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Posts posted by daveb1

  1. There really comes a point here in Thailand when yet another dopey Thai driver cuts you up, wanders from one lane of traffic to another not even looking if anything is in their way, or my favorite stops dead in the middle of 3 or 4 lanes of fast moving traffic or cuts across 3 or 4 lanes of fast moving traffic at 3 mph. The more I live and drive in this country the more I have come to the conclusion that Thais are the worst drivers in the world!

    Also I have recently notices with a great deal of alarm the huge number if busses and coaches in Pattaya with completely bald tyres! Lethal!

    • Like 2
  2. Hi Last week I paid my partners True phone bill out of my Thai bank account as an online payment unfortunately instead of paying 650.56 baht I made a mistake and must have not put a decimal point in and paid 65,056.00baht!

    For 4 days this meant that my balance for my retirement visa dropped around 11,000 baht below the 800,000 baht required. As soon as I spotted the problem on my bank statement 4 days later I paid 65.056 back into the account instantly. I am now waiting for the phone company to refund the overpay which they say will take 2 to 3 weeks.

    I have all the paperwork to prove this happened and it was a mistake. (Phone bill, copy of payment. Bank Statement, phone account statement etc.)Anyone know how understanding immigration in Jomteim will be about this when I apply for my new retirement visa due in about 3 weeks’ time. Any advice on anything else I can do or anyone had a similar experience? As I am starting to get worried. Thanks

  3. Because of the mass abuse of this visa, they really should stop it altogether. Given up counting the amount of people that talk about having an ED Visa and never attending a college. Its a money spinner for the schools and its unfair to those of us that have gone through he correct channels to process our appropriate visas. Get rid of it!

    It's amazing the degree of mean-spiritedness coming mostly by foreigners against other foreigners on this forum. Happily, the wonderful Thai immigration authorities are in practice MUCH more reasonable. The ED visa used according the rules IS a totally proper, totally legitimate visa. It's very offensive to suggest otherwise.

    . I agree stop being so mean spirited. And it's about time thailand made it fairer for people to stay here and stopped all the silly rules, often people have no other choice because of the way the system works. I hate to agree with a view that I have often seen on here but sometimes you do feel that the country wants our money and investment but really does not want to give us anything in return. In the end it will be bad news for Thailand which would be a shame. I should add that I am not on an education visa myself.
  4. Yes you can you just need to set up the VPN connection on your iPad to fool it into thinking you are in the uk then it will work. At the moment you can only stream programmes from the iPad you can't download them. You will need to install the free bbc iPad app from the iTunes store make sure your VPN is on first. Hope that helps

  5. Hi Pib, here are my TP link results not sure what they tell you. Our local connection speed is always pretty good.Just did a speed test, Bangkok ping 45ms download 9.58 upload 0.51 and very smooth constant graph but on London speed test, ping 829ms download 0.66 upload 0.17 and massive peaks and troughs in the graph. That seems to be my main problem as trying to stream TV from the UK won’t work with constant buffering. True is not available in my area, stops short about 1 mile away which is very frustrating. TOT does have a fibre 2u service but not sure how good that is and if it will solve my problem

    Downstream Upstream

    SNR Margin


    14.9 32.0 db

    Line Attenuation


    43.0 16.2 db

    Data Rate


    11264 634 kbps



    18.3 14.3 dbm



    11176 0

  6. I know this topic has been covered before, but most of the posts are quite old and the market seems to be moving fast.

    Anyone got any advice on the best company for faster international speeds. Currently with TOT but the service is very unreliable with speeds constantly up and down and a very uneven service. We pay for 9MG locally get anything from 2-8 internationally normally under 1mg which is not fast enough for TV streaming, way too much buffering.

    So what’s the best and fastest provider? Does True have hi speed internet in this area and what are international speeds like? Anything over 2MG internationaly should be fine for streaming. Any ideas on best companies and costs, don’t mind paying more for a reliable international speed?


  7. British expats on this website always moan about the price of everything. I dont think I am in the minority as everyone i have spoken to thinks its great value and a great service. You will always find cheap Charlies who dont want to pay the going rate. I know Peter is trying to keep the system going. I hope he finds a way.

  8. I am guessing by your comments that you have not watched any UK TV recently or checked on the price of other systems.

    There are a lot of very good shows on British TV at the moment from fantastic documentaries on Channel four to great comedy, drama and entertainment on all the other channels. Having thoroughly researched the alternatives, nothing comes close to the ease of use or value for money that the UKTV system offers. It’s also my understanding that it’s got nothing to do with not enough people subscribing from what Peter has told me.

    So I and I know a number of my friends hope that Peter finds a way to keep it going.

    Compared to the absolute rubbish that some local suppliers offer at more than double the price its great value

  9. What is it with old guys in Pattaya with really bad dyed hair! you can always tell it’s dyed because it’s usually jet black and looks ridiculous. Are they just trying to impress there 20 year old Thai girlfriends. Here’s a tip don’t bother it looks very silly. And while we are on the subject of hair what is it with you guys with very little hair on top who wear silly pony tails, to my mind pony tails all look stupid anyway and should be cut off by law! I have a real urge to snip them all off these guys when there not looking!....................and don’t even get me started on toupees why do men wear them, Bless em!!! In case you’re wondering I am quite bald on top so took the decision some years ago to keep my hair shaved short. There ends my rant for todaybiggrin.png

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  10. Taninthai, I agree with you re the problems, although I must admit since they started charging for the service I have not had any problems with not being able to watch or record programmes. (Although it did happen a fee times during the trial period) I am guessing that they are recording the programs here in Thailand via a very fast internet link and then making them available on a local server which is why there is no buffering. I guess sometimes there server may fail (knowing what TOT and the other internet providers are like here) which may be why the system fails now and again. Considering I could only ever watch BBC i player stuff with TV proxy personally I think it’s worth the money to get all the channels but I guess it’s down to personal preference in the end. Hope your problem is fixed soon mine all seems to be working OK

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