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Everything posted by suestra29

  1. I assume with all of his life threatening illnesses he will remain in hospital. 😉
  2. If I remember Thailand wanted to buy the latest US fighter planes This prime minister is leading Thailand into isolation by his actions.
  3. I trust there will be a full enquiry on who released the photos of the dead lady and man.
  4. last night CNN with Amanpour had an interesting interview with Pita, he did say some interesting things worth of listening Great interview.
  5. Just use one of the Thai Airways jets it is trying to sell. The government has a list of planes available as they are 49% owners.
  6. Government too busy buying submarines, upgrading toilets in officers planes and buying new jet fighters.
  7. A grave error of judgement to satisfy ‘exports’ to Russia. You reap what you sow. I am sure USA, NATO etc have noted the Thai response.
  8. I guess the meeting went.. “let’s charge all foreigners 300baht entrance fee into Thailand, charge them 10 times the Thai price for entrance to parks and insist they have $50,000 insurance cover.” “But that will deter tourists” “Ah but the few who a come will pay and the others who do not come will be happy”. Weird thinking
  9. Too difficult to get into the country because of all of forms etc and when you do the dreaded 7 days in a hotel in quarantine.
  10. 14.00hrs Tuesday 9th November 2021 cannot get past first stage of Thai Pass application as it will not let me click OK on the compliance.
  11. I wonder if Prayut had any problems when he applied for the Pass. A missed opportunity I think.
  12. As stated above the “ fit to fly” is a complete nonsense as it is doubling up on the Covid test before you fly. Anutin has absolutely no idea what he is doing, he is out of his depth and someone should sack him. This announcement is as clear as mud and just as confusing as the million others this idiot has put out.
  13. Shouldn’t they also go for people who have made huge amounts of money in dealing drugs involving other countries like Australia for example
  14. That is the list for countries traveling to from UK not arriving in UK. However it would be strange if they removed Thailand from the incoming red list under these circumstances
  15. This should be made known to UK and perhaps reciprocal charging of Thai’s can be made.
  16. And Anutin, Christmas will be on 25th December next year. We must use the same fortune teller.
  17. Good, but still short of Rin Tin Anutin’s one million per day. I wonder if it occurred to Pinocchio to sack Anutin while sacking the ‘flour’ man
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