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Posts posted by Ezekielyon

  1. The fish export is not registered under my name but I'm running it.

    My permit is under a watch company. I fly in between Thailand and Singapore as most of my customers are in Singapore but I spend most of my time in Thailand.

    I just spoke with a case officer at the embassy who rejected the first application. He mention that since I'm one of her sponsors, I should show my financial status in the next application. However he didn't give any suggestions as to how can we show that she has incentive to come back.

    Looks like I have to submit another application but there's no guarantee that it can go through before the flight

  2. Theoldgit,

    Yes she provided evidence of her course at Ramkamheang Uni, but the officer said that it's an open uni and therefore there isn't a need to attend classes, therefore assuming that there isn't a need to go back to Thailand.


    The name of the society is Sydney Splendens Society, which the show details should come up when you google it. I also submitted a letter from the society and I think it didn't help.

    David48, krisb,

    Unfortunately money is quite an issue. I read that the fees are about £500? I can pay another 5000 baht for another application but £500 is pretty high for me, unless there is a guarantee that the visa can go through, which I understand is difficult for the agent to provide a guarantee for it.

    I'm going down to the embassy to enquire more on the details of how I can expedite that

  3. I just called the embassy, and after all the automated voice and stuff, I'm still unable to speak to a human.

    I called VFS and finally was able to speak to a human. They say I should file another application with new documents and also state that we should let them know that it's urgent.

    I think I will file another application but I have some questions.

    Is showing her bank statements important? As she is a student and she kind of works for me, there isn't much movement going on in her bank account. Only sometimes I give her some money to pay our suppliers (not over 20,000 each time).

    Would showing my Paypal statement help? I can't access my bank account over here, and the only account I can access to is my paypal, which I use it for my B to C sales.

    What other documents can I submit to further strengthen the reason?

    Thanks in advance!

  4. Dear all,

    I recently ran into some problems applying for a tourist visa for my girlfriend. Her visa application has been rejected twice.

    A little background on the issue.
    I'm 26 and I'm from Singapore, so I got my electronic visa, pretty straightforward thing. I'm being invited to Sydney as a judge for an international ornamental fish show and so I planned to bring my girlfriend of 2 years there for a holiday as well. I intend to propose to her there also (she doesn't know about it, its meant to be a surprise).

    My girlfriend is 24, student. She's helping me in my business (ornamental fish exporter) when she is not studying.

    The first application was rejected as in the application form, we wrote that I'll be paying for her expenses, but the reason for rejection was that there is insufficient evidence that I'm her boyfriend.

    So in the second application, we have 4 Australian citizens named as our sponsors, a letter of invitation from the society that invited me to judge at that show (her name is included in that letter), airfare and accommodation bookings and receipts (not low cost airline and pretty high end hotel), a letter from myself stating that I'm bringing her on a holiday, and even pictures of us from the past 2 years.

    However, the second application was rejected again, saying that they think she has no incentive to return to Thailand after the trip.

    I feel pretty pissed as it seems that they have doubts on the integrity of the sponsors and myself. I also don't think the officer that rejected the application did go through all of the documents submitted as the officer only state 2 sponsors out of the 4 sponsors in the rejection letter.

    I've been planning for this trip since May, and we booked our airfare during early June. The trip is scheduled to fly on the 27th of August, so it leaves us about a week to get it done. There isn't enough time to file another application through VFS.

    I've also prepared a ring for the proposal, arranged with my friends over there to book a nice restaurant over looking Sydney Harbour, and hired photographers while I propose to her on the last night of our trip (2nd Sept). I've been very troubled by this. Is there anyway I can file another application that can be approved in time?

    Thanks in advance

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