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  1. Dual passports.What's so difficult to understand ?
  2. I think a major problem with a lot of thai politicians is that they are afraid of change. They seem to be so scared that PT will do a better job than they did (tried), that they'll go to any length to stop them winning. To be honest it's difficult to see any type of fair election happening. Ultimately the man in the palace is going to have his opinion and that'll be that.
  3. Are there any pharmacies in Hua Hin selling sidegra?
  4. Just looking around and I've discovered that you can buy routers that have a sim card slot.Something like that combined with a thunder sim card might just be worth looking into. I could then connect my Chromecast with Google TV to it and play my IPTV through it. Not sure if it would work, but worth trying I think.
  5. Something like that would be interesting, but it still has the monthly fees which I'm trying to avoid. I don't want to be spending money on the internet if we won't be here to use it.
  6. I'm aware of the 12 month sim but I was thinking more in the line of a hard line package . I used to use a sim, but streaming tv from the EU uses a lot of bandwidth so I just got a modem installed.
  7. Is there such thing as an Internet provider that let's you only activate your package when you're in the country? I'll be coming and going between Europe and Thailand and I'd like to have Internet when I arrive and just enable / disable as I come and go. Just find it a waste of money paying for Internet /TV for my house when I'm not here. Cheers Vinny
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