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Posts posted by cheechoo

  1. A better question than the one presented in the first post is:

    Why are farang in Thailand so obsessed with bar girls, even those who are supposedly married to normal women? It seems like every topic on this website starts off or leads back to this subject.

    When you get right down to the nuts and bolts, thai girls are why most of us are here. Thai is not known for much else.....maybe rice................hahahaha.

  2. If the Embassy say that you can't do this then you must stop the cremation.

    And do what? He died on Saturday night, leave his body where?? Outside the British embassy on the pavement. I don,t think so. He has told us he has now family in the world, we were his only family at our school, what can we do?

    you know. Lots of people say stuff that arent true.

    Really , just let your boss deal with it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    No offense but you are arguing with people here on a forum..........................lol.

  3. Dear wordchild we are not going to try to take money from his account but as said the money we have collected is fast running out so who will pay the Britsh Embassy, I really don,t think so.His long term girlfriend will need to go to court to get his assets as thet weren't legally married

    Why should his girlfriend be allowed to take a dead man's money,incredible!How can you make such an outrageous statement?

    You also want to cremate him without allowing the British Embassy to see if he has next of kin,to repatriate his remains to?

    This story stinks,there is something very wrong going on here!

    Not to be crass but why would people donate to someone who has money? I surely wouldnt.

    Does seem odd op says thing about giving pin number to boss.

  4. Yes, it IS about the money! See any homeless guys with a hot lady in tow? NEVER.

    When I was young and broke in america the girls ignored me. Now that I have "big money" here I get all the attention. Why is that?

    Money isnt everything but it is a BIG DEAL. Try living in thailand or anywhere without it.

  5. I'm asking this because I am moving to Thailand and while I am very well off, in Canada I am just treated as any other person by my freinds and so on. I want to know if posters on ThaiVisa are representative of average farang in Thailand

    Does that mean we gonna have to put up with numerous threads about how much money you really have ?

    Perhaps you like socialism? Or more likely perhaps because you're skint you don't like anybody else mentioning they've got some coin to spend. Good luck to him I say.

    Lots of people like socialism. I dont understand it but they do.

  6. Thailand really doesnt have much to offer besides cheap bargirls....................so naturally those who like that kind of thing gravitate here.

    MYSELF included.

    I know im generalizing but please read the kind of people op seems to be meeting. Its not rockket science.

    Thai i s party central. Youll find very few intellectual types intellectualizing here................lol. Unless theyre horny.

  7. Don't get bothered by old fat guys with the little spinners on their arms.

    Find someone who speaks reasonable Thai and your language to go along and get off the beaten track where foreigners are rarely seen and A/C unheard of. Spread a little money around sponsoring some parties for the locals, crash a few weddings or something, let loose and party with a bunch of salt-of-the-earth Thais. The little islands at the midway stops of the regular local ferry service between the islands off Krabi and Phuket are good candidates, but do pack your mozzie repellant.

    Don't get all stressed about paying a bit more than the locals for stuff, as long as it's still a lot cheaper than back home not worth raising your blood pressure over.

    Have a scan through the threads here and pay attention to some of the stuff that gets repeated over and over again. But whatever you do don't take it all as gospel - except my posts of course 8-)

    theres a reason there r places where foreigners dont go. THEre is nothing there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111

  8. Maybe you didn't read through the entirety of the posts I made, understandable cause they are quite long. But anyway I never let any woman be "in charge" of me before. I would try to give them equal say in things (that also means that they should share and pay for things sometimes), and hear out their opinions, but I've never let them run my show (at least financially).

    Hell i would get tired of you real fast. To have equal say the girl has to pay 50%... Youve got to be kidding!

  9. sounds like another where the girl had one thing in mind and it wasnt love. When will these clowns ever learn.

    Feeling sorry for a girls familys poorness is not a valid reason th move the girl in.................lol.

    Maybe you're right. And if you want to call me a clown, go ahead because I don't really know you and neither do you. But I know myself, I've mindfully not spent too much on her, I've enjoyed my stay here, and having her stay with me has given me great company.

    Kind of like a dog!!!!!!!!!!!

    Girls anywhere do liked to be lavished with WHATEVER, $, gifts, etc. Mayebe her friends all get things and all she gets is companionship..................lol.

  10. Yes, it's your wife's feelings on the matter, and if she wants to be big-faced about it, then your willingness to take a hard line with her that are the keys here, not what we all think based on our own relationships and philosophies.


  11. I left a few months ago and I don't regret it one bit . Earning real money and not having to put up with all the crap that used to piss me off in Thailand. Don't miss it at all . Went back for a holiday to finalise some things and it was a nice holiday and that's the way I want to keep it . I'll probably retire there but to live there right now at this time in my life . Depends how old you are but a lot of people seem to waste the best years of their life there and then one day they wake up at fifty and realise their future is non-existent . IMO you should retire there or go there very young . Between 28-50 , go somewhere else and get a career and money . You can always go back for holidays or retire there in a comfortable position when you're older . Thailand's okay but it's not as great as some people make out .Yes you can have a nice life there but you can do that in many other places too .

    You seem to mention money a lot. Is that your only concern. I ask cos met oooooodles of folk who are transfixed by money and nothing else. sad.png

    as a foreigner thailand aint so hot wo munney!

  12. Having a cop as friend is the best thing in life that can happen to you in Thailand.

    They will always help you out, for a small donation of course, when their mate , who they have informed of course , will arrest you for any dreamed up offence.

    One of my friends (for about 10-11 years) is a cop.

    He has been a great help, without donations.

    That is what friends do.

    Not sure if he is corrupt, because i dont want to know, and it becomes an issue in our friendship.

    He lives in a tiny studio apartment (after 15 years on the force).

    what kind of help do you need. What possibly does a clean living responsible person need help from a thai copp for?

    Where,s the best Noodle,s are sold. Free security, Problem Solver. Living in the Bush the Cops are Locals ,and as long as your Family gets on together all is pretty fair. I wouldn,t get Pissed with them the same as I wouldn,t get pissed with a Gang of Thai Males, unless they were Family.

    Didnt your mother tell you nothing is FREE! especially in thailand.

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  13. I always have been wondering why so many Europeans, Americans and Canadians want to live in Thailand, I mean, they must to learn a very difficult language, learn a totally different culture, in a very distant country.

    Many does not bother to learn the language, and many does not bother to learn the culture.

    agreed! what so great abut thai culture????????????? never understood this one.

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