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  1. So what happens to retirees who have paid for re-entry permits?
  2. Paying 5,000 or 10,000 is not going to stimulate the economy as the money will just go to pay off debt. Meanwhile the government is borrowing the money to pay out this. ‘Twas not thought out and ‘‘twas just a vote catcher.
  3. Interesting that they are not charging the parents for aiding and abetting his escape and avoiding the law. Also they should charge whoever said there was a interpol red notice on him.
  4. Did I miss something over the last few days? Has the other convict been removed from power?
  5. Isn’t there an ex convict already in the government?
  6. Doesn’t mean it is profitable at all. Just means the put the biggest margin on their tickets sold or not sold at those prices
  7. I put Thai Air in the same category as Ryan Air, Easy Jet and KLM. Non of these I will ever fly with again.
  8. Not the only one pretending to by happy.
  9. I took my visiting daughter to Cha-am on the 9th July and it was deserted. I told her it was normally very busy and I had never seen it so devoid of people.
  10. I assume with all of his life threatening illnesses he will remain in hospital. 😉
  11. If I remember Thailand wanted to buy the latest US fighter planes This prime minister is leading Thailand into isolation by his actions.
  12. I trust there will be a full enquiry on who released the photos of the dead lady and man.
  13. last night CNN with Amanpour had an interesting interview with Pita, he did say some interesting things worth of listening Great interview.
  14. Just use one of the Thai Airways jets it is trying to sell. The government has a list of planes available as they are 49% owners.
  15. Government too busy buying submarines, upgrading toilets in officers planes and buying new jet fighters.
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