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Posts posted by NY2Thailand

  1. I do not live in Thailand, only visit a couple of times per year, and thus it's hard to follow-up on these stories, or know what the ultimate resolution is. Perhaps it is equally difficult for locals to track what happens, but in this instance I hope enough will do so. How on earth this couple were ever allowed out on bail I don't understand; hopefully they will be arrested again within a matter of days, and kept in jail for the duration of the judicial process. And it's great to see that some are actively working to get this poor child the medical attention she so desperately needs. And will continue to need because it will take countless surgeries over the course of many years to address the damage inflicted at the hands of this couple. And while I am glad this horrific situation was brought to light, was it really necessary to parade her in front of a room filled with strange men with cameras? Telling her story could have been done in a much more appropriate, and dignified manner.

  2. It's definitely not Rosabieng, but I think Baan Klang Nam might be it! The photos look almost exactly, or very close to what I remember it as. The only possible difference is I don't (necessarily) recall it overlooking a large body of water, but it certainly could have. If it's not Baan Klang Nam then it's someplace that looks almost exactly like it. Thanks very much for the response!!

  3. Well, it's not Cabbages and Condoms, but the feel/look is much closer to it than Spoon. Still a little too crowded in terms of tables/seating, and wrong area. Another way I might describe the wood decks and walkways at the restaurant I'm trying to locate is they have a "pier" atmosphere or feel to them. Older planks, some distance between tables and seating areas etc. And again, the area in the middle was open I think (perhaps with plants? And a little distance to the bottom...in other words, the decks/walkways are raised, hence the referecnce to a 'pier').

  4. It's been about 8 years since I was in Thailand; I used to visit 3-4 X per year for up to 4 weeks per trip, but my long term job in Asia ended and I moved back to the United States. I will be returning to Bkk for a long holiday later this year. About a decade ago I visited a restaurant but can not remember the exact name or location, and was hoping someone might be able to identify it for me. I can remember in great detail most of the restaurants I used to patronize, but I only visted this place once and the particulars (location, menu) are sketchy at best. Here's what I do remember. It was an outdoor setting, or a large portion of it was anyway. There were a series of wood decks and walkways, perhaps arranged in a sort of squared design, with an open area in the middle. There may have been individual pavillions, or sections at the corners; it wasn't very busy the night we were there so I can't recall how close the tables were to one another, but I do recall there being a somewhat open feel to the place. There may have also been water features (fish ponds?) but I'm not 100% certain about this. As far as location goes, I've always remembered it being (perhaps) near the end of Sathorn (or less likely, Silom), going towards the expressway or river. I don't think it was in a very busy area, and certainly wasn't on one of the main roads or well-lit/high traffic tourist areas. But it could have been just off one of these areas, or just as easily in an adjacent neighborhood. Whatever the case, if it wasn't in the Sathorn area, it was nearby. I recall returning to the busier part of Silom pretty quickly after the meal was concluded. Strange that I am interested in going back to a place I remember so little about, but I do have good memories of the evening in question. Whether or not that was the company, or ambiance as opposed to the food, I really can't say. I did a bit of a general search online in the area/s I think it might have been located, without success. I came across one place, Thanying, that I thought might be it, but upon review of photos etc I really don't think so. There weren't many images of raised wood decks or outdoor seating areas, which is the main feature I recall about the restuarant in question. I also found the Salathip restuarant at the Shangri-La Hotel, and this looked more promising, but the place I went to may have been (slightly) more casual. But then again, maybe not! Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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