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Posts posted by Goooner

  1. :) In Europe it would never be tolerated to have a PM and government that wasn't LEGAL. Freedom of speach and no weapons that's the issue. Abhisit is a laughing joke all over the WORLD, he has lost his face totally and his real support. The only supporters left are those who have a financial problem if a legal election and a new Parlement was to be the outcome of this TURMOIL. Some individuals hope for blood to be sheed, God bless those fools. Be sure of one thing Abhisit and those behind him are allready moving values and large amounts out of Thailand is this very moment!

    Evidence please? Or is this just some runny brown stuff leaking out of your arse?

  2. 6000 hard core reds. That sound manageable.

    Pity they did'nt crackdown on the yellows previously, if they had of, maybe the reds would'nt have copied them. The two airports and government house were occupied without any resitance from the army or police. Double standards.

    Broken record.

    Yes a Broken Record. But at the end of the day the TRUTH HURTS and it is hard to hide it forever.

    I am not even either side but when one side gets kid glove treatment and the other gets the other it shows, and you can not deny it.

    So because the Red Government (at the time) failed to disperse the Yellow protesters, the current government is to blame?

  3. And thank you tomazbodner for continuing to add to the hysteria keeping travelers away.

    It is TRULY disgusting and you know dam_n well the reds are NOT trying to

    "kill thousands of people" OR

    "burn down the city".

    So when the red leaders called on the Northern Reds to each bring an empty 1ltr bottle to the protest, fill it with gasoline and turn Bangkok into a city of fire what they actually meant was to bring a bottle of milk...

    Some of you guys have the long term memory of a goldfish!

  4. Abhisit's language has been carefully crafted by a PR agency...he constantly refers to "terrorists" which then gets picked up by the government media and its sympathizers in the Bangkok Post and Nation....the word has been carefully selected because,a s we all know, it's OK to kill terrorists, and so when the army butcher the protesters he won't catch so much flack for the rest of the world's press, democratic governments, and quangos. It's sad to see how desperate this guy is to hang on to power...

    And how else would you classify these 'mystery' grenade throwing 'people' or these black clad warriors that magically appeared within the red ranks when the army/police tried to disperse them last week?

    I think the word terrorist is quite accurate right now, in fact its a term that should have been branded into the reds a long time ago!

    Simply put - the reds are domestic terrorists

  5. You don't seem to realise that workers here are paid so little as to be almost irrelevant. The poor are used to it and life goes on outside Bangkok. It's just a few hi-so areas affected. Sorry, mate, but Bangkok is but a part of a larger Country called Thailand.

    So you are saying that because a shop worker (or any other low paid worker) receives only a few hundred baht a day in wages that its ok for them to suffer during this time, where its very possible they will loose a months wages and possibly loose their job entirely as the company they work for goes under.

    So with that attitude, that puts you firmly in the 'Elite' camp - Screw the serfs, they are irrelevant cos they are paid a pittance.


  6. Hahahahahahaha....hihihihihihi ... too funny!!!! :)

    To get a number like 63,000 people not able to work ... i think they took an estimate for one day and multiplied it by the number of days ... then rounded up ... and then added 1 to make the number look more believable .....

    So not 63001 people unable to work but rather 2250 people unable to work for a month. Hihihihihi :D

    It would be at least 2000 people not working in Central World department store alone, you idiot. Then factor in Siam Paragon, Central Chitlom, Platinum, the four hotels that have closed, the several bank branches, all the smaller shops and businesses in the area plus supporting services (deliveries, buss routes etc) and all of a sudden 63,000 people actually looks quite realistic.

    I live and work in this area, so im not talking out of my ass right now. I have to walk through the piss/shit smelling camp at least twice a day (double that if i venture out of the office to get lunch) - I see (and smell) these disgusting pigs every day, Soi Dogs are cleaner!

    Several times i have been stopped by the red guards who try to search and intimidate me, most of them are armed all of them are nasty. My female staff wont venture outside of the office unless they are in a group with a few guys with them, some of the gutter talk coming out of these red guards mouth would be enough to make most hookers blush, not to mention my female staff being groped and intimidated. I have seen this with my own eyes! Filthy red animal scum!

  7. Those little stickers up around Bangkok are not going to help the red cause at all.

    They have really set the Thai message boards alive. Even if it was a plan to discredit the reds, they're going to have a very tough job denying it given how close some of their other publications have come to suggesting something similar.

    What do the stickers say?

  8. Isn't everyone tired of hearing farangs talking about the reds spouting violence all the time. How do you know??? I speak fluent thai, read and write too and i must admit when i watch red tv i hardly understand any of it! Some farangs are just reading out of context pro govt tripe ie nation etc etc. Only condemn the rhetoric if you hear and understand it first hand!!!

    I admit i dont speak Thai, however all of my staff do (Thai nationals), We are based very close to the Protest area and infact i can hear the loud speakers from the stage as i type this.

    I have asked my staff to translate what they are saying on stage right now and here is a breakdown of what i am told.

    1. The leaders are urging the protesters to become fighters, like their fore-fathers

    2. Abhisit should stop killing thai people

    3. Abhisit is evil and should leave the country or die by red hands

    Perhaps you need to brush up on your thai skills, because the native speakers that i employ seem to understand what is being said on the stage very clearly.

  9. try the google search first - if its a main stream player theres a strong chance theres a region hack for it. All it will be is a code you have to enter via your remote control... cheaper than buying a new player!

    And to answer your question, sorry i dont know of any brands that play all regions

  10. Sorry sniffdog, but your wrong on that point.

    Altho it is considerably easier to find region free Players in Thailand saying that all players are region free isnt true. If that were the case the OP wouldnt have posted this thread :o

    Also my player isnt region free either, neither is my friends, maybe your getting confused as all those DVD's that come "without boxes" are in fact region free disc's

  11. Yes its down to region encoding.

    UK the region is 2

    Asia the region is 3 (i think)

    So you wont be able to play region 2 movies on a region 3 player... if you google for "[make/model] region hack" you will probably find a code you can enter via your remote control to change the region of your player... alternatively you can buy a DVD player without the region encoding in it, but youd have to hunt around and find one.

    Hope that helps

  12. Been reading alot here... is Khao Lak the "right" area for a middle aged couple?  I believe I read on another site that that area is geared towards families and older couples.  Not the wilder and "sexier" side of things that some of the young people would be looking for.  Is that correct?

    With all due respect, Khao Lak has been flattened... you might want to reconsider your choice of location.

  13. I think I know who it is.....

    it's that guy who hates teachers but hangs around teacher forums. You know...the same guy that hates seeing farangs using those little green buses but uses them himself to carry around 5 million baht and then leaves it on the bus.

    The same guy that hates the cheapness of backpackers but reads David Beckham's biography one chapter at a time in the bookshop cos he's to cheap to buy the actual book.

    Although I could be wrong. :D

    Jeez, he sounds like a right a-hole :o

  14. I dont beleive its possible, there isnt any socket on the back of the Xbox to hook your monitor into. Maybe the cable you use to connect the xbox to the TV can be replaced with one going to your monitor, but you'd have to check that...

  15. Malaysia has arrested a man Thailand accuses of masterminding separatist violence in its troubled south.

    Thai PM Thaksin Shinawatra told reporters he wanted Malaysia to extradite Abdul Rahman Ahmad, also known as Chae Kumae Kuteh.

    But Malaysian leader Abdullah Badawi noted there was no extradition treaty between Thailand and Malaysia.

    He said his government might still be able to help in other ways, if Thailand lodged a formal request.

    Abdul Rahman Ahmad, also known as Deraman Koteh, or Doramae Kutae, was arrested in Malaysia earlier this month, Malaysian intelligence officials have said.

    There had been initial confusion about his nationality, but Mr Abdullah said on Thursday that the man's papers suggested he was a Malaysian citizen.

    Mr Abdullah said that he had been arrested because "he has done something which we believe is important for us to detain him and conduct a full investigation".

    Mr Thaksin described the man as the "mastermind" behind a wave of violence in Thailand's south, including a raid on an arms depot in January 2004 which heralded the unrest.

    Mr Thaksin's extradition request - which he first mentioned to journalists - irritated Malaysia's Foreign Minister Syed Hamid Albar, who said the Thai authorities should have made the request through diplomatic channels rather than through the media.

    "This is not the way to co-operate with each other," Mr Syed said.

    Delicate relations

    The BBC's correspondent in Kuala Lumpur, Jonathan Kent, says the Malaysian authorities were equally upset by the Thai leader's earlier public accusation that separatist guerrillas were training on and operating from Malaysian soil.

    There are strong family and cultural links between Malay Muslims in southern Thailand and those over the border.

    Our correspondent says sympathy in Malaysia for Thailand's Muslim minority has increased sharply since nearly 80 protesters died while in army custody following demonstrations in October.

    Southern Thailand's recent upsurge in violence began on 4 January last year, when suspected Muslim militants attacked an army base close to the Malaysian border, killing four soldiers and escaping with hundreds of automatic rifles.

    It has been followed by almost daily bombings and shootings in Thailand's deep south, and more than 500 people have been killed.

    Source: BBC News Website


  16. Why is it that some folks get into playing golf just because other well-heeled expats do and they want to up their status? I hate the game with it's alleged exercise benefits and all the patheticness that goes with it.

    Before I came to Thailand I never played golf so why should I start? Same applies to all you fake wannabes who do it to 'enhance' your status.

    I hate you!


    I wish I'd never been born!

    Soz, couldn't resist! :o


    Fantastic - and so very true :D

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