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Posts posted by up2u2

  1. The Hillary and Bill show went very well throughout the Convention.

    Bill the consummate politician played his part perfectly. Front and centre for 4 days none stop supporting her.

    This is how campaigns are won. Attention to the most minute detail, leave no voter un-tweaked.

    The devoted supportive husband. Well played Bill.

    No match for Chachi of course. lol

    I can't get over Chachi. Trump 'Noddy no friends'. Even Cruz the most despised Republican stabbed Trump in the back. What a bloody shambles. What is that joke Trumps mother would tie a chop around his neck so the family dog would play with him. lmao.

  2. Hillary's Convention speech slapped Trump around the chops which is crucial Democrats take the fight to Trump. Now the hard part to keep selling their message and if it is as disciplined as the Convention then it will be a very difficult campaign to beat.

    Hillary doesn't want a large bump in the Polls. Better to stay just slightly ahead or 5 points behind. It would be disastrous if she got too far ahead in the Polls and that triggered a low turn out on the day. If it looks like Hillary is going to walk away with it then Dems may not decide to vote and that could lead to disaster. Underdog is a better position going into the last two weeks.

    One thing I did notice at the DNC Convention was the lack of 1000 American flags. It is about time America stopped all the flag waving nonsense. Very smart by the Dems. When an election hangs on Mexican Latino Hispanic African American vote the last thing you want is to be waving 10000 flags in people's face. It consolidates Republican white racists but alienates ethnic minorities.

    Also key was Hillary moving to the Left and taking on board Bernie's popularity and attacking Wall Street, Corporate America and the wealthy elite. Also Healthcare, education, Justice, liveable minimum wage and addressing income inequality.

    Overall a very disciplined, positive, uplifting and a show of unity throughout the convention.

  3. If one wants to know how HRC did as Secretary of State, one should speak to those who worked with her. It would be much more reliable than listening to Trump or other uninformed wingnuts. For example, I would think a 4-star General who was actually in-theater would be much more credible....


    So we should listen to those that work with her? OK. The person who knows her best work-wise, Huma Abedin, says that Hillary Clinton is "often confused". How about we ask Chris Stevens? Oh, that's right. We can't. He's dead. Hillary ignored his pleas for security and was murdered by savage terrorists.

    Yes, let's listen to those who work with her and elect someone who's "often confused" and watches her own people get murdered for eight hours while doing nothing but worrying about how it will effect the next election. Great idea!

    This is the point Hillary made in her speech. Okay having a big fat mouth but once you get in the Oval Office and have to make the hard decisions you need someone like her. Measured, unwavering and most of all understands the complexity of Foreign diplomacy and the limitation of a Nations power and ability to protect US citizens on foreign soil. Also a thorough understanding of the Geneva and Vienna Conventions and International Laws the US is subject too and must abide by. Hillary remained disciplined and made every decision in the best interest of America and its People even though knowing a good friend was in grave danger. It is what she means when she mentions the 'rigours of high Office'. The last person you want in the Oval Office is a dipshit like Trump who doesn't have the slightest understanding of International Law and the responsibility of Office. You demonstrate perfectly why Hillary is the most qualified person to hold the Office of President.

  4. It would not be inconceivable for the first black lady of the usa to AVOID commenting on slaves and white house. However, suggesting there is an imperative to at least do this once due to the gravity and solemnity of the occasion over looks a very important fact: Michelle Obama has repeatedly offered this refrain. For years she has offered this same line and numerous others to conspire her tightly weaved, closely held, deep antipathy for people not like her.

    Or she could just be the first African American woman to live in the White House built by slaves and see her Black children playing on the White House lawn and reflecting on her Peoples history. It would be inconceivable that the point was not made. There are many racist White folk who cannot accept that an inferior race like an African American can be in the White House. Well she certainly did triumph. Your attack of Michelle says more about you than it does about her.

    Is her assertion she is a slave descendant as absurd as Warren's that she is a powwow girl? BS. Show me the proof. Its hate couched as not-hate!

    *, who would ever offer such words as "...an inferior race of like african americans...?" Even in satire or parody i could not muster that into a sentence; on circumspection alone I could not easily slide that into my musing.

    *, The party of racism and eugenics in the US is Michelle's party; this is an utter fact. From slavery to jim crowe to opposing the civil rights act, it was her own party. Those things I believe have died and struggled to represent all americans for a very long time. From the civil war to 2016, Americans consistently fight against racism and stereotypes and most of them are not in Michelle's party.

    Yes, I wear proudly that my indictment of michelle says more about me. I earnestly hope so.

    Why wouldn't Michelle Obama continually make the point of the White House being built by slaves and her, a Black woman, being resident there and her young Black children playing on the White House lawn. She is a descendent of African slaves from Georgia.

    Michelle's eloquent and beautiful speech has resonated around the free world and it has bought credit to the American People that a descendent of African slaves occupies the White House. Something American's should take great pride in.

    That her comments irritate a small ongoing white racist minority in America should not obstruct the positive message this signals to African Americans that the highest Office is achievable.

    Michelle should write a book about her slave descendants and her path to the White House lawns.

    I doubt the slaves that were treated so cruelly that built the White House could have ever imagined in their wildest fantasies that one day a beautiful elegant Black woman would be in residence with her two young Black daughters playing on the White House lawn. Beyond belief.

  5. Again I was a little nervous, could Hillary take the stage and step it up a notch further after Michelle who bought the house down, Warren who slapped Trump around his flabby jowls and showed him to be the fool he is, Bernie who couldn't get a word in for 5 minutes till the applause of his passionate, fanatical fans subsided and then, the master of the spoken word Obama set not just the Convention on fire but around the free world his speech that outlined the true values and strength of the American People in contrast to the hate speech and racism and bigotry and ignorance of Trump.

    Well, did she what! A mother a grand mother a fighter who never quits. A person who listens, a prophet of change. The People's champion. I ticket of unity with the American People. Her smackdown of Trump, like a houseproud woman whose cat just shiit on the carpet she grabbed Trump by the scruff of the neck and rubbed his nose in it. Wonderful stuff.

    So the battle lines are drawn

    Republicans: Hate speech, racism, fear mongering, homophobia, austerity for the poor tax breaks for the wealthy elite, religious bigotry, American set against American, more guns and violence a divided America.

    Democrats: A united America, a prosperous America, the wealthy elite and Corporate America paying their way, a fairer share of productivity for the workers who generate the wealth, a path to citizenship for Mexicans and Latinos, respect and protections for the LGBTQ minority community, affordable health care, pharmaceutical and education for the People, criminal justice protection for minority's.

    "Love Trumps Hate' and Hillary showed beyond doubt she is the person qualified to achieve change.

    Democrats showed they are the political elite with the core values that reflect the American People, good People, kind People, courageous People, a united People.

    'Don't Boo Trump.......VOTE!'

  6. I was getting a little nervous. Political heavy weight after political heavy weight, perfectly disciplined and scripted politicians who know their craft with Obama in the wings. He takes the stage with confidence and charisma and belts it out of the park. The whole team crosses home base with plenty of time to spare.

    The GOP must be rocking back and forth reaching for an extra dose of medication.

    What a convention, what a team, what a line up they don't get much better than this. Not a Chachi in sight.

  7. Michelle is emblematic of a nonstop appeal to division, injury, guilt, and false culpability that informs much of the new black militancy in America (thus, her husband championing the New Black Panthers. See "Obama marched with new black panthers"). There is a palpable darkness in her suggestion that whites today are stained and accountable for the distant past. America has and continues to atone for the false path it choose, at a time when the vast majority of the world was on the same path. The corruption of blood she constantly teases in nearly all she says marries perfectly with the concurrent argument of 'White Guilt' - that other humans are guilty by virtue of being born.

    Why would time alone be the qualifier for what constitutes a corruption of blood, culpability for ancient crimes? After all, millions of Caucasians where enslaved by Moors, Ottomans, and other Caucasians alike. Jews were enslaved and condemned both in antiquity and recently. Slavery is still a standard and condoned by one of the largest religions in history, and afforded tacit approval in many nations today. Why does Michelle have a claim to some injury of history? Do all of these fractured and injured groups have a right to claim, a right of moral return? Or is this just the mechanics of personal hatred and division?

    If ever there was a self evident racism its is her own, couched in not-racism. Michelle percolates and simmers and keeps the low level fever of imaginary injuries ever present in a population of people on earth who were never enslaved, never picked cotton, nor ever abused by "masta." Indeed, vast amounts of black Americans were equally not descended from enslaved peoples. Implicit in accepting Michelle's express racism for whites is a corruption of blood on all white's born today. Worse, as America is a nation of non-stop immigration vast majorities of Americans could not trace an ancestry to this ancient stain even if they wanted- their ancestors were never in America earlier either.

    The cry of 'injustice' is a sufficient amulet to silence critique. The mere claim of 'racism' now permits all form of horrible, Rwanda like seeds of rage to be planted, couched in 'truth.' It is not true. It is not Truth. What Michelle and her race baiting sycophants do is permanently inculcate hatred and division. She constantly inserts race into everything.

    Michelle Obama is an angry, bitter, militant being who incites hatred and division with a smile and a cultivated "I triumphed" deportment. Our worldview is the conspiracy of all our life experiences and earlier choices to see the world as we declare it should be, rather than as we fear or imagine, and these ingredients form an amalgam of who we are today- our "worldview." Michelle evidences bankruptcy both of reason and morality. She is not a champion. She is an agitator in the spirit of Alinsky and her... you guessed it, husband.

    Or she could just be the first African American woman to live in the White House built by slaves and see her Black children playing on the White House lawn and reflecting on her Peoples history. It would be inconceivable that the point was not made. There are many racist White folk who cannot accept that an inferior race like an African American can be in the White House. Well she certainly did triumph. Your attack of Michelle says more about you than it does about her.

  8. Question is what motivates the voters, fear or hope?

    You can see by the two Conventions

    Republicans resonate with fear, racism, hate speech, insults, homophobia, violence, bigotry, division.

    Democrats resonate with an inclusive Nation, respect and empowerment of women, equal opportunity, shared prosperity, a better future, equal pay, social justice, environment protection, climate change, education, health, a fair wage, less hate and division, gun control, right to choose, criminal justice.

    I thought Bills point "If you are Muslim but hate terrorism join with us and fight to defeat it'. It is a message of shared values and a united America against terrorism. United you stand, divided you fall.

    I don't think America has had an election where the choice has been any further from each other. It should be a landslide to the Democrats.

  9. I don't think so Briggsy. The political dynamics on day one was Michelle resonates with women particularly mothers and also African American women. She did it beautifully. It was up to Bernie to extend the bridge for his supporters to walk across and fight the good fight against the racist, bigoted pig ignorant Republicans. Warren was really the 'whip' in revealing Trump for what he is divisive spiteful and just plain nasty and hateful and that he is simply not qualified for the rigours of the highest Office.

    Today Bill smooth talked the Nation he added 'the girl next door' persona to Hillary. Young love and romance but a strong woman and did it with humility and humour. Wouldn't surprise me if a large percentage US women began ovulating on hearing his speech today. Women just eat that stuff up.

    Democrats have something to sell. A better deal a united Nation a share in prosperity a message to women and young girls a better kinder America Healthcare, education and unity.

    Republicans a flogging fear, hatred, racism a Nation divided, tax cuts for the wealthy, more war and destruction and cruelty.

  10. The First Lady's speech was inspiring and uplifting and beautifully executed. Michelle Obama is quite a beautiful woman who speaks from the heart.

    Her comments on being an African American woman resident in the White House built by African Slaves and watching her two young African American daughters playing on the White House lawn would have been a poignant moment and as an African woman descendent of slaves that were raped, brutalized, murdered and lynched the scene must have been surreal and reflection of her historical past would have been entirely natural. Her just being there is a triumph of the human spirit and that in the end good will win out over evil, greed and cruelty.

    Endorsing Hillary and handing the care of American children to her is instinctively how women think and that will resonate with the women of America. The alternative is Melania a Slovak and lay about 'trophy wife'. Tough choice.

  11. JT it just got a little awkward there. If a person is asked to 'stretch' it is unprofessional to say you have been asked to 'stretch' you just 'stretch'. Bernie supporters have to be encouraged to come on board and support Hillary not dragged along with force or admonished. Dems have to harness their passion and let them know the revolution is just getting started. When is Hillary making her entrance? They are possibly waiting to see how things go first. Maybe it needs Bernie to come on with Hillary onto the stage. I presume Obama is the next big gun to enter center stage.

    Don't get me wrong Sarah Silverman wasn't anywhere near embarrassing as a bloody Chachi. On day one the Dems have wiped the floor with the Republicans. What big gun did Trump have not counting Cruz who came out and stabbed him in the back live on stage. Oh man what a shambles.

    It is easy to see why the more intelligent and educated section of the electorate are Democrats

  12. I have had a chance to watch the main speakers in full. Michelle Obama, Cory Booker, Elizabeth Warren and the superstar of the opening day The Bernster. All stayed perfectly on script. A faultless presentation perfectly managed. Choc full of relevant policy and political comparisons of their opponent without being hostile or engaging in hate speech. 10 out of 10 and a great start. Hillary is going to have to lift her game to outshine the lineup today.

    Hard to pick the winner between Michelle or Bernie. Michelle is strikingly beautiful and Bernie just orchestrates the room with humility and both speak from the heart. You would have to say a dead heat.

    Only slight criticism I would make is the Comedian Sarah Silverman when she directed comments to the Bernie supporters. She has to realise the Dems need those supporters to come across and unite to take on Trump.

    It was a polished and coordinated political machine from seasoned political campaigners who showed they know their craft. A stark contrast to the hate speech, racist, bigoted pig ignorant Republican convention circus. It really does show wealthy old fat arrogant businessmen make really shiit politicians.

    Well done Dems you came out strong and disciplined. A great start.

  13. From what I have heard it is an absolute disgrace. A young child tortured.

    I cannot watch children being mistreated in any way. It effects me deeply and I find it difficult to control my anger.

    A Royal Commission my ass. I would expect the resignation of the State Minister the Police commissioner and the Correctons officer within the hour and the arrest of each person involved including those who covered up the evidence.

    I guarantee you Attorney General Brandis will set the 'terms of reference' to ensure not one person is punished for torturing, not just this one young boy but the many they tortured.

  14. Michelle Obama was brilliant as was Elizabeth Warren. Bernie was nothing short of a Rock Star performance and bought the house down. Took about 5 minutes for the cheering to quieten down so Bernie could get a word in and then launched into what can only be described as a Kennedy-esque / 'I Have a Dream' performance. What a 'call to arms' for Democrats. Bernie sure has lit the flame of revolution that no amount of Republican fear mongering will extinguish. A liveable minimum wage, demise of Citizens United, an independent Supreme Court, investment in tuition free education, universal healthcare, government taking on the greed of big pharma, enshrining a woman's right to choose, protective rights for the minority LGBTQ community, uniting African Americans, Latino and all Americans no matter their race, creed or colour to join together and unite.

    A celebration of hope and REAL prosperity for all Americans.

    Finally something inspiring rather than the racism, hatred, bigotry and fear mongering of the Republican Party convention featuring Chachi.

  15. Schultz would make a far better Republican than a Democrat. You expect this kind of behaviour from Republicans. She should really join the Trump campaign than Hillary's.

    Correct me if I am wrong but are Republicans supporting Wikileaks now? Assange seems to have gone from scum of the Earth to whistleblower champion status. Funny to watch Right Wingers jettison their hatreds when they perceive leaks favour their view.

    Bernie was a real threat to Hillary's campaign they went to war to win the nomination and protect their backers. That's politics, you have to beat your opponent. The GOP did everything they could to get rid of Trump but couldn't.

    Dirty tricks in politics Republicans cannot take the higher ground here they are the worst, Money in politics, you have to be kidding me Republicans are 100% owned and operated subsidiary by corruption awash with bribery from the big end of town.

  16. It is concerning. El Nino faded in March so you would expect La Nina to begin cooling things down a little.

    They have. The temperature anomalies for 2016, according to NASA, are:

    Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun

    1.14 1.33 1.29 1.09 0.93 0.79

    So temperatures have dropped half a degree Centigrade in the last 3 months. Even before La Nina has kicked in.

    Another victory for facts over bedwetting Green/Left fantasies.

    Yes temperatures change throughout seasons. Each temperature is setting a record of high temperature set the previous year. February 2016 compared to the previous February 2015 not the previous month of January. Twice you have played this silly game RB.

    You have to get it through your head Global Temperatures are increasing not decreasing. The concern here is that we expect temperatures to cool off from last years El Nino but they aren't they are continuing to set hotter records compared to the previous year.

    Jan 2016 hotter than Jan 2015, February 2016 hotter than February 2015, etc

  17. It is concerning. El Nino faded in March so you would expect La Nina to begin cooling things down a little.

    Very odd. Not good when the Earth goes off the script. Scientists better pull their finger out and find out why.

    Too much heat in the oceans and one place we definitely don't want warming is the Arctic Methane beds. That shiit gets out and it's unstoppable. Burn all the fossil fuels you want it will make no difference.

  18. I suppose it makes a better headline than "World cools by record amount in 2016" - the estimated average global temperature has dropped by 0.5C since January, as the El Nino falls away.

    May 2016 was cooler than May 1998, which was during the last big El Nino. It may be that 2016 pips 1998 overall as the hottest year on record, but it's guaranteed that 2017 will be cooler than 2016.

    Don't expect to read about that in the one-narrative legacy media, though.

    You already tried this slight of hand RB. You got caught out on another thread pulling this one mate.

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