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Posts posted by bangkokkid

  1. Actually Moore’ was a nice girl, a good girl and a girl who ‘worked hard’ and achieved more than a lot of her so called ‘customers’

    She is intelligent and fun to be with and used to be a very happy go lucky kind of girl not so long ago.

    Come-on !!! reading what she is alleged to have done, I find your post very hard to believe.

    And I'll reserve my compassion for the victim thank you very much - i.e. the girl that won't be waking-up this morning and won't be sitting in a police station with sunglasses on and smirk all over he face.

    I also enjoy going to these bars, drinking and enjoying the company of the girls that work in them, but I have very little sympathy for anyone that butchers another human being - whatever the extenuating circumstances.

    Hi - yes you are right, it was an ugly incident.

    what do you think makes a human being do such a things to someone else? they don't just wake up one day and decide to slash someone....... its the drugs/drink mixture...... probabally totally off her head and didnt even realise she had done it at the time.

    life is a bit more complicated than simply she is good and she is bad.

    This has to go down to a 'drug death', without the drugs this would have never have happened!


    Sorry, I don't buy that - and I never mentioned she was bad - the point I made was I don't believe she is deserving of my compassion, or yours for that matter. I'll save mine for the slain girl's friends and family.

    What I do take issue with is your description of her as a nice, good, hard-working girl as if that is somehow a mitigating factor in this awful crime.

    I don't believe in the death penalty, but I do hope that if she is found guilty, she'll go away for a long-time. Nobody deserves to suffer as this victim probably did, during her last few minutes of life.

    As a number of other posters have mentioned, I think this might be more about uncontrollable rage, than drugs.

    She cannot possibly deserve your compassion, because you didnt know her or her circumstances. she was a good hard working girl and she did achieve. But she has my compassion because i knew her and i know what she was going through.

    True - thats not an excuse for the crime she apparently committed and she will pay for her sins with the best part of her life in Jail. its only obvious that an outsider should have compassion for the victim, i can understand that.

    Yes a number of posters say all types of things, not much of it true.

    she knew the other girl very well, they were so called friends, got high together, fought, argued and sadly it looks like one killed the other.

    no she wasnt a bad girl at all...... and i met her plenty of times when she was not high to know her character well.....

  2. Actually Moore’ was a nice girl, a good girl and a girl who ‘worked hard’ and achieved more than a lot of her so called ‘customers’

    She is intelligent and fun to be with and used to be a very happy go lucky kind of girl not so long ago.

    Come-on !!! reading what she is alleged to have done, I find your post very hard to believe.

    And I'll reserve my compassion for the victim thank you very much - i.e. the girl that won't be waking-up this morning and won't be sitting in a police station with sunglasses on and smirk all over he face.

    I also enjoy going to these bars, drinking and enjoying the company of the girls that work in them, but I have very little sympathy for anyone that butchers another human being - whatever the extenuating circumstances.

    Hi - yes you are right, it was an ugly incident.

    what do you think makes a human being do such a things to someone else? they don't just wake up one day and decide to slash someone....... its the drugs/drink mixture...... probabally totally off her head and didnt even realise she had done it at the time.

    life is a bit more complicated than simply she is good and she is bad.

    This has to go down to a 'drug death', without the drugs this would have never have happened!


  3. Actually Moore’ was a nice girl, a good girl and a girl who ‘worked hard’ and achieved more than a lot of her so called ‘customers’

    She is intelligent and fun to be with and used to be a very happy go lucky kind of girl not so long ago.

    One of the reasons she got herself into such a state is her ex French boyfriend, who abused her and ridiculed her and made her life a misery. He and his friends have a lot to answer for this. Sure the drink and drugs did not help and just accelerated her into a deep depression.

    Before everyone who never even met her, just puts her down as another ‘killer whore’ – just remember when we go into these bars we are no better than the working girls and also remember the next time you drink too much get angry with someone and wish to harm them.

    Terrible shame, 2 wasted lives ….

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