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NerNer Na NerNer

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Posts posted by NerNer Na NerNer

  1. I think it's you who cannot read. I asked you very clearly to explain exactly why you don't think I have a clue as to what I'm talking about. READ MY REPLY AND FIND ONE STATEMENT YOU DON'T BELIEVE TO BE TRUE.

    I'm also confused. Jimi007 disagreed with your post but then went on to talk about something completely different and hasn't clarified his comments since. He seems to be on a complete tangent!

    I disagree with your use of the word corruption. For corruption to be corruption payments need to be made outside of the law. If the payments made fall inside the boundaries of the laws of the country in question, then it can't possibly be corruption. When "we call it corruption" as you said we did, we are wrong. It is only corruption if applied to the systems we are used to in the West, but that doesn't make it corruption in the country of implementation.

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