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john fogerty

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Posts posted by john fogerty

  1. When we moved into our house, we had 9 monks come round to bless the house. They put spots of paint over the front door. Many of the Thai neighbours came round as well. I hesitate to say it was for the free food. Likewise, we had a haidressing salon built onto the side of the house ( my wife is a hairdresser) and again, had the monks round. We had a 'Buddha House' built in the corner of the garden but this time it was blessed by, I assume, a local priest. In fact it was he who told us where to put it and what colour it should be.

    As for the car, we were told by a friend of ours who's a medium ( spiritualwise not sizewise) what colour car is lucky for us and what time and day we should collect it. I only hope my watch was telling the right time!!!

  2. We have 4 dogs, and unlike 'nonthaburial" we DO keep ours indoors at night as it's not fair on them to be at the mercy of mosquitoes all night. At about 3 am they let us know that they want to go out for a pee so we let them out but bring them back in when they've finished. They do all tend to use the same part of the garden to do their "no 2's." I know your puppy is still very young, but you might want to think about neutering, unless you want a lot of puppies running around. Whatever way you choose to train, enjoy your puppy.

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  3. Hi Folks

    My eleven year old daughter is keen to learn how to play badminton. I try to play with her in the garden, but having had a bypass operation ( albeit 4 years ago) I don't want to put myself at any risk by overstraining. I try to give her what limited knowledge I have of the game.

    Does anybody know of anywhere here in Hua Hin that teaches/coaches badminton.

    Many thanks for any replies.

  4. Patient; Doctor, doctor, I keep thinking I'm a bridge.

    Doctor; OK, take it easy. What's come over you?

    Patient; Well, two buses, five cars and a juggernaut.

    Man walks down the road with a banana in one ear and custard in the other. A passer-by asks him why and the man says "You'll have to speak up, I'm a trifle deaf"

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  5. Whatever you do, when they first arrive, for God's sake, don't arrive back in the UK on a Sunday and go to work on the Monday. I made sure that I spent the first 2 weeks at home with my Thai wife rather than leave her isolated. She had never been to the UK before and I was very worried how she would cope with the weather, food, culture. When I did go to work she tried to teach herself English ( although she did draw the curtains just in case anybody rang the doorbell). We actually met a Thai lady in Sainsburys who I didn't realise lived in our road so at least she had someone to talk to, and it was this lady that introduced her to other Thai ladies. Strangely enough none of them now talk to the Sainsbury lady because she has a bad mouth and gossips. So yes, as suggested by other posts, do be careful of whom she befriends. Fortunately, my wife's friends are all decent Thai ladies and all our families and kids get on well together. Sure, some of them may be better off than us but it certainly doesn't bother my wife.

    She soon grew in confidence and even started to go shopping on her own. When she fell pregnant that obviously integrated her with the local women in the same situation and many became her friends. We were fortunate to have a big Chinese Cash & Carry which also sold Thai food not too far from us, so that helped. The only thing my wife couldn't get used to was the cold weather and she would sometimes wear five or six jumpers, even indoors. That was all fourteen years ago and for the last 3 years we have been living in Thailand. Because I had a heart bypass operation I had to give up work and couldn't get enough benefits to support a family, so we moved to Thailand. My wife would have been quite happy living in the UK had we had the financial means to be able to.

    By the way, we lived in a quiet road in a semi- rural area. Sometimes she found it a bit too quiet though.

    Whatever you decide, hope it all works out for you and family.

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  6. Had a look at Thailovelinks. Some of the questions the girls were asked i.e "where do you live" or "how many children do you have' they declined to answer. Are they hiding something? Shouldn't they be honest if looking for a genuine relationship? Don't let it put you off, though. Good luck.

  7. About 4 years ago I had a heart bypass operation in the UK. Since I've been in Thailand I tried a few companies for accident insurance. They said that because of my operation, they couldn't insure me for accident insurance. Absolute <deleted>. If I have 15 beers and fall over it's got <deleted> all to do with the operation. It's because I'm pissed. Those that would insure me said I couldn't claim within the first 2 years. What's the point of having insurance then if you can't claim?

  8. I knew Ray as well. He lived not far from me in the UK. It's true he was very ill and dying and not long before he was killed, he was attacked and had his arm broken. On the day he died, his wife phoned a mate of me and Ray FROM THE MARKET to say that she thought there was a problem at her house. So my mate went round to the house and found the door open and his body on the floor. My question is this. If she's at the market, how the hell ( best place for her) does she know there's a problem at home?

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  9. Please help me out here folks.

    This is a serious question from a genuine dog owner/lover and I would appreciate genuine replies from likeminded people ONLY please.

    Just before Xmas last year, one of our two male dogs went missing. This week he has been found and is back living with us. Obviously he's been living rough and has lost a bit of weight and has a few battle scars but otherwise he's fine. The problem is that he, and our other dog ( a jack russell) now keep growling at each other which is strange as they were the best of mates before he went missing. It appears to be a dominance thing although the Jack Russell always seemed to be the boss. My question is this. Would speying/ neutering ( whatever it's called) make the dogs less aggressive towards each other. Obviously I don't want them to lose all their aggression as it can be a good deterrent if any unwanted people come to the gate. If anybody has dogs and has faced a similar situation I would very much appreciate your reply.

  10. About 4 years ago, I had a heart bypass operation back in the UK. Whilst doctors said that I could go back to work once I had recovered sufficiently, I couldn't go back to my old job as I had already resigned (hated it with a passion, anyway so I was glad to be out of it). I was 58 at the time and I wondered where I could get a job at my age that would pay enough money to support a family. I tried to apply for benefits but again I wouldn't have got enough to survive. I have a Thai wife & we've been married 14 years so I just suggested to her that the only solutuon might be to move to Thailand as we both knew the country well. We've now been here nearly 3 years and have absolutely no regrets. Our 2 kids ( aged 13 & 11) have settled really well in Thai schools and have learnt the language remarkably well. Can't see myself ever moving back there. Basically, couldn't afford to live in England so moved here.

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