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Cypress Hill

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Posts posted by Cypress Hill

  1. The stats I'm referring to are those of Western men in relationships with Thai women in Thailand. Yes, most Western men are married to Western women in Western countries. As a statement of the bleeding obvious combined with a red herring, that does take some beating.

    I was married in my early twenties. The biggest mistake of my life was to stay in a marriage for 28 years out of a sense of duty and responsibility. In hindsight, I should have walked away after a fortnight. After that, I had a relationship with a Western woman for 15 years. We slowly drifted apart.

    I don't consider myself handsome; however, I'm not ugly either. Most women I've met seem comfortable with my looks. So your sneers about fishing in the shallow end and 2/10 Western females are irrelevant.

    Coming to Thailand was a revelation to me. That doesn't mean I went bar-crazy. In fact, my Thai GF has been chosen very carefully.

    So you decide what actually matters in terms of smart? I'm not going to bother trying to explain to you the various areas in which Thais are better than us. It would be like trying to explain the social benefits of gun control to Donald Trump. I'll give one example though - one only has to take a ride in the Tube in London to work out the personal hygiene of some Brits borders on disgusting. But perhaps you're the exception, and shower daily.

    28 years? sick.gif God, how awful!

    Thank God I saw through that marriage BS

    Yes I guess I DO decide what type of smart is important to me. Sorry but knowing which stall to buy som tam from simply doesn't count

    I didn't come to Thailand and suddenly decide that the women were the best in the world because, based on what I look for in a woman, the overwhelming majority of those I've seen and met come up woefully short.

    Zero interests beyond gossip, lakhorn, iPhones, Hello Kitty, pandas and sharing pictures of food . . . and those weren't even bargirls or freelancers

    No, I think a lot of guys just sing Thai women's praises because they're the only ones available to them.

    If it works for you, great but some of us need a lot more than a pretty face and a passive nature

  2. Atleast i know 3 languages well enough to be able to have a conversation... unlike you, a monolingual reject minority that blame everything that went wrong in life on the "white devil" smile.png

    BTW, there should be a "dot" after the word "yours" in your sentence.

    LOL, 3 languages and still unable to articulate your point without insulting people

    Nothing went wrong in my life, matey but going by the bile in your posts, yours imploded big time somewhere along the line

    I'll lay any money that booze was - and probably still is, right, smack, bang in the middle of it

    Seriously, I have nothing but pity for you

    Go clean up, there's a good lad. Go on

  3. Yep, your modus operandi is becoming clearer with each post

    To wit, when someone lays it down in simple language that you find difficult to argue against, you chuck your toys and resort to petty insults

    Try making your argument in simple terms without coming over as an angry little man

    Your logic is following...

    "Doctor: sorry to inform you but you have cancer"

    "You: what? how can you know that?"

    "Doctor: well, because of reasons a, b and c"

    "You: you can't possible know what cancer is or anything about it as you yourself haven't had cancer!"


    My logic as far as you're concerned is the following

    "You: sorry to inform you but you have cancer"

    "Me: what? how can you know that?"

    "You: well, because of what I read on Livestrong.com

    "Me: So you can't possibly know what cancer is or anything about it because you're actually just a dustman with delusions of grandeur"

    You: Er . . . well, yeah . . . pretty much

    Obviously logic isn't your strong suite smile.png

    And spelling isn't yours

  4. If only you were right. Unless you are married, a farang's parental rights are zilch in Thailand. Try getting a dependent extension for your kid if you're not married to the mother.

    You need to get your facts straight


    Ok. Either married or prepared to go through the courts. Would this still allow the child to be added to the non-married farang father's extension?

    Yep and the criteria for that extension is less strict than that for the marriage extension

    What's more, you'll always be able to get a visa (if not an extension) provided you have the birth cert, the legalization papers and some dosh in the bank

    Not like if you get divorced in which case your marriage extension is history

    Court thing is a doddle if the mother consents - takes a couple of months and far fewer implications for the father than ending up married to a Thai woman

  5. Had it occurred to you that there just might not be one?

    What's the shortened version for describing a German or and Icelander? "Germ"?? "Ice-y"??

    You're trying to redefine what people should take offence at having never, yourself, been oppressed or maligned on account of either the colour of your skin or your race.

    Why not just be thankful for your good fortune instead of sitting here insisting that you, too, are a "victim"


    You live in such a la-la-land that it's hard to imagine you not using velcro shoes as shoelaces are too hard to tie.

    Yep, your modus operandi is becoming clearer with each post

    To wit, when someone lays it down in simple language that you find difficult to argue against, you chuck your toys and resort to petty insults

    Try making your argument in simple terms without coming over as an angry little man

    Your logic is following...

    "Doctor: sorry to inform you but you have cancer"

    "You: what? how can you know that?"

    "Doctor: well, because of reasons a, b and c"

    "You: you can't possible know what cancer is or anything about it as you yourself haven't had cancer!"


    My logic as far as you're concerned is the following

    "You: sorry to inform you but you have cancer"

    "Me: what? how can you know that?"

    "You: well, because of what I read on Livestrong.com

    "Me: So you can't possibly know what cancer is or anything about it because you're actually just a dustman with delusions of grandeur"

    You: Er . . . well, yeah . . . pretty much

  6. You DO know you didn't have to get married again to get laid here, right?

    But I DID need to get married to have parental rights over my children.


    No, you didn't

    Looks like you cocked it up again. MaeJo

    If only you were right. Unless you are married, a farang's parental rights are zilch in Thailand. Try getting a dependent extension for your kid if you're not married to the mother.

    You need to get your facts straight


  7. Try as hard as you can, but sorry to say you have seen the last of your daughter.

    Thai family will hide her from you, and lie to your face that they are unaware of her whereabouts.

    Please assumptions are useless

    Well said, mate. Seems you figured out very quickly whose "advice" you can safely afford to dismiss clap2.gif

    First you need a lawyer and then you need to get the court to issue an order.

    Once that's done and she fails to comply with it, the police should simply arrest her ass and compel her to reveal the child's location

    Horrible situation to be in but a resolution isn't as far away as some of the ****Inflammatory comment removed**** on here would have you believe

    Best of luck

  8. Some of us factor what's in between a woman's ears as well as what's between her legs when making a decision to stand still with her for a bit

    I doubt any man that claims to be having sex with three different women would be considered that great a catch.

    Sounds like just another 'hater' or 'user' to me.

    Maybe not but so long as he's not lying to or deceiving any of them about where they stand with him, no harm done

    I'm no hater and I'm no user - the women I deal with are adults - mind and body, mate and they appreciate a nice shag as much as I do

    You DO know you didn't have to get married again to get laid here, right?

  9. CH, it seems you do not like posts that have different thoughts to yourself....Back off from trying to degrade folk for talking....

    And hey, install a spell checker, even ol' Trans has one..........laugh.png.......Sorry CH.....


    Advising ME to install a spell-checker??

    Christ, that's rich

    Oh and I'm not trying to "degrade" folk for talking unlike the other guy you seem to be cheerleading for

    If my spelling was off you would have found it...Not going there cos there ain't any...

    You read wrong about who I agree with or not.....YOUR gray cells do that....

    Get your ass in gear and be constructive guy....thumbsup.gif

    Can someone decipher this gibberish?

  10. CH, it seems you do not like posts that have different thoughts to yourself....Back off from trying to degrade folk for talking....

    And hey, install a spell checker, even ol' Trans has one..........laugh.png.......Sorry CH.....


    Advising ME to install a spell-checker??

    Christ, that's rich

    Oh and I'm not trying to "degrade" folk for talking unlike the other guy you seem to be cheerleading for who can't help but pop off cheap shots whenever he can't make his point stick

  11. 'Brit' and 'Scot' aren't just shortened versions of British and Scottish, they're nouns in their own right referring to individuals with those nationalities. You don't call refer to an individual from Britain 'A British'.

    However, 'Paki' is not the equivalent noun for someone from Pakistan. Equating it with these words shows a certain ignorance of the English language - probably willfully so in some cases.

    So what is the shortened version of folk from Pakistan....?

    I am English....What is OK for folk to call me.......?

    Had it occurred to you that there just might not be one?

    What's the shortened version for describing a German or and Icelander? "Germ"?? "Ice-y"??

    You're trying to redefine what people should take offence at having never, yourself, been oppressed or maligned on account of either the colour of your skin or your race.

    Why not just be thankful for your good fortune instead of sitting here insisting that you, too, are a "victim"


    You live in such a la-la-land that it's hard to imagine you not using velcro shoes as shoelaces are too hard to tie.

    Yep, your modus operandi is becoming clearer with each post

    To wit, when someone lays it down in simple language that you find difficult to argue against, you chuck your toys and resort to petty insults

    Try making your argument in simple terms without coming over as an angry little man

  12. Lived with an issarn girl for the last 12 years, and still think daily about leaving her... Shes not lazy, doesnt ask for money and is completely self sufficient with her own business. so why would i think about leaving her you ask?

    Well to put it bluntly - its like living with a child, a very uneducated child. A very boring and highly volatile selfish and closed minded individual. Ofcourse i never thought that when i met her... infact i saw her as being much better than what was currently available, probably one of the better ones. But ask yourself as you live in this 3rd world, is this a step up or a step down? who benefits most from this relationship? us or them?

    Yes child like and I would add that many being emotionally immature and having a lack of curiosity makes it difficult to have a meaningful discussion about anything much, unless it's food or family of course. If you are looking for any sort of intellectual stimulation then it's unlikely, but not impossible, that an Issan girl will be able to provide it. If silent moods, irrational outbursts and an inability to reason are your thing though, well they are the best there is.

    But the majority of men on Thaivisa forums swear blind they're simply the best women in the world . . .


    No, I swear they are the cheapest and most easily available women in the world.

    (Aside from Pinoys, who are also cheap and available)

    As for moods, outbursts and inability to reason,

    I don't pay attention to any of that nonsense, she can do what she wants, I'm not listening.

    Some of us factor what's in between a woman's ears as well as what's between her legs when making a decision to stand still with her for a bit

    I'll definitely admit to having put up with moodiness, tantrums and the like but Christ, man, I figured out how to swerve that shit once I hit 22

    Since then, apart from the odd emotional outburst . . nada

    For this reason, I continue to love women to death

    You came here and married a 30-something with the mental age of a 13 year old - how can you complain?

  13. 'Brit' and 'Scot' aren't just shortened versions of British and Scottish, they're nouns in their own right referring to individuals with those nationalities. You don't call refer to an individual from Britain 'A British'.

    However, 'Paki' is not the equivalent noun for someone from Pakistan. Equating it with these words shows a certain ignorance of the English language - probably willfully so in some cases.

    So what is the shortened version of folk from Pakistan....?

    I am English....What is OK for folk to call me.......?

    Clearly reading comprehension is a bit of an issue for you. Brit is not short for British. It's the noun equivalent of an adjective.

    For people from Pakistan - as for those from many countries - the noun and adjective are the same word - 'Pakistani'.

    I'm not sure he knows what a noun or an adjective is

  14. 'Brit' and 'Scot' aren't just shortened versions of British and Scottish, they're nouns in their own right referring to individuals with those nationalities. You don't call refer to an individual from Britain 'A British'.

    However, 'Paki' is not the equivalent noun for someone from Pakistan. Equating it with these words shows a certain ignorance of the English language - probably willfully so in some cases.

    So what is the shortened version of folk from Pakistan....?

    I am English....What is OK for folk to call me.......?

    Had it occurred to you that there just might not be one?

    What's the shortened version for describing a German or and Icelander? "Germ"?? "Ice-y"??

    You're trying to redefine what people should take offence at having never, yourself, been oppressed or maligned on account of either the colour of your skin or your race.

    Why not just be thankful for your good fortune instead of sitting here insisting that you, too, are a "victim"


  15. Your ability to pay a local woman with financial imperatives to pretend to like you?

    It works for me!

    And so much easier than pretending to listen to what they say ...... or care about their 'feelings'.

    Up to you

    But am I jealous?

    Yeah, 'course I am

    You may not be jealous, but you certainly display weakness in this area by talking about it all the time. It seems like you have a personal attachment to this topic. I can't think of any other reason you would feel so strongly, other than jealousy.

    Maybe you can tell us exactly why you feel strongly compelled to speak badly about people with large age gaps (particularly older men with younger women)?

    For the record, I am a decade younger than my GF and am I a little jealous of these old dudes with their hot young chicks? Hell yes....(sometimes).

    Well how good of you to concede that there is no way I'm jealous or resentful

    Could never understand how people arrived at that nonsense

    Anyway, I can't be ar5ed to explain anything to you.

    There was, however, a thread on that very topic recently in which I COULD be ar5ed . . . run a search and enjoy

  16. You have to wonder what kind of person argues for the right to be offensive to people.

    Usually socially awkward misfits who've under-achieved despite all their advantages and need someone to blame

    Or perhaps the other part is projecting their failuries by applying it on perceived injustice for a third part that they have no idea about but feel they should feel the way they do.

    Yeah, you tied yourself up in knots there, didn't you?

    Hate when bad things happen to what could have been good sentences

  17. Again, miss the point...

    I'm fighting for everyones right to use whatever words they like about anything. Freedom of speech is infinitely more important than feelings. Children or adults with a childs mind "feel".

    Oh and yeah... cracker!

    And anyone saying that farang is not exclusively for white people have no idea what they are on about.

    Ah you're of those . . . freedom of speech regardless of whom you offend and the consequences

    Tu as Charlie, right?

    It's always those who have no history of being marginalised, disadvantaged or oppressed who argue most vehemently for the right to insult others.

    You're so transparent you ought to have an Everest sticker on your forehead

    Anyhoo, surprising as it may be to you, I believe in free speech too but I also believe that those using their right to say what they like should accept the consequences for doing so

    So, by all means, walk up to a black guy and call him a nigga but don't complain if he guts where you stand

    Glad we got that all sorted

    Feel like a drink now

  18. Their nationality isn't in question; their race is

    Try to keep up - I know it's difficult

    So it's a queston of skin color (again)... how do you SJW's not see that you guys are the biggest racists on this infinitely worthless and puny planet in the grand scheme of things?

    I think you should try to keep up even though it can be hard with chronic cognitive dissonance. Seems it's hard for SJW's to understand that no one has the right to not be offended. Feelings are the last thing anyone should have to think about when uttering words to anyone.

    Oh I get it

    You move the goalposts whenever you moronic diatribes are blown out of the water and everyone else is wrong?

    How white of you


    My "goalposts" as you so nicely put it are firmly in the same spot they have always been in. It's your "posts" that move around quite frequently and wildly depending on which word and "race" is up in the debate.

    And how would you know what skin color i have? Maybe i'm half black? Half gipsy? Half thai? Does it matter? You have no idea but just guessing as is the norm for SJW's.

    The issue with SJW's like yourself is that their perceived world view is the correct one even if fact slapped them in the face, they just refuse to accept the fact and continue on with their own imaginary world view.

    Well, one has to assume that given the vigour with which you're fighting for your right to be able to use racist slurs to describe people that are different in appearance from yourself, there's a pretty damn good chance you're white since I've yet to hear you reel off a term to describe white people

    . . . and NO "farang" doesn't count since most of your own race can't even decide whether it's meant to describe white people in particular or foreigners in general

    No doubt in anyone's mind what other slurs are meant to describe, though

  19. Walk up to 100 Pakistanis in the UK and call them a Paki, what percentage do you think would take offence?

    If I were in England, I would assume they were British.

    So the correct insult would be 'Brit'.

    Their nationality isn't in question; their race is

    Try to keep up - I know it's difficult

    Since when was 'Paki' a race?

    It isn't but it is a derogatory term used to address people from Pakistan and, often - erroneously - to insult Indians who, to the average racist lunkhead, are one and the same

    You're being obtuse but you can't use verbal chicanery to try to draw comparisons between your being called or described as a farang when the overwhelming majority of white people don't even BLINK when they hear it

    Your pathetic argument might have more clout were it not for the fact there is considerable division on whether the word is used only to describe white people or non-Asian foreigners as a whole

  20. Walk up to 100 Pakistanis in the UK and call them a Paki, what percentage do you think would take offence?

    If I were in England, I would assume they were British.

    So the correct insult would be 'Brit'.

    Their nationality isn't in question; their race is

    Try to keep up - I know it's difficult

    So it's a queston of skin color (again)... how do you SJW's not see that you guys are the biggest racists on this infinitely worthless and puny planet in the grand scheme of things?

    I think you should try to keep up even though it can be hard with chronic cognitive dissonance. Seems it's hard for SJW's to understand that no one has the right to not be offended. Feelings are the last thing anyone should have to think about when uttering words to anyone.

    Oh I get it

    You move the goalposts whenever you moronic diatribes are blown out of the water and everyone else is wrong?

    How white of you

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