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Posts posted by Pimay1

  1. 54 minutes ago, Usernames said:


    One thing is obvious, many long time posters with over 10 or 15 thousand posts have disappeared from this forum over the past couple of months, seemingly around the beginning of December and again at the beginning of January. (And I don't think people like chuckd or Neversure would be considered "uncivil.") Almost all were on the conservative to moderate conservative side of the argument. It seems that TVF may soon become a site where only one side is talking to itself.

    I agree. TVF has gone downhill considerably in the last two/three months. It has become a Donald Trump bashing and hate forum. I'm going to join chuckd and Neversure. If I want to hear or read Trump bashing I can listen to CNN or read the Washington Post.

  2. 8 hours ago, JaySonic said:

    Donald Trump does not drink because he converted to Islam decades ago. This whole anti-Muslim stance is to hide his faith from the world.


    The Mexican wall is just a front to get construction funding for what will become the world's largest mosque, on the California border 


    Thats also why he has four wives. He's not really divorced from the other three, they are part of his stable of obedient lassies. 


    That also explains why his tacky residence furnishings look the way they do - he shared an interior decorator with Saddam Hussein 

    Jay could you post some links to back up your accusations and predictions? If not I will disregard your post as nothing more than sour grapes.

  3. The democrats have short memories. They are hypocrites.


    Despite today’s liberal outrage over President Donald Trump’s refugee executive order, many liberals in 1975 were part of a chorus of big name Democrats who refused to accept any Vietnamese refugees when millions were trying to escape South Vietnam as it fell to the communists.  The Los Angeles Times reported Brown even attempted to prevent planes carrying Vietnamese refugees from landing at Travis Air Force Base outside San Francisco.



  4. 50 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

    Iran is an amazing country to explore as a tourist.  Absolutely fantastic.  Seriously.

    Craig we don't agree on much but I have to totally agree with you this time. And the Iranian people are wonderful people. It is just the leaders that are bad people.When I was there I heard hundreds of ayatollah jokes. People couldn't stand him but were afraid to speak out in public.

  5. 2 hours ago, Richard W said:

    (a) There was advance notice before it came into force.

    (b) It only affected visa waiver - visas were still possible, and visas weren't cancelled.


    The banning of green card holders was particularly  unpleasant.  Will the administration be given the benefit of the doubt, and put down merely to gross incompetence?

    According to reports this morning, green card holders are not banned. They are being screened more closely.

  6. Guess who was the women's march organizer.


    Linda Sarsour, one of the organizers behind Saturday’s Women’s March, being held in Washington, D.C., was recently spotted at a large Muslim convention in Chicago posing for pictures with an accused financier for Hamas, the terrorist group.




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