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Posts posted by nachiket

  1. Concern much about relation?

    Change the place or business or take her to your country.

    I am damn sure about police, if he is for something, he will have it no matter what. Also, he can create any false matter against you. (I know about police very well because, at some point of a time in my life, I was working with crime investigation department)

  2. Pakistan tourists lol. Snatching bags and passing counterfeit notes just this week. These quality 'tourists' are always getting caught with bags of meth at the airport too

    Let's see crap life if you have not work in Pakistan or take a chance in Thailand and get 2 squares a day courtesy of the Thai gov't

    Something that has to be taken into account is that life in Thailand is a HUGE improvement to what the average Pakistani gets at home.

    The other interesting thing is a Pakistani working with 2 Indians. That does not happen very often if true.

    Agree. As an Indian, I would like to stay away from Pakistani. Indeed, some of my Indian Muslim friends are keeping distance with them.

  3. My wife is a food scientist with 13+ years experience and she strictly warned me not to feed any such food with MSG added in it to our baby?

    Are you expert of that level?

    If so, kindly elaborate.

  4. Maybe Indians are giving false statement.

    According to Indian customs, if someone is leaving country with this huge amount of gold jewelry, they has to declare it on airport before leaving India.

    On the other hand, assume they purchased it here in Thailand, than it's impossible to carry that amount of gold back to India as man are allowed to carry only 10 grams of gold provided their stay in a foreign country should exceeds 3 days.

    In any condition, that amount of gold will be confiscated in India.

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  5. Good to see that they have actually asked for outside assistance when needed. Expensive tho for a guy (Thaksin)) who is not even a politician but just a criminal on the run.

    Divert people attention to gain some credit.

    Else, political game is going on.

    Great move. Let's see if this strategy works out for him to return back as this will create some sympathy in public heart.

    Ah, more of the conspiracy theories! This is why TV is one of the most entertaining sites on the Net.

    So let me get this straight... Darth Thaksin paid some Pakistanis to do a threat video so he could win the stubborn hearts of the Thai people and find his way back home. Is that a tear in my eye?

    Would make for a great novel. Please tell me when the movie comes out... p.s. you may want to 'up' the medication

    If we think logically, it is clear that, AL-Q or Muslims or Jihad have problem with 4 countries and 3 religions; viz

    1] USA 2] UK 3] Israel and 4] India

    1] Christians 2] Jews and 3] Hindus

    Now, where does Thaksin fit in this picture?

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