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Posts posted by demonietto

  1. Thanks for the tips, struck out though. A reggae bar near Zoe referred me to tattoo shops near night bazaar, but they didn't know. Tobacco shops neither. Tried both Robinson's and Baan and Beyond, but only got to see a pet monkey chase a mini Pomeranian. Anyone else?

  2. I'm looking for a neti pot, but all the info on TV is at least two years old. Any leads? I read that Only Natural on Mae Jo road might have one, or maybe Free Bird Cafe on the moat. Thanks!

  3. Can anyone clarify the VEE changes coming on the 12th? I've only been able to find reports about visas, not exemptions. We (USAers) are working in VN right now, we last visited LOS for two weeks in February on a VEE. My passport has since been renewed but my GF has a few months worth of 2 week border run stamps in the passport from 2013 when we lived in Chiang Mai, which even thouh it is old probably doesn't look good. We just don't want to get turned around at the airport, as we were planning on arriving on the 18th. Thanks!
  4. Not really sure, just looking for a steel road frame, heavy duty tires, 10 speed downtube(?) shifters. Thinking of picking up a bike, thought something SE Asian would be cool, since I'm living here

  5. Has anyone bought or ridden a bicycle from Coyote? I saw a few around Chiang Mai earlier in the year but haven't found any info about them. I think it's a Thai company, not sure though. They had a website but I can't find it right now.

  6. Thanks for the heads up, almost forgot the passport photos! Not too bad for our first Imm experience. Got there at 6:50, #'s 34 and 33, which turned into queue 006 and 007. The copy shack went quickly. We got out of there around 9:50. Does everyone bring exact change? I had to ask for my 100 baht change from two 1000 notes, it wasn't handed back with my receipt. The counter person grabbed it off a desk. My girlfriend had to ask a couple of times and we ended up just leaving; the 'desk manager' never came back. Gotta make up for the loss from residency certificates, I guess. Regardless, 30 days not a problem.

  7. Anyone know where to get a nice hood in CM? A cheapy got thrown in with my helmet at the store, but the seam comes up and over from the back, right down the middle of my forehead. It works, but I would love to find one that doesn't have that extra squeeze where the fold is pushed into my head by the helmet. Would rather find one in town than buy one over the Internet, but if that is the only way...

  8. I believe they swarm to lights due to confusion. They use the moon (which is full) for navigation, but the lights throw their flight arc off, and they all end up bonking (there's that word again) into the light, which was supposed to be far away (the moon). This is applicable to moths/flames also. I don't remember who explained this to me but I think it was a naturalist of some kind. My bathroom in the states exploded with a larger species one night shortly after sunset when the moon was full. Lots of (much larger) wings in the morning.

  9. Hey, any ladies out there know of a salon that's excellent at waxing? I've had a few mediocre experiences and certainly no one I'd trust to wax me 'down there'.. Has anyone found a great technician? Thanks!

  10. Now that we've sealed up our window and door cracks, can anyone suggest a place to get a small houseplant? We would love some oxygen now that we've shut out the outside air. Somewhat around the moat would be great but not necessary. I though we drove by some nurseries to the NE of old town in a songtaew once...

  11. i think i've found a solution to my dilemma. after finding out songthauw drivers earn only 10$ a day on this thread

    If you want to drive a songtaew in Chiang Mai you have two options.

    1. You can buy one.

    2. You can rent one.

    If you want to rent one it will cost you a 12000bt deposit and 300bt a day. You then have to pay for all fuel, repairs and insurance (if you have any). After that you start to make a profit.

    My new-found dream of being a tuktuk driver was shattered after seeing the extensive 'Farangs can't do this' list. Mine would definitely have a cup holder.
  12. I suspect the aircon now at night is slowly killing us. should we switch off and just get a fan running?

    Wait, what? An airconditioner is a machine that filters air as it cools and dehumidifies it. It's what saves you.

    First thing in the morning I recommend you run over to Home Pro and buy a pack of 3M "Filtrete" filter material. You have to then take out the filters in your air conditioner (clean them first) then cut the 3M material to size and stick it to the aircon filters (it comes with double sided sticker thingies to attach it). Then run the aircon in the room you're in and keep doors and windows closed as much as possible.

    Just did this myself, thanks for the tip! I had to ask a few folks before I found it; it's in the aisle with the toilet scrubbers, etc, I think, not near the air conditioners at the end of the store. 'Filtrete' on a piece of paper finally worked, though the first person I showed said they don't carry it. I have more than half mine left if someone wants it for 100 baht, it's 200 for the whole thing at the store. Electrostatically filtered air! The smog seemed to be creeping into our room, and the plastic filters didn't look like they were doing much. Looking forward to seeing how much junk is on it in a few months.

  13. Just to clarify, to get my motocy DRIVER'S LICENSE I need:

    Copies of passport pages

    Residency letter from immigration (500 baht?)

    Medical certificate

    Take the tests, etc at Dept. of Transportation (Pay them too? they don't need photos anymore)

    And that gets me a year.

    I would like to go to the Hang Dong branch as I heard they are nice there. How far past airport plaza are they? Google maps won't find them.

  14. Has anyone gotten a motorscooter license while here on a tourist visa? I thought I read somewhere that you need a non-b and proof of residence, but maybe someone out there got around that. I'll be in the 'hood until June, maybe longer, and want to avoid any hassle should I encounter a police officer. Thanks!

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