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Posts posted by sadako

  1. jesus talk about racial slurs

    I'm judging that at your end of the political correctness spectum, saying "Farang" should be a racial slur. But I bet you don't think it is?

    Obnoxious Farangs.

    Sex-crazed Farangs.

    Loud Farangs.

    Drunk Farangs.

    Impolite Farangs.

    All racial slurs? I'm a Farang. Personally I could care less what people call me. I've been called worse in my home country simply based on my skin color. You learn to develop a thick skin and let the stupid comment roll off your back. Racism abounds everywhere; it's only an issue with those who attempt to control the social narrative.

    crack on pal maybe u could write an essay about it

  2. So 600-700million Baht with 100,000 visitors to CM, that's 6000-7000Baht of revenue per person, hardly what you would call big spenders especially if that includes hotel costs!

    You are so right !

    I have said it before the face of Thailand will change forever. Thais may rue the day that they started to bring such huge numbers of these people into Thailand. Thailand has already changed enormously in the last 20 years. Their culture, temples etc. are now under threat and only some can see it, TAT does not give a damn. Big numbers of Chinese tourists means that the TAT sycophants will be "rewarded" with higher salaries by their bosses, at the expense of Thailand.

    Since the debate of increasing the numbers of mainland Chinese came up more and more Thai are realizing its a mistake. Particularly in Chiang Mai, this is where the trouble started first a couple of years ago. These people a loud, rude, dirty (in their spitting), and trample over Thai culture, which is being felt now in Chang Mai. They have had the hide to walk into lectures at the CNX University, disrupting them. And look at the trouble they also caused in the Temple of the Emerald Buddha recently.

    They are ignorant of Thai culture and certainly couldn't care less. These people who coming from China are the first generation of international tourism travelers, their parents are still on the farm, in the noodle shop or on the factory floor. The access to money for this Generation Z has done this, and given that they are spending money (and on average per head, its not much), they think can do whatever they want. The Chinese Z generation has a definite sense of entitlement and narcissism.

    Another Question: Why does the Thai administration now discouraged Western tourists and want-to-be expats from staying or coming to Thailand. This has been occuring now for years before the average Chinese even left the farm or the noodle shop. I cannot figure out why Thailand is offering free visas to the mainland Chinese. They only stay for a few days then leave. Per capita they spend a pittance, it is only because they are invading the country in huge numbers that they are worthwhile to the economy. On the other hand Europeans, Australians, the English, Americans etc, spend larger amounts and stay longer, and were once the powerhouse of tourism in Thailand, sadly not anymore. They have been discouraged in so many ways over the last 20 years. And if you think about it a lot of the falang money goes directly into the hands of Thais in the lower income brackets, not the wealthy as does the Chinese money through five star hotels and big travel agencies. As in all countries, governments look after themselves, numerus unus prior.

    I am very skeptical of a promotion campaign that specifically targets one population. It is skewed too much to be politically correct, as most other nation's tourist bureaus would see it (I will temper my words here).

    always concerns me when i see ppl here spending 3 hours + typing things like that

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