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Posts posted by outofafrica

  1. 19 minutes ago, wgdanson said:

    I must have been very lucky. The specs I got from Zenni, from a prescription by KT Optic were just as good, if not better than KT. 

    KTs were Bht 22,000, Zenni Bht 1800!

    Only TB 14300 in Australia for my prescription.

  2. 2 hours ago, wgdanson said:

    Maria at Euro Optic has always been good for me. Get a prescrption from her, then Zenni online.

    Zenni on line have a bad reputation in Australia.



    The frames of the glasses from Zenni didn't sit symmetrically on the shadow shopper's face, so near vision was at an angle.


    We had all the lenses of the glasses our shadow shopper bought tested by the University of NSW Optics and Radiometry Laboratory, against the voluntary standard.

    Zenni Optical

    These glasses had a fault in the prescription - one axis, correcting astigmatism, was incorrect. (It may be possible to correct this if the fitting were adjusted, but again, you'd have to visit an optometrist.)"

  3. 21 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

    I can't speak for Oz but I did far better in the UK at Specsavers. A far more comprehensive eye test, cheaper glasses, better choice and I am happy with them. Had done the rounds in Pattaya prior and not impressed. 

    Thanks Mate

  4. I think you should chat to the Police or Child protection and see what they say . It is reasonable to want to protect children nothing wrong with that. Thailand is know to attract Farangs of dubious character as can be seen by some of the comments on here!!!


    These Child Protection mob has been trained to handle situations like this.


    Good luck and well done to be concern about your fellow  neighbor.

    • Sad 1
  5. 8 minutes ago, outofafrica said:



    8 minutes ago, outofafrica said:


    9 hours ago, colinneil said:

    Is there any need for you to be offensive to other posters?

    You come on here seeking advice, then when a person posts something you dont like you get offensive.

    You posted about your girlfriends health insurance, saying you would use that, when i pointed out you could not use it, you commented you knew that, well if that was the case why did you post it?

    I will be over in Match/April do you want to repeat that in my face or are you happy hiding behind a key board!!!

    If you take your blinkers off and read all post you will see that when we marry i will be able to go onto her medical.Does that make sence???

    • Confused 1
  6. On 2/14/2018 at 1:14 AM, smotherb said:

    Well, he has yet to know if he will marry or even stay with his current girlfriend. So, if she goes, he has no house, no car, and certainly no wife's insurance. Don't you think he would be better off having enough to live without those potential bennies? As you said, you had B100k/mo when you came, now down to B70k/mo. If he does marry, then he can afford to give to their home together.

    I will be able to survive without the Girlfriend House and Car. I know my capabilities!!!! 

  7. I suppose this question has been ask over and over but i don't seem to find any thing about it.. I'm Australian and 58 years . I have $400 000 in super and my house is payed and  will give me a income of $1600 a month. My Thai Girlfriend is a Government Official so i can go onto her medical if need be. Will this money be enough to retire in Thailand. I'm not a big spender and the Girlfriend has a good job , own house and Car.

    • Thanks 1
  8. On 6/18/2017 at 3:10 PM, Sheryl said:


    It sounds like the enlarged prostate per se may not need treatment at this stage.  There is likely some edema in the bladder which is contributing to the difficulty with urination in which case it may improve on its own.  I suggest you continue with the treatment you are getting, it sounds like the doctors are on top of it.

    Yeah you right. It was only a UTI and after three different Antibiotics and twice in hospital on intravenous antibiotics it has cleared up but i now have a problem with  C. difficile. I have been through hell ,but at last the did a stool test and confirm some more antibiotics to kill this one.

  9. Just now, thequietman said:

    Riding a bicycle everyday would not be helping the prostate, especially on these roads. My urologist suggested constant pressure on the area from the bicycle seat may be causing the enlargement. Maybe look at that.

    Thanks ,i did and bought a seat designed to stop pressure on the prostate!!


  10. More information about myself.I'm not fat and cycle to and fron work about 150 / week and more when i'm fitter. I'm 58 years old.I't started with a UTI .I was placed on antibiotics but it was the wrong one and the infection moved to my kidneys. I landed up in hospital and they gave me the correct antibiotics.The Kidney infection was gone within a day. So i stayed on the mencation for 10 day's .As soon i i finished that the infection was back so they put me on another general antibiotic.They also did a scan ,blood test and internal examination and said that my prostate is enlarged but normal for my age. My water flow has improved and i'm off the antibiotics for two days. After 5 days of completing the antibiotics i will go for another Urine test. The also did bladder measurment and i am border line retaining urine after a wee.


  11. 3 hours ago, Elkski said:

    So if a Thai gal considers the financial picture it is expected and your told your a stupid bloke if you don't know this.  But if a farang wants to consider these things the response is doesn't love come first?  One good point was made that health care coverage can make one country more attractive over the other.   Other threads berate guys who don't factor in health care in their retirement plans.   Look at what's happening in USA.  How do we predict the future costs?   It's sad no political will is attacking the industry to encourage less profit taking by big pharma and hospitals, insurance companies.   In USA hospitals are building mini med centers everywhere.  Look at all the rite aids and CVS pharmacies in every neighborhood.   Guy said pharmacy is 90% of the stores business.    I pay 6-7 k USD noway 56 for coverage.  What will it be in 20 years?   If I moved to Thailand and had health care semi covered via a wife hmmm.   Let's see 10 k/ est for 35 years. I plan to die at 92, broke,  naked in bed after a fun night.  That's 350 k saved.  That could easily equate to 5-8 years earlier retirement age feasibility.   Not important you say.     


    I also thought to add that this caliper of woman can get a 10 yr 6 months tourist visa to USA. All by themselves. Means they can see your home country without much hassle or marriage, or fiancee visa. 

    Good on you mate. So that is why i'm doing all these investigations to find out which way to go. I want to make sure that i'm covered if ever i settle in Thailand. If one run's away from your country because of your criminal doings then obviously you don't consider that at all.

  12. 1 hour ago, wildewillie89 said:

    Some figures for you....Although some workplaces probably differ slightly.


    The law has been changed for the last decade now to a 400,000 baht maximum payout (plus pension). The formula for the payout is the retired salary x 15. However, it cant go above the maximum 400,000 baht (the maximum is what changed). Obviously many officials who pass the test late wont have the years experience or maybe dont move up, so salaries wont be that high so maybe will get 200,000 payout. Others like my wife should have got 612,000 but the law changed to a maximum of 400,000 baht. 


    IF we are talking the big payouts (million baht) then that kind of uses a superannuation type fund as well. So each month a percentage will be taken out of your salary and you will get it in a big lump when you retire (i know the army do that, tessabans do not i dont think, Im not sure about other jobs like teachers, nurses etc). However, you can do private super type scenarios obviously anyway (my wife is set to receive 500,000 from her private fund), Most officials have some short term and long term funds going for injection of funds.


    In terms of what the pension will be. The formula is last salary x years of experience divide by 50. So say my wife retires at 60 and her last salary is 60,000 (example).....it will be 60,0000x34/50....so her pension every month will be 40,800 baht until she dies. 


    An added benefit is when the official dies, the children get money. That formula is retired salary x 30, So if we stay with only one child now and my wife's pension is 40,800 when she dies, our daughter will receive 1,224,000. However, you must subtract whatever your large sum was (400,000 in her case). So it will be 824,000 baht our daughter will receive. 


    That is why the test is extremely hard to pass (many only pass it in their 30s after years of trying). Luckily my wife passed first go when she was 25 and doing her Masters whilst working as an employee to get some field knowledge before sitting the test. The government protect their own and protect their own families when they die. It seems the talk is now they are wanting to decrease the positions available now also as they want to keep the % of government officials vs population low....you can see why the private sector want to move over to the government sector after working a few years. As if they dont invest wisely they are in trouble later on in life. 




    William looking at your name are you from Africa?


  13. 27 minutes ago, wildewillie89 said:

    Of course, initially it is about whether you like someone (I didn't understand the benefits before deciding to move - as in my country government or non government have the same benefits).


    However, discussing benefits will help you decide if your wife moves to your country or you to move Thailand. I certainly wouldn't have moved to Thailand if my wife was not an official, whether she was educated or not. Likewise, she would probably want to move somewhere that gave her free health if she wasn't already getting it here. 


    However, many people do marry for languages other than love, like some people marry for money, some for prestige, some for looks, some for benefits etc.

    Don't waist you time on this idiot !!!

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