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Posts posted by beerlao

  1. Hey guys,

    Can anyone suggest an area or a specific shop in Bangkok that sells fireworks all year round, and not only on special hoildays? My first bet would be Chinatown, but I am not really interested in machine gun simulating crackers alone, but a wide range of fireworks types. Thanks for any help.


  2. Hey guys,

    Wow I did not expect this. First of all, I am no Superguru and I do not want to offend anybody with either my number of posts, my name, or anything else I might have said. I am just a daytrader (a successful one (you do not have to believe me if you don't want)). My objective is it to find people that share my passion with me and exchange ideas and trading strategies. I am a student so you will understand that I have lots of time at my disposure to watch cnbc all day. My trading system works for me and I make my share of %.

    Anyway lannarebirth, thanks for the support;).

    So if anybody has something constuctive to say about my post, please go ahead and post. I open for criticism too, as long as it is well argued and does not contain insults;).

    beerlao (the best SEA beer)

  3. Hi guys,

    I am a daytrader on the stockmarket, using primarily technical analysis, but also fundamental analysis to choose what assets to invest in and with what timing. I wonder if there are other people out there doing the same thing, and whether you guys would be interested in meeting up to exchange ideas and trading strategies in these volatile markets! Good trades for you all!


  4. Hi Guys,

    I tried Index Furniture in Maboonkrong and I bought all my stuff there. They got really nice deals there, maybe not high end furniture but for this price you really get good pieces of work. I furnished my whole condo, and it is comfortable and looks just great!! I recommend it for people that want to live nicely (Western Style) and do not want to spend a fortune.


  5. Thanks guys,

    I will definetely have a look. I mean the better you sit, the more maximised you work, the more maximised you work, the more more money you earn. So I am willing to pay the extra mile for a good chair!


  6. Hi there,

    I am looking for some decent high grade office furniture to buy. I would prefer to buy importet stuff as the local seems low quality and not much comfort. Especially a good and comfortable office chair, which you can sit on for 8 hours straight without any backpain. Can anyone suggest where I should look around for this? I welcome any suggestions!


  7. Soon we will have to give up all of our privacy and let them screen our home. You guys always talk about technological advancements and how they help us catch the bad guys. Is this modern society so fearful and cowardish to give up any little freedom and privacy that we have left? Where will all this end? I have seen a number of SciFi movies that feed my fantasy when it comes to future scenarios, and I must say I do not like them. A society where there is no individual freedom, where everything is screened and bugged with monitoring devices. This is not a world worth living in. Say you went to a store looking to buy a hammer, this hammer that you touches is bought by a man that kills somebody with it, leaving no prints on it but yours......


  8. Hi Guys,

    I went to Gymkhana yesterday to practice on the driving range. Prices are cheap. You pay 30 Baht for one club, I rented 3, so it was 90 Baht for the clubs. A rack of balls is 25 Baht (I think 40 balls). If you wanna play on the course you will have to pay 200 Baht for 9 holes and 400 Baht for 18 holes. If you need to rent a bag of clubs (300 Baht) and shoes (50 Baht), they are available at the office. Hope this info helps you guys. Please report how it went on the course. My swing is still bad, but I think next week I should definetely be ready to give it a try.

    beerlao :o

  9. Hi Guys,

    I would be ok with either wednesday or friday. But as I said, I think I need a bid of practice on the driving range first. For you guys this must be a rather boring option. If you guys wanna start first, no problem, I will be heading out once or twice before I join you, maybe next week I should be prepared to give it a shot on a real golf course. Maybe you guys, that are interested can PM me your mobile phone number, so I can get in touch with you.

    beerlao :o

  10. Hi Pauly,

    I actually never played on a golf course before, we were just practising on the driving range, so I am sure you will put up a good fight;). Ok, so here are the facts: I have no golf shoes, no clubs, no membership. What will a round of let's say 9 holes cost me? What are the prices for the driving range? Anytime next week will be fine, but I think I will have to get warmed up on the driving range first, or the little grass left will have to suffer :D .

    beerlao :o

  11. Hi Guys,

    Getting hot in here, just cool it! I played golf in University and ever since not. I liked it very much and wish to play again. Now there have been 2 courses named in this thread, but as to my knowledge, there are many more courses in the vicinity of Chiang Mai. Can anyone suggest the best golf course for a beginner with no clubs and 'balls'? If something comes up I would be happy if other people would join in and maybe make a regular social event out of it? Beginners and/or advanced players, whatever the mix. So thanks for any suggestions and maybe see you on the green soon. I will open a new thread so please answer in there, thanks: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=63403

    beerlao :o

  12. Hi Guys,

    I played golf in University and ever since not. I liked it very much and wish to play again. Now there have been 2 courses named in the other golf thread, but as to my knowledge, there are many more courses in the vicinity of Chiang Mai. Can anyone suggest the best golf course for a beginner with no clubs and 'balls'? If something comes up I would be happy if other people would join in and maybe make a regular social event out of it? Beginners and/or advanced players, whatever the mix. So thanks for any suggestions and maybe see you on the green soon.

    beerlao :o

  13. All talking is senseless!! Laws are laws, if you break 'em and get caught you join the joint! It's simple as that! Society needs laws, otherwise we would face anarchy. Whether these laws are good or not doesn't matter. We are Farangs, we have the freedom to choose where to live. If you wanna smoke weed legally, move to the Netherlands! If you wanna traffick it, be smart and have no conscience!


  14. ATTENTION!!!!!!!

    For all you mexican food lovers out there. Try the Burrito House in Pantip Plaza. It has excellent mexican food. It is like a fast food restaurant and the meals are I think pre-cooked and then heated up, but believe me, they have the best burritos out there. Prices are very moderate. The shop is located just near the food center on the upper most floor. Hope to get some feedback on this one!!


  15. Drugs will never, never ever be eradicated. Mr. Taksin is a very bad politician, as we know. Where are the root causes of the problem? Is it drug dealers? Is it drug pushers, or even the producers? Nope!! I clearly identify the education system. People are held stupid. You only know what you are tought. And what is tought in Thai schools? Totally biassed, nationalistic bullshit. People coming outta college have the knowledge of 10th grader in Europe or elsewhere in our beloved 1st world. I know that, because I made my Bachelors Degree in a Thai College. Students don't have a clue what's going on in the world. They are trained to function in their jobs and in society. There is only one problem with this: Where to go with ones anger, misstrust, and questions that one has to question authorities? There is no way to go, because Thais are trained to shut up and do their job. So what to do, when all the pressure comes down, where to release it? The answer is drugs. The only problem to adress these root causes is that Thaksin can not afford people that think and question the Status Quo. Because this is the only reason why he is in power. Having subordinate consumers, that cry for more consumer products. Drugs is the price he will have to pay for this.


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