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Posts posted by drbones666

  1. Under the Thai law, every drug store must employ a licensed pharmacist to make sure customers are given the correct advise on how to use drugs.

    Mind you, doesn't say a thing about having a prescription, just so you get "good advice". When I walk into a pharmacy, 99 times out of a hundred the pharmacist opens his big book of drugs and tries to talk me into buying vicodin or viagra or some narcotic I don't need. How much to take? Up to me.

    As to taking years to become one, what's the point? In the end all you're doing is counting pills and stuffing cotton in bottles.

    I love thailand.

  2. The most important consideration is the damage done to the liver. Do not combine antibiotics and alcohol. If you can't go off the piss for a week or so you need professional counselling. As for me, I'm off to the AAA now. See ya...

    Seriously, not a good idea. Most likely won't kill you but not a good idea. I've drank and used them at the same time. They killed the bugs and my liver doesn't seem to be totally rotted out yet but still not a good idea.

  3. Anything other than Real English Ale is, to some degree, complete crap. Most of the beers listed here so far are not beer, they are fermented corn and / or rice beverage. They also contain enough stabilizers, heading agents and genetically modified ingredients to stock your average college chemistry lab.

    Each time I go to BKK fate has seen fit to deny me the chance of sampling the micro-brew available there except for the one at the airport. They have one they refer to as their strong ale. it is pleasent. The others on their list are weak-tit to waste water.

    Please do not refer to Tiger, Carl's Purge, St.Mick, High-Neck Anne or any of that ilk as BEER. It doesn't taste like beer, it has a head like soda pop and you have to over carbonate it and keep it frozen to the coils in the fridge or else you might actually taste what it actually tastes like. :o

  4. Yes, we Chiropractors tend to be very knowledgeable. Since this is my field and I've been at it for over 11 years now I've seen quite a bit. One thing I keep seeing over and over is failed surgeries. I also see very few of my patients end up under the knife. For those who need it I've got a very nice mutual referral network with several surgeons at a local "Expat-Quality" hospital here in K.L.

    A quick perusal of my hard drive (and that's all you get because you're just being a twit) yields a few of hundreds of citations:

    Many people who have had spinal surgery claim that within one year after surgery their symptoms are no different than before they had the surgery.

    Dommisse, G.E & Grahe, R.P The failure of surgery for lumbar disc disorders. Disorder of the lumbar spine. Lippincott, 1978.

    Salenius, P. & Laurent, L.E. Results of operative treatment of lumbar disc herniation. Octa-Orthop Scand, 1977, iS, pp. 630-634.

    Sadly, however the number of spinal surgeries is increasing much faster than the population.

    Davis, H. Increasing rates of cervical and lumbar spine surgery in the United States, 1979-1990. Spine, 1994, 1,9(10), pp. 1117-1124.

    One observer explained this increase in purely monetary terms: "Surgery rates are influenced by the ratio of surgeons to population."

    Wennberg, J. & Gittelsohn, A. Variations in medical care among small areas. Scientific American, 1982, 246(4), pp. 120-134.

    Back surgery for herniation should only be attempted as a last resort. That is because back surgery is a dangerous procedure with a high failure rate. The failure of back surgery is so common that those suffering from it have Failed Back Surgery Syndrome. About 600,000 back surgeries are performed per year with an average failure rate of 53%.

  5. So far its been a complete success...I can only recommend the hospital and the doctors. If anyone out there is suffering like I was, I hope you are as fortunate as I have been.

    Just so everyone knows, I'm an evil Chiropractor.

    Back surgeries fail 50% of the time within the first year. Look down the time-line and around the 5-7 year mark the failure rate is so close to 100% that it isn't worth talking about. Now, I'm not saying that if you went to a Chiro you would no longer have back pain, I'm just saying enjoy it while it lasts.

    I hope you are one of the lucky, lucky ones. If not, write back to me and I'll give you some general guidelines on healing discs that you won't get in very many places. I don't practice in BKK so I won't be making any money off you. Just always happy to help a fellow traveler.... and be a spoil-sport.


  6. Five years overstay = Bloody fool. That's asking for problems.

    Drugs = I believe in "Body Sovernty", whatever you want to do with yourself, as long as it doesn't present a danger to anyone else, you should be able to do. That includes filling your body full of Ketamine, anabolic steroids or vitamins and minerals.

    I know this won't be a popular opinion because many people are afraid to think for themselves and prefer to let the governments of the world control them. God forbid more countries should be like Denmark where the police are more concerned with you getting home safely than policing your morals.

  7. Hermann Goering at the Nuremberg trials: "Why, of course the people don't want war. That is understood. But after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament,or a communist dictatorship.....Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders.  That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for exposing the country to danger and lack of patriotism.  It works the same in any country."

  8. 1) He had it exactly right, but the chances of it happening are approximately zero.

    2) Valentinoxxx raised a good point. Why don't we try more to understand why these terrorists do what they do. The whole world over, mothers love their babies the same, people are out just trying to make money for their families.

    1) No, they are EXACTLY zero. While there is war, huge corporations (aka the Military Industrial Complex) makes huge money. While there is war, politicians have more power and security. Anyone who thinks otherwise has not been a serious student of WW2.

    2) Valentinoxxx is spot on and so are you. People don't just go out and kill and die for the fun of it. They don't even do it because their religious leaders tell them to do it. People kill and die because they are pissed off and / or want to protect their families. The terrorist state of Israel is a prime festering point. What the Nazi's did to the Jews (and gypsies and the mentally ill and many others) can not compare to the holocaust they have subjected the Palestinians to for going on 50 years now. As for Osama buddy, I still suspect he's working for Bush.

    Islam is starting to feel it's oats (note: oats are mainly fibre and little nutrition) and they are taking a big dump on that they see as the xtian world. Religion is stupidity and the 'slums tend to be the least bright of the lot. Who else believes that if they die under the right circumstances the are going to be eternally molested in that big Nana Plaza in the sky, by 70 odd eternal virgins? First off, virgins are a pain in the ass with all the blood, pain and ineptitude that go along with the condition and no one who knows anything about virgins and sex would want this. Secondly, the Koran was channelled / translated / understood incorrectly. It isn't 74 virgins, it's 74 Virginians and these Jihad boys are looking at an eternity of ass whoopin'.

    As a final note, here in Malaysia it's the Bangladesh workers who have put everything in it's proper perspective. These guys all look like Bollywood film stars, it's just the basic genetics. They are also muslim. They do not however spend their days planning Jihad. They spend their days screwing the Malay women who find them so handsome compared to the local muslim monkeyboys. Now THAT is putting Islam to good use!

    Can I get an Amen?

  9. For a farang lady the word is "kwai por"

    Actually it's gui-pah. I had a couple of chinese punk kids following me once saying, "Gui-low gui-low gui-low" I turned around, grabbed their cokes, dumped them over their heads and bitch-slapped them.

    It's an insult people. Don't take it.

  10. (Tongue-in-cheek Mode On)

    OTOH - He was going to bring in some Thai lovlies to give the fat white bitches some competition. Most likely that's why the FWB judge hit him so hard. She saw the writing on the wall i.e. her kind losing control and dying out. Didn't have a thing to do with animals.

    (TIC Mode Off)

    Snickities Batman, Waukesha is Milwaukee, Wisconsin where I went to University. Who would have guessed such evil was going on there? The animal importation I mean.

  11. Don't forget to leave out a little anti-freeze where Thick-skin's mutt can get it. A bit of irreparable kidney damage will do it good. Doggies love it. Be sure and keep yours clear though.

  12. Here's the story from the Beeb:

    Thai young face night curfew

    The curfew will be used to control crime in popular nightspots

    Thailand's cabinet has approved a night-time curfew on all people under 18, in a bid to stop criminal violence.

    Young people found on the streets without their parents between 10pm and four am will be liable to arrest, starting on 29 March.

    Correspondents say it is unclear how strictly the measures will be enforced, in part because many young people work in night jobs.

    The move follows mounting concern about youth crime in Thailand.

    "It's not about punishment, but this measure is aimed at safeguarding under-aged youths as it is unreasonable for them to aimlessly wander around late at night," said the Justice Minister, Pongthep Thepkanjana.

    Among behaviour deemed "inappropriate" will be under 18s going out with their parents after 10pm.

    A spokesman for the Youth Observation and Protection Department, which will enforce the curfew along with police, said such a measure was important because most crimes including gang rape, shootings and motorcycle races are committed after 10pm when youngsters had consumed alcohol.

    Under the proposals, first-time curfew offenders would be detained until their parents picked them up, but the authorities are considering longer detention and bail for multiple offenders.

    There have also been suggestions that the curfew was unlikely to be enforced across the entire country, but would be a useful tool for the authorities to deal with disruption in night-life districts.

    The curfew is being introduced after justice ministry figures showed an alarming rise in violent crime, particularly sex crimes, among young people in Thailand.

    Reports said rape increased by 16 percent on the previous year in 2003, with gang rape rising by 70 percent.

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