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Posts posted by Mikebkk

  1. CS Loxinfo reduced their prices for ADSL today. They are now:

    Home 256/128 - 590 baht/month

    Home 512/256 - 800 baht/month

    Home 1024/512 - 1,000 baht/month

    and free USB modem, with an optional installation charge of 500B. The salesman on the phone actually told me not to bother with this, as self-installation was easy! But I'm not an expert in this area and might go along with it even so, unless it really is that easy ? (any explanations gratefully received!) You need to pay 2 months upfront, and minimum 6 month contract. Prices are exc VAT.

    For comparison, last month's prices were:

    Basic 256/128 Kbps - 590 baht / month

    Advance 256/128 Kbps - 1,000 baht / month

    And an extra 800B for the USB modem, rising to 1500B with the installation included. I'm not sure what Advance is (presumably lower contention ratio), or what the contention ratio is on the new prices.

    So all in all, seems like quite a decent reduction. Although the basic price stays the same, the 512 and 1024 options seem to make them a lot more competitive with True. Time will tell what the service will be like though I guess. It wasn't possible to get a True line in my building, so this is really my only decent option. I've signed up today, and been given an installation date of the 5th. I'll let you know how it goes :o I wanted to sign up for the 1024/512 service but they said that won't be ready till the middle of the month. In the meantime I'm on the 512/256 and can upgrade when it's ready.

    The sign-up link for anyone interested is http://adsl.csloxinfo.com/dealer/web_adsl/formeng.asp

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