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Posts posted by mylk

  1. Excellent shopping, restaurants, infrastructure (subway/skytrain), airport, CBD, it's all there and much of it is very good quality.

    Infrastructure ? You would have to be kidding or you don't get out beyond the obvious Mrt/ Bts network. Even one of the Bangkok town planners was quoted as saying that Bangkok will only get worse with its infrastructure in the future. To much bad planning and corruption at government level dating back to the 60's has made its make felt and irreversable.

  2. Kind of weird that Thai's see this Monster as 'Trendy'. Shows a shocking lack of knowledge and understanding that this man would have had all Thai's exterminated as 'Sub-Humans', or worked them to death as slave labour.

    Where do you get this idea?

    Hitler hated blacks...no evidence that he hated Asians.He teamed with the Japanese and he had enormous respect for Tibetan culture, for starters.

    Hitler was/is demonized because he threw a huge monkey wrench into the world order of his time.

    ...and the victors wrote the history.

    The only reason he teamed with the Japanese was more to do with not having to cross paths with them at any point. Better to side with them rather than their enemy.

  3. I just went through this same procedure less than a month ago. I was told by my embassy that all i needed to do was present both passports , even though the older one with the visa stamp (Mine was for an Non immigrant cool.png was now cancelled. Word of warning, they lied or did not have a clue. I was faced with the reality that i would lose the remaining 7 months of my visa. Their response at immigration was to cancel my flight and obtain the necessary stamp at immigration in Bangkok. (Not the airport immigration). I guess you could say i was less than impressed considering i would of thought i would of needed to have it transferred to the new book but stupidily took the advice of an embassy official. Should of gone with my initial gut feeling.

    I would suggest you organise at immigration in Bangkok , before heading out to the airport. Your visa being a 90 day visa , may apply differently to the yearly immigration B visa, but i would definately check with Immigration in Bangkok to avoid a similar senario.

    Your post is is completly wrong for OP's case. He does not need to have done at immigration.

    I suspect you had an extension of stay not a visa.

    If you had a valid visa the embassies advise was correct. You just go to airport showing both passports. Your visa in old passport can be used until it expires by showing both passports upon entry to use the visa.

    I just went through this same procedure less than a month ago. I was told by my embassy that all i needed to do was present both passports , even though the older one with the visa stamp (Mine was for an Non immigrant cool.png was now cancelled. Word of warning, they lied or did not have a clue. I was faced with the reality that i would lose the remaining 7 months of my visa. Their response at immigration was to cancel my flight and obtain the necessary stamp at immigration in Bangkok. (Not the airport immigration). I guess you could say i was less than impressed considering i would of thought i would of needed to have it transferred to the new book but stupidily took the advice of an embassy official. Should of gone with my initial gut feeling.

    I would suggest you organise at immigration in Bangkok , before heading out to the airport. Your visa being a 90 day visa , may apply differently to the yearly immigration B visa, but i would definately check with Immigration in Bangkok to avoid a similar senario.

    Your post is is completly wrong for OP's case. He does not need to have done at immigration.

    I suspect you had an extension of stay not a visa.

    If you had a valid visa the embassies advise was correct. You just go to airport showing both passports. Your visa in old passport can be used until it expires by showing both passports upon entry to use the visa.

    No it wasn't an extension of stay but an actual 1 year non immigrant B visa. This is why i was confused and annoyed when at immigration at the airport. I took it up with immigration there but told me they could not stamp the visa into my new passport even though the embassy had told me this is the normal procedure. As for OP's case i realise it was a different visa an may relate to different procedures but was merely pointing out one way or another to take it up with them before heading out to the airport as to avoid a similar scenario. :-)

  4. I just went through this same procedure less than a month ago. I was told by my embassy that all i needed to do was present both passports , even though the older one with the visa stamp (Mine was for an Non immigrant B) was now cancelled. Word of warning, they lied or did not have a clue. I was faced with the reality that i would lose the remaining 7 months of my visa. Their response at immigration was to cancel my flight and obtain the necessary stamp at immigration in Bangkok. (Not the airport immigration). I guess you could say i was less than impressed considering i would of thought i would of needed to have it transferred to the new book but stupidily took the advice of an embassy official. Should of gone with my initial gut feeling.

    I would suggest you organise at immigration in Bangkok , before heading out to the airport. Your visa being a 90 day visa , may apply differently to the yearly immigration B visa, but i would definately check with Immigration in Bangkok to avoid a similar senario.

  5. Next TAT could introduce an Thailand wide prepaid card for the tourist.

    When an tourists is entering the country, they are required to purchase cards which 3000, 5000, 10000 and 25000 per each day of the visit. The cards are color coded. All the expenses are paid with these cards during the stay. No refunds given.

    Immigration will have it's own lines for each of the spending groups. The Hi-So tourists can see the lower class visitors on their long queues. The same apply for taxi queues, in country flights etc. Local hotels and 7-11's can see how valuable their customers are, just by looking the cards people are using.

    That should make people to spend lots of money while in Thailand as nobody wishes to be shown as a cheap charlie..

    I surely hope this is sarcasism ;-)

    • Like 1
  6. I usely find that if you don't come across straight up that you are intending to buy right then or their , they won't give you time of day.They generally don't thing beyond the next 5 minutes. Also if it is a high end purchase you generally do your research before hand as i wouldn't trust a word they tell me if they actually new anything at all at what they are selling in the first place. Can't tell you how many times i have had to point out information to sellers regarding an item that they should know .

  7. I don't get it.

    McDonald's I am sure would have a word to say about that film.

    My question was it a one day affair? Or was it a set up?

    Or perhaps it was ligitament. Who knows. For sure the kids don't even know who or what Hitler is much less what he did..

    Do you not get out much. In Bangkok particularly it quite a regular occurance at shopping malls (Terminal 21 in particular) and a majority of the markets around the city. Also the young urban culture of vespa riders in particular think they make a good flag on the back of their bikes, much in the same fashion the mods did back in the day ( although they sported the british mod sign). I generally think that they are not aware of its meaning. Considering in all they are flat out knowing their own history.

  8. You reckon that was a result?

    If I had been that cop, I would have been all over you like a rash, you admit to speeding, then you give them a hard time.

    Lucky you're a Farang, a Thai guy would never get away with the crap that you pulled, as far as I'm concerned, think yourself lucky you never got shot, I would never have a Farang give me crap of I was a cop, I'd pull a gun on you just to see you soil your pantaloons if you gave me lip.

    You'd <deleted> yourself, then give me money, guaranteed.

    I think you missed the point here. If these officers were doing their job legally and produced the speed he was doing as proof , he know doubt would of coughed up the dough. He only tried this on them as he was aware that they were up to know good. I can't see how you can justify the police actions in the first place. The fact you said you would pull a gun, also indicates your level of intelligence. Bottom line if ever one does the right thing then justice is served.

  9. Anyone yet considered that maybe a qualified interpreter could also have a job at a local news paper ?

    So the journalist he refused could have well been qualified ?

    I'd imagine it's the fact that they are part of the media that is his concern. A lot of misconstrewed journalism runs rampant, here and i can fully understand that he would want no part of it. Someone associated in the media could really coherse opinion in such a case.

  10. UPDATE:

    I bought the Q1 this morning.

    6190 Baht, including bumper case, screen protection and a 8 GB SD-card.

    VERY nice device for the money. Not laggy, compared to my older Android's with "Single-Core CPU"

    The rooting was a little bit tricky, but it's done.

    Thanks for all suggestions thumbsup.gif

    Is that the one that has all of Thailands 3G frequencies on and also a TV function? I'm not interested in the TV bit at all but to avoid that it looks like I have to go for the IQ2 and theres two versions with different 3G frequencies - which do I buy to use in Thailand and poss the UK? Help!

    Go for the IQ2A (ais) It has the 900 mhz band for 3g which is compatible with the Uk and Europe and Oz. The IQ6 (Dtac, Cat,True) has the 850 mhz band better suited to the America's

  11. This is a sensible idea which ultimately might persuade users to quit their addiction.

    The nanny state of Australia recently implemented legislation to make all cigi packets an olive green colour- absolute waste of time

    By making all packets the same colour it actually prevents marketing strategies for the tabacco companies. This was one of their main objectives as to coherse the potentially younger users (and any older smokers are so easily cohersed by image). Image in their marketing was one of their strong objectives. Then i guess the addiction would follow.

  12. Time for us "Farlangs" so say goodbye to Thailand and head for greener pastures.

    Huh? Exactly why do I need leave TH?

    Pease provide us with a list of your top five spots you are suggesting. Please bear in mind:

    1. How delightful are the local people?

    2. How reasonable is the place to live?

    3. How food is the local cuisine?

    4. What about the local women? Are they attractive? Open to relationships with foreigners?

    It is fine to say you want to leave, but where to?

    As for your last reason (women). All than well if you are a sex tourist or prefer the seedier side of Thailand but any decent Thai women wouldn't want want a bar of a farang guy.

  13. Just another pointless law. The only beneficiaries will be the B.i.B. hitting on Farang tourists. The 2,000 Baht hit for cigarettes was a terrific rort but faded out quickly. Perhaps this law should be passed by TAT for their opinion as they seem to be struggling a bit these days with too many scams, unexplained deaths, unaccounted suicides and of course the Duty Free ripoffs. Makes you think they want to keep Thailand strictly for Thais.

    What are you going on about? You think they made the new law to extort money from tourists? blink.png

    When that law regarding cigarette butts came in they were basically hitting the area around Sukhumvit hitting up tourists who would of been unaware of the new laws (although its no excuse to litter in the first place) . I can't image they were at Rangsit or Bangna doing the same to the local Thai's. I actually witness police taking 1000 baht bribe from an Indian tourist. The same will apply in this case as far as I'm concerned. Just another law for the BIB to fund their pockets.

    • Like 1
  14. I've walked that trail many times, and 9 out of 10 times I've seen it. It has a few favorite basking spots where you can find it most of the time. And I know the rangers see it, because I've seen them guiding tourists there. The question is if the stories are really true that it is not supposed to be in this park. The fact that it was never seen until a couple of years ago, doesn't prove it has never been there. It's the elevation that raises questions, because the Siamese Crocodile is supposed to be a lowland species. Though it has been recorded up to 600 meters. The location where this crocodile is found is about 650m. I guess it should not be difficult to find out if the species occured further downstream of the Lamtakong river.

    The animal is really used to visitors, but so are the -normally very skittish- Indo-Chinese Water Dragons (similar to Green Iguanas), and Water Monitors that inhabit the same stretch. It's a popular trail because it's the only trail you're sure you won't get lost, and basically the only area where you see Thais on foot in the jungle hoping to find a waterfall. The animals have learned that these tourists don't pose a threat. BTW, the animal's territory is quite a few hundred meters downstream from the Pa Kluay Mai waterfall, where the river is more calm.

    If it's truly a hybrid Salt-water x Siamese Crocodile, it should be removed. It should be easy to get a DNA sample and check it. I think the rangers failed on purpose after the animal got in the news years ago. It attracted lots of visitors, which means more money for the park.

    The only thing that causes potential trouble is these stupid people that don't believe it's real. While basking it looks like a stuffed animal, so I know people have thrown stones/ sticks to it to find out if it's real.

    Just as stupid a people complaining about a wild animal in a national park. The current Park Chief even lets rangers patrol the roads to look for wild elephants that walk on the road. And I've seen several times how they try to chase the animals back in the jungle; using loud siren sounds. They don't seem to understand that it is their home. Chasing them away makes them more scared for cars and people and with their good memories it might cause dangerous situations in the future when elephants encounter people. But what can you expect from a park chief that has never set one foot in the jungle...

    I was told that the croc's (yes there is suppose to be more than one) were introduced back into their habitat by the National park authorities back a few years back. I have seen and photographed one of them down near the second campsite where there are warning signs as such. That being said i'm not sure what this article is going on about other than one of them has obviously relocated itself to a popular swimming area which is not unusual as it is there habitat after all. I personally love the fact that there are an abundance of of wild life in there natural environment and that people should just abide, respect and use common sense when visiting the area

  15. Chinese worldwide travel, arrive and are picked up like sheep for the most part by their tour guides (a Chinese national typically). They are transported to a Chinese owned hotel, and go to eat at Chinese restaurants hidden in with all the Sino Thais in Yaowarat - one of the most expensive places to dine in a restaurant in Bangkok.The next day, they take a tour bus owned by a chinese company, and. Egin their tour of Thailand, stopping in at pre-determined Chinese owned businesses.The chinese come to Thailand, but they never SEE Thailand. I feel sad for them being screwed by their own countrymen in the name of racism and greed.
    So So True!! You see them at the airports, all wearing the same cap or tee-shirt, all following the shephard with his/her flag and all looking like Mensa rejects
    Exactly the same in Australia. Last year one Chinese tour company was caught charging a bus load of tourists $A10 a head to leave the bus and go on to the beach at Surfers Paradise.
  16. To each his own but I will never understand why people crave that poison. Cola is pure evil.

    Cola a poison and pure evil?

    Carbonated water, sugar or corn syrup, caramel colouring and various citrus oil flavourings from oranges, lime or lemon. I believe an acid is added as well. Maybe phosphoric acid but I'm not sure.

    If you think that's an evil poison you'd better stay in bed until you get a life.

    I can't believe you think there is no issue with cola drinks. You must have your head in the sand. The health issue's with diabetes and obesity are only a start.

  17. You are 100% wrong. Phuket is a ridiculously dangerous place in addition to being the great rip-off of Thailand.

    Perhaps you could tell us all about your experiences on Phuket that led you to making this statement ?

    I live here quite happily with my family and assure you I do not feel in any danger.

    I guess the difference being as an expat we are only to aware of what to avoid as well as not looking like a naive tourist. Phuket has quite a larger aspect of beaches and area's where you can avoid all the majority of scammers and crap that tends to show its face in the popular area's of Patong ,Kata and Karon Personally i don't understand how someone as a tourist doesn't at least research the place, culture ,customs and in this case things to avoid before they book their destinations.

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  18. My father owns/runs a travel agency in Melbourne and he was saying Phuket/Thailand was once a popular destination amongst his customers looking for a week away but still close to home. He was telling me that over the last 3 years it is fading away as a destination amongst Aussies and many are now turning thier attention to Vietnam which he says is starting to boom as a S/E Asian holiday destination.

    Not sure if Vietnam is the answer. I have found the Vietnamese to be worse. Had nothing but trouble every time i have been there. They are still in the early days of tourism and basically don't have a clue how to conduct themselves with tourists. There are plenty around only ready to scam you though. Everyone else i have spoken to who has been was of the same opinion , but i will say it is a beautiful country , pity about the people.

  19. How come so many tourists can see it yet trained park rangers cannot spot, capture and relocate it, after two years? They need one of them croc hunter guys from Australia to take over!

    Was camping up there during the year and took some images of it sunning itself on a fallen tree across a creek. We were warned by other campers that it was near the walking track. Curiosity got the better of us i guess. I might be an Aussie but there was no way i was F#@%*!g going to close to it. Tried to upload image but keeps failing. Will attach later once i resize.

  20. I would not hesitate to kill any dog who attacked me or threatened me.

    These animal do good-ers (most likely family of the person most likely to have to cough up 300k) have gone tropo and off this planet.

    In a civilized country, the dog would have been put down (killed) by Government authorities.

    These people are outrageous. The lesson learnt here is that after you get bitten, in Thailand it is easier to smile and then poison them.

    Yet another misinformed poster? Dog never attacked him but his dog. Read the full story before posting your hateful rubbish

    You obviously haven't read earlier reports yourself. There was more to it than what you have read in this article. The chap in question had made various reports in regards to the dogs behaviour. This unfortunately didn't resinate with the Thai owners to take responsibility for their dog in the first place. Something that is all to common here. The fact that the German in question went about in a pre meditated solution , was completely irresponsible on his behalf and a complete idiot for doing so. The fact remains that if the Thai owners had taken responsibility for their dog in the first place this would never of happened.

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