 new cases of prostate cancer were diagnosed, including 482 advanced cases.

    Advanced cases

    The researchers found that older men - aged 65 and over - who did regular, vigorous exercise were at a lower risk - almost 70% - of advanced and fatal cases of the disease.

    However, no such association was found in younger men.

    The researchers say that more work is needed to determine just how vigorous exercise may benefit prostate cancer patients.

    Henry Scowcroft, of the charity Cancer Research UK, said it was not clear whether the study had shown a "cause and effect", or whether men who took more exercise were simply more health conscious.

    He said: "This group might be more inclined to report symptoms to their doctor earlier and thus have their disease diagnosed before it becomes advanced.

    "Given the well-documented benefits of a healthy lifestyle, we recommend that you take at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise five times a week.

    "Having said that, older men should consult with their GP before embarking on any particularly vigorous exercise regime."

    Chris Hiley, of the Prostate Cancer Charity, agreed.

    She said: "We would caution that men with prostate cancer, many of whom might have other health problems associated with getting older, should seek advice from their GP before suddenly making such a change.

    "What is clear is that regular exercise throughout life has benefits and this could be yet another example where steady and prolonged application is 'money in the bank' later in life."


  2. There seems to be some very attractive young girls working at Tescos at Klong Toey when i go there . But i cant figure out what their actual job is. very smart and very nice looking but they dont seem to actually do anything in particular . They stand around in the same spot and i never see them talking to anybody or advising or generally helping out stacking shelves or whatever.

    So are they employed just to stand around like a piece of attractive artwork for shoppers to look at ? :D

    its not a bad job but it must get boring week after week doing nothing ,so i guess its a job for airheads .

    i wonder what their job description is ??? :o

  3. It seems to me of late that alot of the fun has gone out of the night life here in Thailand, compared to what it was five years ago. What I won't to know is could you still recommend it to a friend, even with the 12.45 am closing? Personally I had a much better time in Roppongi, I wasn't treated like a kid, being told when to go home? Also with all the covering up, aren't there more visual pleasure to be had on a beach in the day time?

    depends on your baseline i guess , compared with 10 years ago its dire .

    compared with 15 years ago its abysmal

    and compared with 20 years ago it does not bear thinking about.

    stunners were ten a penny compared with now.

    but back then male tourism was negligable when compared with the numbers now.

  4. Here we go again, applying western standards to Thailand.

    Appalling though it may be, in Thailand:

    1.  The possession of porn is not a crime, only if it is for sale.

    2.  The age of consent is 15, unless payment(ie prostitution) is involved.

    The police arrest will have been a knee jerk reaction, and I doubt that any prosecution will will result.

    maybe not in LOS but back home there are laws to prosecute as we have seen with recent cases .

    for example >>>

    10 May 2005


    A CHILD sex tourist has made legal history by being jailed in Britain for offences involving children in Cambodia and the Philippines.

    Peter Swale, 49, took 584 indecent photos of children in his hotel room and abused a boy aged 11 while on trips to south east Asia from 2001 and 2004.

    He was caught downloading other indecent images at an internet cafe in Ipswich. A total of 3,865 were found by police on his home computer in Huntingdon, Cambs.

    Swale, a lorry driver, from New Zealand, was jailed for three years and nine months at Ipswich crown court. He was banned from working with children for life.

    Prosecutor Robert Sadd said: "It's believed to be the first time offences committed in the Philippines and Cambodia have been tried in the UK."

  5. Been trying to call the GF, for the past day and the line says there is a fault, or it is not possible to connect.

    Have tried 4 different numbers (her friends) all to the same response.

    Anyone know whats happening?

    Anyone with the same problem?

    what phone co are you using in the UK ?

    i find the mega cheap outfits always a problem .

    very unreliable .

    4p-5p is usually ok /cheaper is not

    bargaindial.co.uk is ok

  6. It starts with one member of the robbery gang touching the victim with a cloth and a few minutes later the victim feels somewhat dizzy or nauseous.

    wow... something that powerful must be a swath of cloth cut from the Shroud of Turin??


    why would they go to all this trouble ? surely they could hit them over the head with a rubber hosepipe and grab the gold and run ?

  7. its very hard for a issan girl to go abroad to work but its relatively easy to latch on to some sucker to get her out of the country.

    when i go to issan these days i am always being asked by females ,single ,divorced and seperated how they can join a dating agency .

    Most of them dont know how to join one ,but if they did there would be few females left in the villages ! Such is the desperation to get on the farang gravy train .

    3 girls have ditched their thai hubbies and gone off with farang blokes .

  8. Looks like Bangkok is becoming the world hub for mind control scammers and sorcerers .




    i thought the nigerian scammers were bad enough wanting to practice their English and taking you for a ride but this is a sinister development :D


  9. Thursday, May 5, 2005

    Phuket ‘badly needs a plan’

    PHUKET CITY: Phuket desperately needs a long-term development strategy following the tsunami, a Phuket Chamber of Commerce (PCC) seminar entitled “Phuket Alert” was told yesterday.

    The PCC is considering development issues facing the province and will make recommendations within two months so that they can be included in a development plan for Phuket now being drafted by the National Economic to Social Development Board (NESDB). The seminar, intended as a “brainstorming session”, was attended by tourism industry representatives, academics and government officials.

    PCC President Eam Thavornwongwongse, who led the discussion at The Metropole Hotel, noted that the lack of an integrated development strategy long pre-dated the tsunami disaster.

    He likened land in Phuket to slices of a pie for which there has been no distribution control – with investors interested only in maximizing profits from the slices they happened to control, without looking at the bigger picture.

    “The end result is that Phuket has developed in a haphazard fashion, with illegal development clearly visible all around the island and especially along beaches,” he said, adding that the culprits were both Thai and foreign.

    “Second, there hasn’t been enough assistance from public utilities in [restoring] telephone service, electrical and water supply after the tsunami. Third, we have to ask ourselves if our elected officials … are really working to the the full extent of their abilities and are using their budgets in a way that best benefits the province,” he added.

    “Finally, we are still going to have to wait three or four years before the NESDB development plan takes effect. Can we really accept all of these things?,” he asked rhetorically.

    K. Eam said that restoring Phuket’s tourism economy to normal levels by the next high season was essential, otherwise a variety of social ills – including crime – could result from having 35,000 hotel rooms unfilled and 40,000 hotel workers unemployed or underemployed.

    He suggested organizing “roadshows” abroad as one way to address the downturn in tourism arrivals.


  10. i wasnt suggesting that chloral hydrate is the magic potion ,thats just on the nipples scam.

    when you look at illusionists on TV they can do these sort of tricks ,when they are not using stooges .

    if there is some magic potion in use the culprit would need to be wearing rubber gloves to apply the potion as it would need to be potent to penetrate the skin.

    i feel that would alert the victim.

    if anyone can get a sample they could become wealthy .

    as it has very large worldwide commercial applications . :o


    Thank you for the education on chloral hydrate. I didn't know what the "knock out" drug was, so this was certainly very informative for me. Like I said, the use of a knock out type drug has happened to me and it was put in a drink. Knocked me out before I got to any nipple. :D


    you are not alone ,some pals of mine were also victims thanks to a girl they met .

    luckily they didnt get a badly administered overdose and slept forever .

    Some years ago , maybe early 90s there was a big article in the BKK Post

    about a gang of katoeys that had been rounded up after doing the drugged nipple scam on tourists. it didnt say what drug they used so there may be others that can be used .

    As it stands, I remain convinced these other stories of something that can be rubbed on the skin and put you in some kind of trance or hypnotic state are all BS. Various reasons that they continue to circulate as mentioned by other posters. Interestingly, the stubborn Farang up here won't budge on their inclination to believe, but no one wants to talk to me about it anymore. :D

  11. i wasnt suggesting that chloral hydrate is the magic potion ,thats just on the nipples scam.

    when you look at illusionists on TV they can do these sort of tricks ,when they are not using stooges .

    if there is some magic potion in use the culprit would need to be wearing rubber gloves to apply the potion as it would need to be potent to penetrate the skin.

    i feel that would alert the victim.

    if anyone can get a sample they could become wealthy .

    as it has very large worldwide commercial applications . :o

  12. The knock out drug on the mipples is 100% true

    Even in the nipples I very much doubt it.

    Even in some of the states of inebriation I have been over the years I have never been that drunk not spot tablets glued to some tarts nipples and even I was how on earth was I

    the drug on nipples is possible because the knockout drops are in syrup form ,its one of the oldest known tranqilisers. invented about 100 years ago

    Does this long-standing, mysterious drug have a name? :o

    You never heard of Mickey Finn ? not the recent musicians.

    Mickey was a bar owner who used to drug his customers ...


    Chloral Hydrate is the oldest of the hypnotic depressants (sleeping pills). It was first synthesized in 1832, but was not used in medicine until 1869, when Mathias E.O. Liebreich noted its effectiveness in inducing sleep.

    Chloral Hydrate acts as a depressant on the central nervous system, it has sedative effects similar to those of barbiturates and benzodiazepines.

    Legally available as syrups or soft gelatin capsules, a doctor prescribed dose of 500 mg to 1 gram of chloral hydrate will take effect in about half an hour, and will induce sleep in about an hour.

    Sleep induced by the drug will usually last four to eight hours and the user will feel very few after effects, but continued use of the drug can result in addiction if taken for months at a time.

    Chloral Hydrate is also known as Trichloroacetaldehyde Monohydrate, and is used medically as a sleeping pill. Its molecular formula is CCl3CH(OH)2. It is a transparent crystalline compound with a melting point of 57º C (135º F).

    Overdose symptoms may include:

    1. deep stupor

    2. dilation of blood vessels

    3. fall in blood pressure

    4. fall in body temperature

    5. slowed respiration

    In a severe overdose, death usually occurs within 5 to 10 hours.

    The drug is used recreationally by a small number of people, usually because there is no other drug available, or because it is cheap.

    The effects are similar to downers and sleeping pills. Minor euphoria, relaxation, etc. at small doses. Tiredness, slurred speech, screwed up thought process in larger doses.

    What Are Knockout Drops Or Mickey Finn

    A solution of chloral hydrate and alcohol constituted the infamous knockout drops or Mickey Finn. At therapeutic doses, chloral hydrate has little effect on respiration and blood pressure but, a toxic dose produces severe respiratory depression and very low blood pressure. It can have tranquilizing (low doses) or heavy sedative effect (larger doses)

    Although chloral hydrate is still used medically today, typically in the elderly or young, its use declined with the introduction of the barbiturates. Most the time it's only prescribed if the person can not take benzodiazepines (Valium, Xanax, etc).

    Other common names include Noctec, Somnos, and Felsules. Chloral Hydrate has moderate potential for physical and psychological dependence. A tolerance is developed for this drug after continued use.

  13. So I'm playing "hide the salami" with this Thai chick I picked up the other night.  After the "game" is over, I pull out, and much to my complete and utter horror, I find t

    Of course, I already know I'm screwed if this chick had AIDS, Hep-C, etc.  And genital warts and herpes are incurable too.  I'm only asking about stuff that we all know is treatable.

    Any advice helpful.  Thanks.

    we need to know where you found her .

    how old and where she has been working .

    was it Lumpini park late at night ? where ? Thermae ?

    give us a good profile first then we can make some opinions

    50% of my rubbers break

  14. It is true that inhalation of trichloroacetaldehyde monohydrate (chloral

    hydrate) vapours will produce unconsciousness.

    However, there are two constraints, one major and one less so.

    First, as any vapours rising from the skin diffuse outwardly in a random

    dispersion of gas molecules, and also diminish over time post-application of

    the liquid, how might one ensure sufficient dosage to the knob nuzzler

    without knocking out the boob bearer?

    Secondly, as application of chloral hydrate to the skin produces a most

    pronounced reddening, unless the devilish domes were themselves quite dark

    or in darkness, or had upon by a most besotted bozo (in which case why not

    do the drug into the drink?), then there'd be the appearance of something

    rather scarlet spreading outwardly from the places of application, a

    putative tip-off to the terror of the tits.

  15. from the archives >>>1996

    > Sereechai Weekly, a Thai newspaper in the U.S., reported news on

    > the front page of Nov 30-Dec 6 issue that Thai police are now

    > investigating the mysterious deaths of "sudden heart failures"

    > by 45 foreign male tourists in the past 12 months.

    > The report is too lengthy to be translated here, but the gist of

    > the news report is that there has been a recurring pattern of

    > deaths caused by heart seizures in hotel rooms in Pattaya. The lastest

    > victim is a Mr. Cheklerkulai Josephine, a U.S. tourist, aged 40 years,

    > who was found unconscious on his bed in a hotel room. He was rushed

    > to the hospital by Police Colonel Prapakorn and was later brought

    > to consciousness. He gave a report to the police that while drinking

    > beer in a bar around Soi 2 of Pattaya City he met a pretty young

    > Thai girl about 20 years old. She told him that she worked in a

    > massage parlor at Mile Hotel in Pattaya. So, he took her out to

    > his hotel room at a contractual price of Baht 1,500. And while

    > engaging in the foreplay, he became unconscious because of contact

    > with anesthetic wax coated on her breasts -- and he fell blank

    > suddenly. Mr. Josephine, an American male tourist, lost his

    > gold necklace, Rolex watch, and cash, totalling about $20,000 in

    > value.

    > Similar crimes were reported on Mr. Marti Juhanee Koshonen, 51 years

    > old, a German male tourist, at Center Hotel, Soi 12, Pattaya, who

    > lost about $17,000 worth of valuables.

    > A list of 45 other male toursits, from Americans, Dutch, Japanese,

    > Australian, Briton, Finnish, Belgian, French, Oman, Swedish,

    > Saudi Arab, Kuwait, Norwegian, Malaysian, and New Zealander, with

    > full names are given in this news report.

    > End of gist of the news report from Sereechai Newspaper. Same

    > news should be found in local newspapers in Thailand, as this

    > crime wave in Pattaya is of great concern to the police.

    Continuing the translation of some important sections on this

    news article published in Sereechai Weekly, November 30-December 6

    issue, the following part of this lengthy article should serve

    as useful information for any pleasure-seeking male tourist planning

    to visit Pattaya:

    "According to news reports, on November 24th, Mr. Marti Juharnee

    Koshonen, 51 years old, a German national, was drugged in the

    Center Hotel, Soi 12, Pattaya, and was robbed for about Baht 300,000

    ($13,500 approx.). Mr. Koshonen was hospitalized at the Injer

    Hospital because of forced drug overdose. And, on the same day,

    Mr. Mark Bregmen, 31 years old, was also drugged in the same hotel

    and Mr. Maller Bodyguard, 34 years old, was drugged in Hotel I.A.

    These last 2 men were overdosed with drugs that they suffered

    a shock resulting in heart failures and death with saliva fuming

    all over their mouths. These victims have added to the 45 deaths

    since the beginning of this year and the majority of the dead men

    were between 30-35 years of age.

    News reports also informed that the gangsters who engage in drugging

    male tourists have a member who is a German male with a Thai wife

    by the name of "Vassana." He is reigning as a crime boss supervising

    and grooming Thai girls in his bar. His gang is called "

    "Roodzcher" with a bear bar as a front and using Thai girls as decoys

    to lure the male tourist victims into designated rooms in order

    to drug them and to rob them. If the victim is a big, lucrative

    deal, then drugging will be overdone to kill the victim smoothly.

    In addition, the gang is engaged in extortions of foreign tourists.

    Those who do not pay protection money may not have a peaceful stay

    as residents of Pattaya.

    Lt. Police General Narongvich Thaitong, deputy chief of Thai Police

    in Region 2, said that there should be a special task force to

    wipe out the crimes because the present situation in Pattaya is

    damaging tourism of Thailand."

    End of translation from Sereechai Weekly of the above-named issue

    and from page 12/Section 1.

    Without endorsing the veracity of the article, this is what was

    reported in the Thai paper in the U.S. and in the Bangkok Post,

    the Nation, as well as in local Thai newspapers in Thailand.

    List of those 45 dead male tourists have been published and

    identified in Thai and English news media.

  16. The knock out drug on the mipples is 100% true

    Even in the nipples I very much doubt it.

    Even in some of the states of inebriation I have been over the years I have never been that drunk not spot tablets glued to some tarts nipples and even I was how on earth was I

    the drug on nipples is possible because the knockout drops are in syrup form ,its one of the oldest known tranqilisers. invented about 100 years ago

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