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Hunter Maxwell

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Posts posted by Hunter Maxwell

  1. Should be really easy to find most of the animal feed & farm supply shops sell grass seed by the kilo depends what you want the grass for animal feed or a grass lawn the lawn turf kind is normally sold per sq mt

    By the contrary, grass seeds of any kind are almost unavailable currently in Thailand. Grass seeds for forages (animal feed) may be available at selected outlets but not at animal feed and farm supply shops. It one did come across some of these seeds at these shops (and I doubt it), they would probably be dead (zero germination). As for lawn grass seeds, impossible to buy in Korat. And if by chance you found some lawn grass seed in Bangkok, it too would be dead and of the variety not suitable at all for growing in Thailand..

  2. I have a celebration coming up and my wife particularly likes "fruited" wine. Does anyone know any bar in Ubon where I can get a good punch??

    Yes I do. It is in front of the Laitong hotel but I can'r remember the name of the place. Can anyone help the Patriot out? I don't want to give wrong information and make the Patriot go the wrong way.

  3. I have no idea about Yasothon but in Ubon there are several private driving schools. Years ago we sent our maid to the vocational school opposite the Catholic cemetery at Tung Sri Muang. They run a driving school there. To pass the test I believe one has to have a manual geared car. I suggest you get hold of a copy of the Thai driving road code to study it up for the written test. Also a medical test is required before getting a driver's licence.

  4. But is it Lamb? Judging by the size of the cut and joint I would say it was hogget. A lamb is a young sheep between the ages of 3-6 months of age when killed. A hogget is a young sheep aged between say 8 months and one year. A sheep between 1 year and two years old is called a two tooth. Thereafter, sheep when killed are called mutton. From seeing the size of the so called "lambs" meat on sale in Thailand I would say they are hoggets or two tooths. Lamb from NZ is extremely tender but lacks the meaty flavour of older stock. "Lamb" is used as a marketing tool to sell more older sheep meat. But then, if it tastes good who cares?

    Dave you have got that a little wrong. Lamb is up to 1 year old, Hogget is over 1 year and Mutton is old Sheep and are also called Weathers in Oz. The older sheep often have a much stronger taste but can be a bit tough, the art is in the cooking. Sheep farmers in Oz can cook and old Leg of Mutton and have it as tender as Lamb. I'm sure what N'Joy are serving would be NZ or Oz Lamb from Makro and as i have eaten other dishes there i'm sure it would be good. She is a Very Good Cook and her Bloke is an Aussie.

    I agree with you DJH77. Same goes for for us from up above! biggrin.png

    Yes; well was it Pork, how was it prepared and served .. and which "cut" was used. I really feel that N'Joy are misleading us over this and if there is a "Trade Description" governing body in Thailand then we should throw the book at the management ... and I feel that a very strong letter to the Bangkok Post is to be penned shortly.

    Come on guys, ease up we're in paradise here. N'Joy, Wrong Way, TC Bar and Bergen's gaffe provide great services. Roast Lamb is Roast Lamb.

    If you had a Sunday Lunch in a Boozer in UK would they give the exact term on the blackboard? .... No!!

    Such pedantry is pretty unnecessary here.


    I am new to this forum but I found the above very interesting. Here is link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lamb_and_mutton that defines the terms lamb, hogget and mutton more clearly. It appears that NZers and Australians have clear definations but in the USA all shhep meat is called lamb. Maybe what the writer above was referring to was Spring lamb?

  5. What are the top 5 places one should visit while in Nakhon Phanom?

    Don't forget the Mekong River Cruise boat, leaves from in front of the Indochina market at 17.00hrs. Price fifty baht per person, approximately one hour duration.


    Boat is the best value in town as it's now leaving a little later due to the 19.00 hrs sunset.

    In my opinion, the other hotels suggested are out-dated and over-priced. Others north on the river are far better; there is even the Chelsea restaurant owned & run by a Thai lady who worked in the uK for 20+ years..

    Try the middle of town walking west from the Vietnamese clock tower for the best quick/cheap/local meals available in countless restaurants. If you go north 75m from the clock tower, 2 brothers have great Thai food and draft beer which is also overlooking the river -- my wife thinks I'm too old to go in there; but what the h***; draught beer & good Thai food by the river, every day please.

    I stayed in NP on Monday and Tuesday. Rained both days. For dinner on Monday night we ate at the House on the Edge of the Kong. It is 100 m up from the Chelsea restaurant. I have been there many times over the years. For Tuesday lunch we went to the Chelsea restaurant. Okay nice view and very clean. NP is a very quiet place at night. Almost dead by 8 pm. Not like Ubon where we live which seems to go all night and is now having massive traffic jams. No traffic jams in NP.

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