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jhonny red

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Posts posted by jhonny red

  1. Tanks again to all of you,it's very nice all support and suggestion you give to us.

    1 the business it is in ao nang and 100% thai owned

    2i know now we can stand and don't let this so colled rappresentative of publishin company inside our restaurant.

    3 funny things is we don't have any cd,player,mp3 .

    3 we been in krabi police station and we find out this KT publishin compani exist but can rappresent onli 10 foregin song and 60 thai,nono was in our pc.

    4 the police say,nex time if happend,call ao nang police immediately( if no sleeping)

    5 the police officer that night ( he did it but my wife was so shoked) should explain that if you don't want pay this people you should pay 50000 at the police as a bail,go to the court ( then this company never show) so the court cancel the charge and police give you back your money,just pay 2-3000 at the court.

    6 at least we got back our pc.

    7 now we gonna sue the KT company for kidnapiing my wife(as they grab her iside the restaurant)

    8 the only company allowed to release license at 99% of all song( warner,emi,universal ,etc etc) it is MPC

    Tanks again for all support

  2. A story of terror..

    In a normal evening in our restaurant(not a bar)at 10pm you have 5 people,claiming to be part of some autorised group for the licensing of music. I point out that we don't use any player,our music comes from the official decoder of U B C Thailand,therefore,does not required any license.

    In a corner my wife( thai nationality) was working with her private pc,at that point one of this person saw my wife using the pc,and start saying that we need a license and that we can't use any mp3 file,so we have to pay a fine,i then remind to them that we do not use any mp3 player and then i asked to see some id card,from that moment onit was a hell,they started to be brute and screaming,telling to my wife to climb in their car immediately.

    My very scared says to them,she has to close the restaurant first( at that time we had customer) but this guys even more badly forcing my wife to go with them,then i asked to my customer to please live.

    I ran into town to the police station,where i found this people sitting in a makeshift office(outside the station) already with others 4-5different unfortunate person,noting the head of this so colled pubblishing group tried to compromised with all the unfotunate person,saying that they have to pay a fine for the license,at that point i realized that some figures payd(different amount) and then leaving without any more question.

    Thencomes our turn,this gentleman is asking us to pay the fine( much better for you he sayd) if we don't pay he will put my wife in jail( can he????).

    I then,stupefied wonder,we are talking about paying for some license or for serious crime,to make that put my wife in jail????????

    I asked at that point,on the advice of my lawyer,to see the document of the publishing company or office they work for,and some id.

    Then they start to threaten us,saying that we were now in seriuos trouble,and so we been taken inside the police station,from that point on we have to talkwith the head police officer in duty that night,we explained the situationto the officer( my lawyer was in telephone line telling me not to pay because it is a scam)

    Again i was asking for explanation,but the officer very coldy say that we have to pay 50000 thai bath or he will put my wife on jail,terrified we tried to figure out why all this,we explained that we have a young child at home,and at that time of night( was midnight at this moment) was no easy for us to be there.

    And brutally forced us to follow them,we have no credit card with us,only two atm card with limited availability,we proposed to pay 5000 bath( cash only available at that time) and the day after without problem we would return with our lawyer to pay( if any) the difference,and at that point the police officer was visibly upset,he sayd again or we pay now or just go in jail,then my wife start to cry desperately and ask the police officer to accept the 5000 bath,saying that she is not a criminal and she never has done anything to hurt anyone in her life,but the adamant police officer make us get up and lead us to the gate of the jail.

    I was desperate and with my little knowledge of thai language i knees down and pray the police officer to do not put my wife in jail,an i say ok i will pay but i can't find that amount at that time,so he went to talk with the gentleman of the publishing company,when he comes back he say that it's ok to pay just only 30000 thai bath,i repeat to him that i was not sure if i have that money,he was very angry and he say he was sik of my talking,he need to go sleep,so he definitely put my wife behind bars.

    My wife start to despair and i could not stan up to that scene,so i started to run( i recently had a serious surgery) and i reach the first atm i taken all the money i had 27500 bath ,i ran back and i showed what i got even the recipe from atm so i can demostrate that i had no more money, and once again both the police officer and the gentleman,puffin and saying some thing that i do not understand about i am farang,they say again or i pay 30000 now or just go f.....k away and come back tomorrow with money ,.then my wife can get out.

    At that point i did not know what to do more,seeing my wife clinging to the iron bars and cry,i was myself givin in to despair.

    Once again i check my wallet and magically in a recess folder i found 50 euro that i put there for emergency but i do not remember having.

    Again i ran to the lord of the license group and i told him...look i got 27500 plus 50 euro(2500 bath) then makes 30000 please accept it and let go my wife from jail.

    The gentleman took the money whit a nod,put them in is poket and he did call the police officer saying that we were ok,they did take out my wife,they took all fingerprints and picture like she was a murderess,make a police report(they don't give us a copy or any recipe for the money we payd,zero nada nunca,they took our pc saying we can take back in twoo ar tree weeks.

    So completely under shock leaving the police station,we ask to the mister license office guy,now we have payd at least we have a licence now???

    An the guy giving us a laughing say i give you my business card if some one ask for the license let coll me!!!! Can you belive it.

    On the way back we where speechless and shoked,its been two days and my wife still crying,and saying she had to shower many times coz she can't get the smell of this night away.

    This experience has shaken us and our belives,after 12 years living here with out ever having done anyting wrong,worked and paying taxes honestly,we where treated like beggars,my wife even she is thai can't belive how her country turning in this,if this is the thailand of today perhaps better evaluate if it is that so amazing as they say in the magazini.


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