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Posts posted by Moesi66

  1. The Brasserie closed a few months ago.

    But Jeed the owner (aka "Blues Mama") was going to re-open a new Blues Bar very soon.

    Everything was looking good, but two weeks ago she got serious sick.

    She got Dengue Fever and had a cerebral bleeding.

    Now she is getting better but the costs for the Hospital are extremely high,

    Thats why all the local Blues Musicans are organizing a Benefit Concert to help her:



    More information: www.facebook.com/events/911188445627339/

    If you have the possibility to join there, please go and enjoy the fantastic Blues Bands.

    Most of Chiang Mai's top Blues Stars will be there.

    All receipts and donations are for Jeed.

    She did a lot for the Chiang Mai's Blues Scene and now she needs our help.

    (If you want to send money, there is also a Bank Account on the Facebook Page)

    Best regards


  2. I'm just for a few days here and as usual, I always try to make some good Videos with my Camcorder with an external Microphone...

    Here my newest ones from Took at the Brasserie:

    In my Channel you will also find lots older Videos from Took because he is a good friend of mine since lots of years.

    An in my opinion, he is one of the best musicans I ever met.

    Here some Videos withTook at the Chiang Mai Jazz Festival last week:

    I will upload soon more Videos from him as soon as I have time to edit all the recordings :-)

    Hope you enjoy them same as I do :-)

    Best regards from Chiang Mai


  3. I'm here since 4 days and spent almost every night in the new Brasserie.

    For me its same good like in the old Brasserie.

    I really enjoyed it like all the years in the past.

    There are two fantastic Bands playing.

    They change around 11PM.

    Took is mostly there and Jams from time to time with the Bands.

    I think its like before, he often starts playing very late. Around 11:30 PM or later.

    The only difference: In the old Brasserie it was not allowed to make Videos (or only one).

    Now Took gave his OK and so I came every night with my Camcorder

    La Grange:

    The Thrill is gone:

    Purple Rain (withoutTook):

    Mary had a little lamb (without Took):

    Comfortably Numb

    Killing Floor:

    I will upload some more Videos in the same Youtube Channel "MoesiTV".

    Here again the map:

    or in Facebook: Facebook: "Brasserie Chiangmai"

    Regards, Stefan

  4. Hi all,

    I am new in this Forum - even if I read here frequently since years.

    I Just got the Link to this Thread from a friend who also was wondering about the Brasserie...

    I am frequently in Thailand and Chiang Mai and also for me, the Brasserie was always the first Destination in CNX!

    Last Week I was there for a few Days:

    Its just sad. The Brasserie is really not existing anymore. Where it was is now a new Building.

    I was also wondering, why Took not answered my Mails two weeks before.

    After the first shock, as I heard about the End of the Brasserie,

    some friends of Took gave me the tip to go to the Boy Blues Bar.

    Took seems to jam there "frequently".

    And just as I was there, he really came and started to play.

    I recorded three "Songs" (Jams) with my Camcorder in quite a good Quality and uploaded them to Youtube.

    Unfortunately I can not post Links here? There is an error Message if I try.

    So I can only give you my Youtube Username: MoesiTV

    If you search for it in Youtube, you will find my Channel.

    The newest three Clips are named:

    Took (aka Tuk) jamming with "Boy" in Boy Blues Bar Chiang Mai (Thailand) 1/3, HD, HQ

    Took (aka Tuk) jamming with "Boy" in Boy Blues Bar Chiang Mai (Thailand) 2/3, HD, HQ

    Took (aka Tuk) jamming with "Boy" in Boy Blues Bar Chiang Mai (Thailand) 3/3, HD, HQ

    (There are also some older Clips from Took in my Youtube-Channel, but mostly not good quality, because recorded with Mobile-Phones)

    As he finished playing we could not speak too much.

    As I understood, yes he "lost" his Mother and is very depressive in the Moment and he is looking for a new place.

    Hope we can update soon where this place will be ...

    Regards, Stefan

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