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Truckin Man

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Posts posted by Truckin Man

  1. Are you SURE that you actually have a Valid "B" visa --------------If so nothing needs be done and you can remain in Thailand until the visa expires.

    However, if you have an extension of stay based on work the extension becomes invalid on the day you cease(d) work.

    Hi, and sorry for the wait. I flipped through my passport and found this page. I believe this is the valid B visa you mentioned is needed.


    Appreciate any information from the photo, and thank you, johnatong.

    That is the stamp they do when you get a new passport. It has info about the old passport and info about the visa used for entry. The stamp below it is a stamp showing the date of that entry and date the permit to stay allowed by that visa ends.

    A visa is on a full page visa sticker unless it a stamp done by immigration for a as part of a conversion to a non immigrant visa.

    You probably have an extension stamp that looks something like this one.

    Hey UbonJoe... thanks. Honestly speaking, I saw a couple of your posts and I am impressed with your knowledge, even though sometimes I don't understand what you are talking about... but it makes sense, if that makes sense.

    I have my old passport somewhere and I will dig it out and find that full page stamp and scan it to you guys. Thanks to the both of you. Gotta get some sleep now, but give me about a day or two to find that old passport. Really... thanks loads!

    -Feeling better!

  2. Are you SURE that you actually have a Valid "B" visa --------------If so nothing needs be done and you can remain in Thailand until the visa expires.

    However, if you have an extension of stay based on work the extension becomes invalid on the day you cease(d) work.

    Hi, and sorry for the wait. I flipped through my passport and found this page. I believe this is the valid B visa you mentioned is needed.


    Appreciate any information from the photo, and thank you, johnatong.

  3. Hi, and apologies for asking. I know it is somewhere in this forum, but I spent an hour looking with no direct answer to my situation, and my time here may be short or not. I simply need some closure on this issue so I can relax and move on with other plans.

    Briefly, I have a business visa with a work permit. My company is cancelling my work permit but they won't tell me when and they have my work permit. Nothing bad going on here, but they are just too lazy (I guess) to tell me when. My passport shows my validation stamp up until July 30, 2016.

    Question 1: If, say, my work permit is cancelled without my knowledge, any time before July 30, then am I OK to go until July 30 and not be on overstay?

    Question 2: If I am OK and can go until July 30, then if, say, I want to go on a retirement visa, don't I need a cancellation letter from my former employer to close out my B visa properly in my passport?

    Whether I decide to get any other kind of visa here in Thailand, or simply leave the country, I simply do not want any surprises at immigration, the border or the airport, whichever I decide.

    It is the pesky work permit cancellation I am concerned about, and sure could use that time up until July 30 to grant me some breathing room to compose my thoughts. Thank you very much.

  4. God, I hope you did not get MCR1. It's the new kid on the block and is a gene that attacks bacteria and makes the bacteria (good or bad) 100% resistant to all antibiotics out there; even the last line of defense; Colistin


    Started in China and already around the world, including Malaysia and Laos. Pork and chicken mainly for being undercooked. Agriculture use Colistin in the animals and apparently MCR1 mutated and didn't even blink at the colistin and now there is no antibiotic out there. That means if you are carrying the MCR1 gene in your body and contract any virul infection, you are screwed. I may be in a bit of err, but check it out. Pretty scary. Here's a brief synapse:

  5. epididymitis

    Diagnosed it myself and treated it myself with Doxycycline 100 mg orally twice a day for 10 days.

    The swelling was gone after about 72 hours yet a bit tender. My testicle was as large as a plumb and it came about not long after having intercourse with a prostitute. I did in fact look her up and let her know she was a carrier and even had a friend write everything down in Thai. Don't know if she took the advice, but I did my part.

    Good website (menu on RH side): http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/436154-treatment#d1

    It caused by STD: Chlamydia, a lesser form of gonnorhea

    No worries... you will be OK in 10 days after treatment... but I would wait a full 14 before engaging in sex, just to let the antibiotic run fully through your system. It naver came back after that and that was over 7 years ago.

    Just my opinion, and I hope it is only that, which you describe!

  6. Sorry been on the road for 1,000km drive.

    Thanks for all the feedback good and bad. The idea of starting a completely new life certainly has appeal and is quite exciting.

    This one has got old and I haven't felt 'alive' for a loooong time. Need to shake things up a bit!

    Just wanted to mention in these days of the Internet, emails and social media, disappearing has become a lot more of a challenge especially as my work requires me to be online a lot.

    Anyway will start making plans and maybe line up some support and therapy.

    Dunno why but I have always attracted whack jobs my whole life, maybe because I am one myself!


    Wang Noi

    I have empathy and sympathy for you. I am in a similar situation but this involves children between my Thai significant other and myself, a foreigner. I may do a thread on it for advice, but I think I already have the answers due to my research. Pretty much what everyone said is true. If she is indeed a narcissist (NPD) then you cannot win. It goes like this... love bombing... mirroring...devaluation...projecting... ghosting...couching...seeding... ignoring... raging... deflecting... gas lighting... hoovering, etc., and then the grand finale, or discarding.

    The NPD will always have a new narcissist supply in the wings before she (in your case) discards you, and do not be surprised if she is shacking up with him in a few days to a week and posting him on her face book page... the poor chap. She may run him dry and call you in a few weeks to a year and try to hoover you back in to her spider web and suck you dry some more. SHe'll say anything and promise anything, but nothing will have changed once she has you in her clutches.

    In your case, you are more than likely a co-dependent, as I have diagnosed myself. I have been broken to the point that I have no energy, I can feel my health failing and a lot of other bad things about my health; emotinally, spiritually, mentally a of course physically. We CD's have vices that we engage in to take away the pain, and a lot of time people inaccurately diagnose us with alcoholism or drug abuse or porn abuse, etc. It's difficult to tell if you can't get rid of the fog the narcissist spins you into.

    We CD's view three things badly (dysfunctionally), which causes us to migrate towards NPD's;

    Boredom - we are bored if we don't have any chaos in our lives, or anxiety wondering at what she is going to do next, or walking around on eggshells to avoid a narcissistic rage or devaluation, or putting out our every effort to satisfy her every whim, fully knowing that it is never good enough and more gets tacked on without any show of appreciation or thankfulness, until we are so overburdened that we simply collapse and are rendered useless... and then we get called bad names for being useless.

    Loneliness - we are lonely if we aren't getting called bad names and being ridiculed for our looks, weight, age, deeds, etc

    Horny - we are horny because we are just made that way, and sex in this sick and twisted relationship is used as a reward system or for their own personal gratification when they are not shagging their secret lovers (and do not kid yourself). When a NPD accuses you of something, it is 100% across the Internet agreed that he or she is doing it already.

    I believe that AA uses the words Hungry-Angry-Lonely-Tired. Well us NPD Supply people use Bored-Lonely-Horny

    Yeah! I am afraid that I am going to have to pull a runner and walk away from it all... go full No Contact, but on a personal note, it was advised that I do have partial contact simply to save the kids from being abused too much when she realized I am not there anymore to feed off of for her "illusion" and get her fuel off of my pain and hurt and broken down body and appearance and demeanor. Boy do those NPD's love that when they see you this way. They are sick beasts.

    I may be called a lot of names for pulling a runner on my kids, but I have already done evrything three times or more to reconcile and she just puts me on full "Spin" again and breaks all of her promises. I am sorry to go on so much.

    You need to get out and get out fast. That moderator really had good advice. Keep it to yourself until you have all your ducks in a row and then do it and di it fast and do not look back. Lie to her if you have to and have a sit down and lie like the devil and apologise and say you are sorry and you'll try harder in order to put her back on her heels... then...

    Man, I really truly feel for you. Maybe these YouTube channels can help. They are my favorite 3 for understanding NPD and what they are capable of:

    Understanding Narcissists - Very Eloquent and easy to understand


    Narcissist Survivor - Very black and white and pulls no punches


    NPD Girlfriend - funny in his way but a humorous twist on a serious subject


    Apologies for rambling. I am pretty messed up about my lot in life and being unable to save my boys both as a father and legally.

    Bless you and my heart goes out to you... GET OUT whilst the night sky is dark and the dragon sleepeth!

  7. Firstly, according to my research, the biological father, whomever he may be has absolutely no parental powers. Were he to find out, no matter how, he would first have to prove paternity, with or without the mother's support. This involves a specific court and registration process. If he could even manage to get through all the paternity approval (w/o his name on the birth certificate and absolutely no evidence to show) he would have to go through a legitimization process at the local registration office and do an Amphur whereby the mother has sole right to sign or not sign after the father signs. If she refuses to sign, then the legitimization process goes to court, where the judge and lawyers wait for an appointed official from the OPC (Observation and Protection Center) to perform a social study of the case prior to trial. Normally both parents and the child will be requested to appear for interview. This could go bad for the so-called father if he made it this far, because short of an HLA DNA test, he will be hard put to prove he is the father, and the kid certainly won't know him from anyone else.

    But... if he manages to convince the OPC official, who reports all of this back to the judge prior to the Legitimization and Parental Powers hearing, then the judge will be the final word in determining what sort of parental powers the father has.

    Judging by the story... the man has no chance at all... if the story is true.

    Legally, the birth mother has full parental powers if the child is born out of wedlock and I mean legal wedlock where the happy couple filed at the local registration office. Having a ceremony does not count. Not being on the birth certificate as the father would be go a considerable distance in putting one's foot in the door for paternity... but she pretty much sealed his fate for any chance of ever being given any credit or incrimination as being the biological father of that little human being.

    Now, regarding why she has not told the father, no one knows and no one has the right to judge without all the facts. In this I agree with the courts, that the best interests of the child are taken into consideration. True, he could not have known had she pulled a runner and was not showing signs of being pregnant, and then again, Thais do love gossip, and if this took place in the home town where everyone knows your name, then maybe the father had a clue and could have pursued it... then again we could go on all night about this and the kid needs its dinner and a bath and some hugs and kisses and put to bed by then.

    Sometimes life just sucks... it really does, and it is a regrettable shame. Kid's got enough problems... I would just move on and give it love and hope instead of sadness and regret.

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