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Posts posted by drbones666

  1. his opinion as to the Zenith of

    Beers would "a long-neck Bud"

    Ok. Pud from the US is absolute <deleted> but there are times when what you want is one of these "garden" beers.

    This classification comes from the idea that you've been out in the hot sun doing your gardening and you're parched and instead of a beautiful warm and flat English ale, what you really want is some cold, bubbly barley water that's been buried in crushed ice for a few hours.

    Sometimes, but not very often.

    Give me Duvel or La Chouffe any day. A Hopback Ale from Brewerkz in Singapore is also very hard to beat.

  2. My Doctor back in Oz reckons it's not the beer that puts on the weight

    How does anyone that stupid get a medical degree?

    It's insulin that packs on the pounds by putting the triglycerides into the adipose cell and locking the door afterwards. Keep putting stuff in your mouth that breaks down into carbohydrate and keep the insulin levels up as well as causing insulin resistance you will also keep adding on the pounds of fat.

    Anyone who has studied biochem even at the 100 level should know that.

  3. Ah! So THAT'S what those blank emails are.

    No worries for me since I use a Mac.

    The biggest and worst virus you can find on any computer is Windows. I got tired of the Blue Screen of Death long ago and switched. For the last three years the Internet has been a completely safe environment for me.

    Before some intellectually challenged individual opens his mouth with "when macs become popular you'll see viri for macs" I want to say that's an ignorant comment. People hate windows for windows sake and because it's Micro$oft.

    Macs Rule!

  4. Statistically we know that 50% of all back ops fail within one year. By the 7 year mark it's almost 100% failure.

    The total disc replacement is a very promising op and I've not heard anything bad about it yet but it is still considered experimental.

    In my experience it's what the patient does that has the most effect on back pain and disc damage. Most people are damaging their discs on a daily basis. How is the poor disc supposed to heal if you keep tearing it? Trouble is, most advice given by professionals is the same stuff they were saying 50 years ago. Didn't work then, doesn't work now. Also, despite plenty of research showing that strengthening of the "core" (stupid term) muscles has little to no effect on low back pain.

    Treating and living with low back pain is a bitch. Most people don't want to hear what it takes to stay out of pain and those that op for the simple way out usually find themselves in pain again, even after the 2nd or 3rd op.

  5. Even vacinated people come down with the diseases they are vacinated for. Considering a lot of the crud they put in those shots and the deformities I've seen them cause in children, I'll pass.

    Sorry, I guess the brainwashing just didn't work on me.

  6. Of course it's over commercialized. EVERYTHING is over commercialized. Companies with an advertising budget want money and people are stupid enough to give it to them so expect the trend to continue until people start using their grey matter more intelligently.

    I think that brings us to F1 racing and most sporting events....

  7. Along with sweet, sour, bitter, salty and metalic, Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) elicits a taste called umami.

    We have receptors for glutamine, an amino acid and that's what MSG is, a Glutamate molecule linked with a sodium ion to make a salt.

    There has been a lot of buzz over the years but no good science to prove any of the claims made against MSG.

  8. When you cause a joint space rapidly you cause a vacuum. Nature hates a vacuum and will fill it with something readily available: nitrogen gas. The proper term is cavitation.

    There was a 10 year study done on habitual knuckle crackers and they found that there was no additional degeneration of the MP joints and so it is deemed not detrimental.

    Your spine, however, has discs between the bones which can be damaged by rapid torsional movements. The 1979 Volvo award for biomechanics went to a couple of guys who showed that the combination of rotation and forward flexion is the most destructive action for discs. Golf anyone?

    Beware anyone who uses rotational movements when manipulating the spine.

    Also, as someone else pointed out, if you have any kind of defect in the spine don't let unqualified practitioners (and be darn picky about the qualified ones) do any kind of twisty, bendy, crunchy stuff to you... then again, it's your body, do with it what you want.

  9. ###### tobacco is responsible for deaths than alcohol. Ban that crap instead. Drinking beer doesn't harm anyone else, smoking makes everything stink.

    Honestly, I can't understand why anyone is going to LOS any more anyway. Girls have bad attitudes, everything is expensive. PI is much more bang for the buck these days.

  10. Its pretty weird how they've hit Bali a second time. 

    Bali is considered to be the most successful of all the bombings as in there were no muslims harmed.

    If these guys would just start bombing politicians instead of the populace, they would all go from being hated to loved overnight. This would go much further to promote their agenda. I wouldn't mind seeing a few neo-cons in the obit column.

    Oh well... if wishes were fishes and all that.

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