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Posts posted by kingbilly

  1. If you double the size of the dish you will get approximate 6db increase in gain. Although theoretically you might see some improvement in light rain, it will never eliminate "rain fade". Heavy rain can attenuate the signal more than 40db. I have noticed that the new "HD" box seems to be more sensitive to rain but since the old one no longer works, I can't compare them side by side. I mentioned this to True and they said that they are continually updating there software via direct upload to "enhance the stability of the signal with the new HD box". This is their words exactly via e-mail. The latest software version is 401 which was uploaded to my box on 23 August. Don't really see any improvement, when ithe signal goes out I know it's time to get the laundry in. True would probably try to charge more if they knew that I was using it as a rain detector!

    Many years ago, when I was involved in the manufacture of LNB's for Sky etc. we had a test laughingly known as the "PEA" Test - no, it did not involve Golden Showers, it involved someone climbing onto the roof of the lab with a 2KG bag of Birds Eye frozen peas, they were rained down onto the LNB to simulate hailstones! (They actually proved quite interesting as to how the LNB would perform under vibration) Back then, the LNB was state of the art electronics and commanded a high price - I think the old Blue Caps were over 40 quid to Sky at the time - 2.4dB noise figure and 46dB gain - now everywhere is flooded with cheap Chinese <deleted>! that costs about 2 dollars in materials.

  2. In my experience of Thai Dish Installations - you would be better off getting someone who was competent in aligning and peaking your current dish with a decent signal meter rather than having Somchai 1 watching the TV while Somchai 2 moves it left a bit right a bit up a bit down a bit - Bernie the Bolt!

    Rain fade should not be an issue not with those dishes, as said earlier in the days of analogue it was an issue which could be overcome with various folded wet towels and a TV close by - these days in the digital age it should either work or turn to static "Blocks" then blue screen - I have seen more than 10 installations here usually "True" (the little red dish) and not one of them even used a meter for signal strength. The other thing that might be worth a try is to run your reciver for half an hour to warm up the LNB (They might be powered on all the time these days) then adjust the Local Oscillator frequency ever so slightly in your receiver set up menu - They are normally 9.750 GHz and 10.600GHz. in a standard Universal LNB, however, manufacturing tolerances are generally +/- 3.0Mhz but less scrupulous brands will be +/-5MHz or more and set up at whatever ambient temperature who knows!

    In temperatures here which are quite high, the LO will tend to drift a little low in high temperatures, and then increase in frequency as it cools off.

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  3. Mine came from InvadeIT....good service....english spoken they are a sponser. I was very happy with the water cooled system I got from them.

    I have used Invadeit a lot in the past, however, they are not as good as they used to be - I have been after an upgrade for a few months now - each time I contact them with a list of things I need they for some reason NEVER have the RAM that they keep advertising! It is really annoying as they keep it advertised on their site yet when you place the order, the same old story - no RAM - if you haven't got the product, and you are not going to have the product over the course of a few months, take it off the site - it only pisses customers off!

    I saw on the website they are branching into fridges and irons now......bad sign...it usually signifies turning into a box store.

    Nah, surely not! Fridges and Irons??? I hope they don't start flogging noodles! I ended up going to Goodspeed as recommended earlier, I have used them before and they are usually OK, and I picked up what looks like a nice little compact cooler - it is the Intel RTS2011LC, a bit of a tight squeeze to get it into the Coolermaster HAF 912 Case due to the huge exhaust fan on the top of the case - but with a bit of dismantling and replacing fan position and radiator it looks quite good - just waiting for the MB and Processor to turn up so I can put it to the test.

    Interestingly, I was reading some threads earlier regarding the i7 3770K where people are delidding the CPU and cleaning off the gunk Intel are using instead of solder and some are managing a 20C decrease in temps........rather you than me though!

    I also picked up some RAM while I was there - it was just too tempting not to. As I said before, I was getting nowhere trying to buy RAM from Invadeit.

    Anyway, I ended up buying 4 sticks of G Skill Ripjaws - 32GB, in for a penny in for a pound so to speak. Well this had "BUY ME" written all over it - I just hope it works with the new MB - anyone know for sure as ASUS state 32GB max in 4 slots, but if you look at their approved vendor listing for the P8Z77 de luxe MB, there is not one single vendor qualified at 32GB - the nearest is something like 24GB with 3 sticks! and the manual they supply doesn't even reccommend a 3 stick line up - guess I will have to try it and see.

    Anyway the RAM is F3-1600C9S-8GXM if that means much to the initiated? runs at 1.5V instead of my current 1.65 Kingston.

  4. Firstly, from my experience (being a torrent fan) I wouldn't touch a D-link router with anyones bargepole - they are /were CRAP! They will hang the moment you get any volume of traffic. Do yourself a favour and spend a little bit more and buy something half decent like Linksys, Cisco or even at a push Belkin, anything but D-link!

  5. Sometimes you can get weird stuff happening in Win 7 if you have your computer set to sleep or hibernate. For what it is worth, if I was you I would go into device manager with the external drive connected and showing up in the device manager screen. Then right click on it and uninstall it.

    Next I would shut down the computer, remove the drive and reboot - check that all is well and go into Device manager and make sure there are no listings for the drive you uninstalled.

    Once happy there, make sure you have the latest drivers downloaded to a convenient place for the drive - you probably won't need them in Win 7 as it usually finds drivers it needs anyway.

    Shut down agin and reconnect the drive - now power on and reboot and see if it recognises the drive.

    good luck.

  6. Mine came from InvadeIT....good service....english spoken they are a sponser. I was very happy with the water cooled system I got from them.

    I have used Invadeit a lot in the past, however, they are not as good as they used to be - I have been after an upgrade for a few months now - each time I contact them with a list of things I need they for some reason NEVER have the RAM that they keep advertising! It is really annoying as they keep it advertised on their site yet when you place the order, the same old story - no RAM - if you haven't got the product, and you are not going to have the product over the course of a few months, take it off the site - it only pisses customers off!

  7. Try reseting the cooler. Especially check the amount of thermal interface material; if it's a pad clean it off and put a good high quality paste or if a paste is on there make sure you don't have too much. The material should just be enough to fill in any voids between the die and the cooler base.

    It has been out twice before already, never got much cooler than this.

    What I did find though was that by putting a strip of adhesive tape around the edge of the fan and onto the fins of the heat exchanger, it makes a better seal and forces the air to be drawn through the fins rather than from anywhere around them - it is still only a couple of degrees though.

  8. Does anyone know anywhere in Chiang Mai that sells water or liquid coolers for CPUs? (mainly interested in LGA1155).

    Currently running LGA 1156 - Core i5 - 750 overclocked to 3.9GHz. It has the Coolermaster Hyper 212+ fitted, but it still gets a bit on the hot side, and I m about to move over to a new M/B with the P8Z77 and i7 -3770K.

    The room is not air conditioned, only fans - not too warm. The Coolermaster at idle with 1 "pull" fan fitted runs at about 45C Idle, 90C full load - Intel Burn Test.

    I refitted the fan in "push configuration" and exactly the same temperatures.

    I added an additional fan in a "push pull" configuration and under load it dropped by a massive 1C to 89C!

    The case has a 120 mm vent fan on the top, another 120mm on the rear as an exhaust and another 120mm on the front as an intake - nothing makes much difference. I pulled the side panel off and stuck a 240V 400mm Hatari desk fan directly over the CPU Cooler and even that set on full power only dropped the load temperatures down by 5C to about 84C!

    I think the next step is to look at liquid cooling as the 3770K runs a lot hotter when overclocked.

    Has anyone any experience here with liquid cooling and can give me any advice on make / model etc. and where to buy in Chiang Mai if possible - any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.

  9. Sometimes it is hard to contain anger - the empathy towards the Southern people is waning fast to the point where I would (almost) suggest round them all up, not matter what creed or colour, and send them back across the border. They have no rights and were given solace in being allowed to stay in Thailand against persecution and biting off the hand that feeds you is no way to express thanks. Destroying innocents lives due to religious BS and beliefs is unacceptable in the 21st century. And if this was a retaliatory gesture from a Thai person against Muslims, go with them. Thailand does not need you or your stupidity. And take your brainwashed families with you. angry.png

    Not really as clear cut or as black and white as you may think -


  10. I received a report from a Thai hospital after an acute pacreatitus attack, I was then given a CT scan where the results are emailed to another hospital in another province, as the doctors here must be unable to interpret the results.

    I would be greatful if anyone here is able to put the following comments into "laymans terms" Much appreciated.

    1 Decreased density of liver parenchyma without space occupying lesion.

    2: Diffuse enlarged Pancreas, 3cm in thickness, with peripancreatic fat and anterior pararenal space stranding.

    3: Mild dilation of of transverse colon and collapsed descending colon is noted - (I wondered here if this was due to the fact that had not been allowed to eat or drink anything for 4 days prior to the CT or is it another real problem?)

    4: The stomach and small bowel are not remarkable (I take this means they can't see enough of it or it is OK????)

    5: No free intraperitoneal fluid or intra abdominal fluid or intra abdominal lymphadenopathy.

    The conclusion was Acute Pancreatitus Balthazar Grade C + Fattly liver.

    I presume that the pancreas suffers no necrosis so it is not "Chronic...is this correct?

    The part about the liver and lesion - does this mean there are problems with lesions or do all livers have lesions?

    Any assistance to let me know exactly what this means would be great - like have I got days to live or maybe longer?

    Many thanks!

  11. If they wanted to stop the problem it could be done in a week by banning the operators who extort. Extortion for fake damages = instant ban and confiscation of jet ski. Easy.

    It seems they really don't want to stop the problem, maybe there is too much money involved for all parties to close it down?

    Every 6 months some new hardline policies are trotted out but nothing changes.

    The real losers of course are the tourists who come for a holiday and naively believe they might have some protection against being scammed in such a busy tourist spot

    imv an above board honest jet ski operation would be a sure fire money earner, I and 000's of tourists would love to jump on a jet ski, i'd pay between 500-1,000 baht per half hour/hour, in any one year a fleet of 50 jet skis would generate a lot of baht, so why does not this happen?

    the Mafia who run the scam must be doing even better from robbing the naive? with local police and local pattaya council officials getting their cut they dont want to kill the golden goose, as previous and other posters have said it would be easy to stop, sadly the use of corruption seems to be a way of life in Thailand

    Whilst I totally agree with your idea, I think you would find the honest good value operation "sabotaged" very quickly and the operators life in danger rather quickly by the groups (mafia) who you would be diluting their lucrative business!

  12. If you haven't got legal permission from the mother to take your son out of the country it is possible that he won't be allowed to leave with you. This is the first thing you have to sort out. Without it all the rest of your plans are just wishful thinking.

    I have an expired UK passport a UK Birth certificate, a UK birth certificate and a Thai passport plus a Thai Birth Cert!

    And you think that this solves your problems? Sorry Op, but if you would REALLY read what you have been told here (not only by me), then you would first of all make sure that you can take your son back to the UK with all the legal paperwork needed. Everything else is irresponsible, not only towards yourself but most of all towards your son.

    I have the feeling that this is not anymore about your son only... this is about yourself, this is about you being desparate to admit to your son that you caused a huge mess... this is about yourself who is afraid of looking into the eyes of your son and tell me "daddy made some mistakes, so we can't go now as I promised you"...

    i can not explain your irrational actions and ideas about fleeing the country in any other way... I can not otherweise explain why you care more about two bikes than about the legal documents needed to travel... this is just plain stupidity what you want to do now...

    this is against the best interest of your son!

    Then you have very little idea about the problems we face here! - The bikes are really his most precious thing,. he does not want to leave them behind for the scum to sell, he wants his bike as it was given to him as a birthday present a few years back, that is al!

  13. If you haven't got legal permission from the mother to take your son out of the country it is possible that he won't be allowed to leave with you. This is the first thing you have to sort out. Without it all the rest of your plans are just wishful thinking.

    I have an expired UK passport a UK Birth certificate, a UK birth certificate and a Thai passport plus a Thai Birth Cert!

  14. I can understand the OP being in a stressful situation, that does not give him license to post in a profane manner. I got tired of editing profanities out of posts and started deleting posts that contained quoted posts containing profanities. Calm down and post in a civil manner and drop the profanities.

    Apologies, I did not think I posted profanities, and if I did...sorry, I am just in a bit of a REAL pickle!

  15. You say been planning this for a year, but why then is there all this last minute rush?

    Not sure, but I think the biggest hurdle will be getting the kid out without mothers consent. Maybe even the UK embassy will flag it up to the Thai authorities - i dont know.

    Honestly think you should play for time, cool out, and work it all out meticulously.

    Play the mother so she signs the travel consent. Maybe she is agreeing now, but like you say when you disappear with kid, and the reality sinks in she can easily get on to immigration to stop the kid leaving - and then as others have said, you could be in a lot more shit.

    Take a bit more time - think it all through, and cover everything!

    Mate, that is just the way I am...It takes a slegehammer at times to make me realise I need to change, for years I really believed that things could work out, finally, I know they won't, believe me I am being honest, I have tried millions of times but it is just not going to work and the only perso9n I am kidding is ME!

    I cannot just sit here pretending that everything will be roses in the morning, I have an 11 year old and it really won't be alright in the morning for him!

    I understand what your saying. Just dont rush it. Find out what you have to do.

    The problem I have is if I just don't do it now, there will allways be someone whispering in my ear and making me change my mind...I have to do do it when I am angry and pissed off!

  16. You say been planning this for a year, but why then is there all this last minute rush?

    Not sure, but I think the biggest hurdle will be getting the kid out without mothers consent. Maybe even the UK embassy will flag it up to the Thai authorities - i dont know.

    Honestly think you should play for time, cool out, and work it all out meticulously.

    Play the mother so she signs the travel consent. Maybe she is agreeing now, but like you say when you disappear with kid, and the reality sinks in she can easily get on to immigration to stop the kid leaving - and then as others have said, you could be in a lot more shit.

    Take a bit more time - think it all through, and cover everything!

    Mate, that is just the way I am...It takes a slegehammer at times to make me realise I need to change, for years I really believed that things could work out, finally, I know they won't, believe me I am being honest, I have tried millions of times but it is just not going to work and the only perso9n I am kidding is ME!

  17. Hi kingbilly

    While we all appreciate your concern and your passion to do the right thing for your son, I think you need to take some minutes to read through the advice given by a few on this thread.

    Many have tried to point out all the issues that will arise from trying to rush everything.

    If you really must get your son to start on the 4th Sept, one option could be to take him there.....once passport is sorted, legal consent from his mom is sorted. And you can come back to Thailand to sort out the rest of your belongings and selling the car. I think youd be hard pushed to be able to sell it overnight. All the premium you are willing to pay in terms of luggage, transport, reduced price for car - can all easily be used to fund your trip back to sort them out. You can take your son to start school, stay couple weeks with him and your mom. Then leave son in her care for a bit? While u are in UK u can still work on selling the car through online ads.

    I'm going to close this thread for a bit. Please send me or one of the online mods a pm when you have had some time to consider your options.

    Take care

    OK Thanks for your advice...things my end are a bit hectic, I sat down tonight with my son (YET AGAIN) and he just wants out, I warned him about possible racism in the UK, the fact that he is a different colour and he souldn't give a monkeys arse, he just wants to leave, The sad thin I have watched over the last year he was a wirey little 8 stone Thai, and over one year has turned into a 60 KG fat lump, he does not want to go out on his bike or excersise, he is shy that Thai people look at him and me as a foreigner and seem to make joke, enough is enough, he needs a bit more normality to his life than this

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