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Posts posted by Charlie2012

  1. The squeaky shoes are so the parents can hear where their kids are - handy in a place so crowded. Of course, to the parents, it sounds like music, because it indicates that their child is safe, but to the bystander - especially those with no kids, and therefore no sympathy, it can be irritating.

    Or they could use their eyes. And what if loads of kids are wearing the stupid squeaky shoes? No, parents give them the squeaky shoes because they think it's cute.

  2. I travelled up to Chiang Mai from Bangkok yesterday. I was tempted to stay in Bangkok, but the rent seems much cheaper up here. Will be looking at apartments tomorrow so can't comment on the quality yet! Basically, it seemed to be that in Bangkok, if you want something for under 12,000 baht, it's either a lousy place in a good location or a good place in a lousy location. So hoping to find something decent in the 5,000 to 8,000 bracket within walking distance of the centre and a Starbucks or two. I'll walk into a few and check out rooms and prices, but I'm also being taken to some by one of the local agencies. While I'll miss the bookshops and public transport of Bangkok, I must say it's nice not to have to sleep with the AC on and be poked by prostitutes while walking along the street.

  3. You have to have a work permit.

    If it's for the school to deposit, then the school can speak to the manager and tell them the WP is still in process or whatever and they can do it.

    But, basically, no WP no bank account.

    I opened my Bank Account without a Work Permit at Bangkok Bank main branch in Silom, but that was 8 years ago.

    You do NOT need a work permit at Bangkok Bank! I'm on a tourist visa and I opened an account at Bangkok Bank today. Just needed passport and a certified copy of my passport from the British Embassy (a driving licence is normally ok along with a passport, but mine is one of the old ones without a photo so I had to get the certified letter instead).

    You can also open an account with them if you entered on the visa exemption or visa on arrival. It's all there in black and white in their Welcome Guide, so I assume this is the policy for every branch.

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