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Posts posted by GaoYuk

  1. Yeah 3 or 4 years of age for Anuban 1. My daughter started at 3 yrs 3 months but the majority of her classmates are a year older, some of the parents put thier kids in at 4 so they 'have some sort of advantage' over thier younger classmates..suppose it is just glorified nursery for the first couple of years but its good for them to get into a routine and develop some social skills.

  2. Having babies at this age is normal and natural.

    Only our twisted western society sees it as wrong.


    Twoddle. Is that a Buddhist word. He got married at 16 years of age. As we get older as a society are we not able to do things as well as we did when we were a young society?

    Yeah the younger the parents are counts for more stability later on down the line obviously...stick to religion, you'll be just fine..:rolleyes:
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