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Posts posted by Markham

  1. I just want be clear, I'm no saying there was necessary a cover up but it still nontheless an option. The bedroom that was clean before the toxicologist can be just a supid mistake and not a cover up. In fact, it's more plausible.

    But the thing that really anger me is when the Kabri police is pointing finger to the Canadian Embassy and the Bélanger family for not revealing anything about the case because they been ask for. Not only it seems to be false (the father himself said so, he even said is a much in the dark as us) but it's up to the police to reveal or not the critical informations, for the security of the travelers. And If there is nothing new in the conceal informations, just said so. But no matter what, the final decision to reveal the conclusions of the survey is up to them.

    So when the Kabri Police hides behind to the Canadian Embassy and the already grieving Bélanger family saying they been ask by them to not reveal anything, it's quite a disgusting low blow. And of course, you want to know why they said such things and you start thinking that maybe there some sort of cover up or they are simply bad in public relations.

  2. About the Canadian Embassy wanting to conceal info, why they will do that? Maybe the family just want to be the first to learn what happens to their daughters and not read it in newspapers but nothing more. Of all the people, they are the ones who want to know more than anything what happens to "have a closure" about all this. They without a doubt know just so important it is for everyone to know what really happens.

    About the 3 big theories about their deaths;

    1. Pesticide (Deet) in drink. Can be accidental or criminal. If it was just an accident, it's surprising that they were the only being really sicks from it. Doesn't make any senses to me unless it's criminal but even in that case, it's doesn't explain the cyanosis symptoms seen on the sisters. I don't know why the police go with that lead more than the other two.

    2. Poisoned food (fugu). thats can explain the cyanosis but not the skin lesions.

    3. Bedroom watered with pesticide to kills bugs. Can it explains in big parts the symptoms they had and why they seems the only ones getting sicks from this? Maybe. We will probably never known since the room was clean before the toxicologists came in. Cover up?

    The fact is #2 and #3 theories are, at least for me, way better than #1.

    Also the two sisters as been described by family and friends as two happy and responsable university students with the eldest one being an experienced traveler. So we can almost rule out theories about willingly taking drugs to get high or suicides.

    So the case is close, inconclusive and we are not sure why the sisters, like some others before, die. If there is a cover up, it's definitely not coming from the Bélanger family. As for the Canadian Embassy, I don't see why they will conceal informations. Even if it was the case, what the Kabri police said is a stupid excuse, since such informations, if vital, are criticals for everyone going in Thailand and so they should reveal them. So in a country were the economy depends greatly on traveling, why they seems to hide themselves behind "political porcedures" with one Embassy to not reveal the informations if theses are critical to health and security of travelers? Is it because there is nothing new or vital? Because the survey is inconclusive and messy? Or is it because they fear the true (or what they think the true is) will hurt more the local economy (traveling) than not knowing it?

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