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Posts posted by HiRub

  1. Are there any reputable websites that can form a Ltd company in an EU tax haven? Corp needs to be in EU so I can accept payments by VISA credit cards. Gibraltar, Hungary or Estonia seems to be the best bet (no tax for offshore companies held by foreigner), don't want to deal with the %10 tax in Cyprus. I don't have time to travel to Europe anytime soon, so I'd like to get one over the internet.

    Looking at going through one of these websites. http://offshoresimple.com/ seems to accept VISA and PayPal so there is a form of buyer protection. http://www.formacogibraltar.com/ is actually in Gibraltar but would probably have to pay by wire.


    Personally think you will be sc*ewed trying to set up a "tax haven" type company in the EU these days, they are all talking to each other etc....

    Scr*wed as in going to jail for tax evasion? I will not be using the corp to do anything illegal, I just can't incorporate in my home country for various reasons.

  2. Are there any reputable websites that can form a Ltd company in an EU tax haven? Corp needs to be in EU so I can accept payments by VISA credit cards. Gibraltar, Hungary or Estonia seems to be the best bet (no tax for offshore companies held by foreigner), don't want to deal with the %10 tax in Cyprus. I don't have time to travel to Europe anytime soon, so I'd like to get one over the internet.

    Looking at going through one of these websites. http://offshoresimple.com/ seems to accept VISA and PayPal so there is a form of buyer protection. http://www.formacogibraltar.com/ is actually in Gibraltar but would probably have to pay by wire.


  3. HSBC is a good choice. Just walk around the area you'll be staying to see who has the most ATMs or where the nearest bank is. Then go to that bank with your passport, they'll open you a savings account and give you an ATM card. You'll need your passport and maybe a plane ticket to close the account.

    I'm in Korea right now if you need info on that.

  4. I would like to know if you guys think its possible to purchase a business for 1-5 mil baht and turnover management to either a person or agency. I make pretty good money, but I make it working in places that... well suck.

    I'll work for a couple of months then have a couple off, so-on and so-on. So I'd like to have something to come home to in a central location to my other interests, which would be Thailand.

    Apt's and hotel's would be good choices but they're boring. So I was thinking a resturaunt or Guesthouse with beer bar or resturaunt. I plan on doing other tourism things in Thailand that take advantage of some contacts I've made, but this biz would take considerable time to develop and I'd like to get my foot in the door.

    Now, can I have an accoutant manage the money and be legally responsible. Then have someone manage the employees and inventories. Maybe the accountant could do spot inventories. I'm sure there is a lot of room for corruption but as long as the assets are protected and a reasonable customer base for the season is kept I won't have any problems.

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