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Posts posted by korbandallas

  1. Meh they might not like competition but there's already a big ass tesco and big c 5mins away. Having an other one would make absolutely no sense. There's enough concrete in phuket. Let them invest in 2-3story high parking @ the first tesco instead. Or they could add a few other stories to the current tesco platform.

    Who knows if they defeat tesco we might for once get a NEW type of business. Theres still a 95% chance it'll be 50 7/11's and pharmacy next to each other and a non negligible 5% that it wont

    I totally agree with these guys there will be no Thai Bashing here from me.

    Competition is good for the consumers but in the form of Tesco and Big C I disagree.

    In the Uk 30% of shops are closed due to big stores killing their businesses!!

    Also if these big stores keep popping up it does take away the feeling of us actually living in Thailand.

    Lets not forget some of the reasons us expats left our native countries in the first place

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  2. Such a shame that this future economical powerhouse is so corrupt.

    They are stealing from Thai people and from future generations.

    Imagine a Thailand where all the funds were used and how many more people would get work because of it and at the same time how much those extra jobs will trickle money back into the economy.

    Please can answer me this is there a word in the Thai dictionary for under budget?

  3. Too many pieces of the big pie will be taken away if complete banning ip is enforced.

    How can the BiB expect to get there 1 million bhat member fee back with actual real Police work?

    And lets face it that its one of the pulls of Thailand cheap contraband.

    I have 1 question thought and please answer as this is not Thai bashing its just a question.....How many percentage of police officers in this country have never taken a bribe?

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