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Everything posted by LongTimeLurker

  1. No, it accepts the 13 digit code after the first vacc and shows the detail of your first vacc.
  2. But the vaccination card states your name and passport number, which should be the same as the ID you are travelling on?
  3. I just use my Thai driving licence, it's accepted by hotels, banks, post office etc.
  4. A mate of mine dipped below the 400k for a few days and on renewal the IO told him to go see an agent to apply for his extension. But he had the 800k in for the required first 3 months before dipping bellow the 400k.
  5. Your friend should tell the police that he wants to claim damages from the dog owners, start at Baht 500,000, that'll get their interest 'cos they'll want a percentage of any deal.
  6. Which is contradicted by this report stating that nearly double the amount of double vaccinated die than unvaccinated. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/how-many-double-jabbed-people-are-dying-from-covid-151218361.html In the winter of 2018/2019 'flu killed more than 50,000 people in UK in a 4 month period, more than Covid did in the same period, but nobody batted an eyelid then and I bet Covid has not killed that many in any 4 month period since it was invented.
  7. According to the UK government you can declare a domicile of choice after 3 years of living in that country, put it in your Will. Whether you can prove you are non-domiciled for inheritence tax purposes, or even in some cases, income tax purposes, is a different matter.
  8. You mean THIS H1N1 outbreak in 2009? The hoax pandemic that killed 15,000 people globally? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1242147/The-false-pandemic-Drug-firms-cashed-scare-swine-flu-claims-Euro-health-chief.html https://www.bbc.com/news/10396382 https://www.forbes.com/2010/03/10/swine-flu-world-health-organization-pandemic-opinions-contributors-henry-i-miller.html?sh=275142916170
  9. You're confusing Non-Resident for Tax Purposes and Non-Domiciled. Non-Res is 183 days, Non-Dom is 3 years.
  10. Did you have to pay property taxes / stamp duty on the transfer?
  11. The rich will have their mansions and their money in Trust Funds and not pay a penny of tax on them.
  12. I've only ever been charged duty from anywhere on items over Baht 1,500 in value.
  13. And every local government has banned alcohol. Edit: except Koh Chang apparently.
  14. The article also states that if everyone and their dog gets vaccinated, the virus will still spread.
  15. The sandbox programme doesn't require the children to be vaccinated (especially since there's no vaccination in place for them anyway) it just requires them to have negative Covid testing.
  16. It's a national ban regardless. And yes, it's stupid and restaurants won't recover business until patron can have a drink with their meal and they are allowed operate past 8 p.m.
  17. The tax is paid at the land office at the time of the sale. You take the tax receipt to your bank and you will be allowed to export the amount that you have paid tax on, which is probably not the amount you have received for the sale. If you want to export the balance the bank will ask to see your work permit. At least that's what happened 14 1/2 years ago when I sold my last property.
  18. True, I was smartphone hesitant until I was given one. But I never use it for email or posting on websites 'cos I find the keys too small, so I will always have a laptop for that (although some tablets have finger friendly virtual keyboards).
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