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Posts posted by busdweller

  1. Thankyou "marzipan" for your "Feeling" I am here on holidays here with my two young teenage children. I am on the Forum, looking for information based on facts not knee jerk reactions or gut hunches. My children have been freaked by the site of the Army, as you can well imagine, for them, it is not an everyday occurrence. Have been since the weekend trying to encourage them to leave the hotel, so we can have dinner somewhere else, perhaps even try to relax & have some fun before 10pm curfew. So as a concerned mother, I am looking for information, that I can relay back to my children, to reassure them, that the Night Bazaar will be an alright place to go to??? Thanks.

  2. A Parent Of A Child Who Is Violated & Horrendously Murdered IN This Way NEVER Has Closure. The recovery Of The Body Brings Small Solace, Gives Them A Grave To Mourn Their Child At. But It Doesn't EVER Bring Closure. The Parents, Are Tortured For The rest Of Their Lives', with the unmanageable nightmares in their minds of the sheer terror that their child has gone through before death. The feelings of pain, guilt, anger, helplessness that they weren't there to prevent it, or protect them. It ruins there relationships with their other children, husbands, wife's, friendships & employment. The capture or punishment or jailing of their child's murderer, gives them some relief, knowing that they will not harm another child ever again, but most will say, they don't want to live in a world where this kind of evil Is Lives, whether behind bars or on the streets.. There Is never any Closure, only small increments of slow healing, that allows a parent to continue breathing, functioning, making it only just bearable to stand the pain each year brings, each birthday brings, each milestone that child would of reached. There Is NEVER any Closure, just a void in their mind, heart & soul, where that child should of been!

  3. Police deserve the recognition for a job well done, the TV News reports have only a short amount of air time so much of the video footage was edited. What you didn't see on the news report, was the Police, Media, Family & Friends showing this family kindness, compassion & support.. I am relieved for the family that the Police were able to catch this guy & perhaps bring some sort of closure & justice for the family.... My fellow travellers & I checked in on the 12th Oct to Lai Thai, and I filled out the check-in form for all three of us who have three spereate rooms, I wrote down my name & passport number & address & no copy of my passport was taken.. My two other companions were not asked to provide any documentation or ID.. However this may be due to the fact that I have been staying at Lai Thai each time I come to Chiang Mai & so the staff know me, it is the first time tho my two other friends have stayed.. I am sure after this tragic event, check-in will be tightened & perhaps ID needs to be sighted at the bars in the area so perhaps the girls can have more protection when leaving with farangs..

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  4. Jackr - the news report footage looks like it focuses on the Police & not much about the Family. I guess there is only so much they can fit into an allocated time spot on TV. But from what I saw on the day of the walk-through, there was a lot of support, compassion, & care shown towards the family, from both relatives, friends, media & the police... I hope this helped the family just a little... Glad this scumbag has been caught & there will be some justice...

  5. @ Oscar 2 - why the interest, why the translation of the article -

    - Firstly I can't read Thai.

    - Because everyone who was & is still staying at Lai Thai at the time of this horrendous crime has been effected & feels nothing but compassion & sadness for the victim & her family.

    - Because the above group of guests at Lai Thai have been praying & hoping for the capture & arrest of this scumbag..

    - Because as a Women this Scared The Crap Out Of Me...

    - But most importantly, we wanted Justice to be Served & Hope this Helps The Family on the road to Healing.. That Is All! ....

  6. Lai Thai is still trading as normal, I am currently staying here and was here before & durring the time Indian guy checked in on the 14th (and rudely bumped me over in the courtyard) & durring the time of Duangdeun;s (Jae Oi) horrendous murder... Guests will keep comming to stay as it is not in the National Media, & none of the guest who were present durring this time were evan made aware of what had happened. On the first night we were all very scared, plenty of Uniformed Police, Forensics Team & Media arrived whilst we were having dinner. The staff, reception evan the Police would not tell us what had happened. I learnt about this via Chiang Mai Local Newspaper online, & here on the Chiang Mai forum on the 19th/20th. It wasnt until the 19th that a Thai tour operator told us briefly what had happened. The Police havent approached any of the guests for whitness statements if there are any, and the only guests that left on the night of the 18th/19th are the one's that were in the same wing of the hotel which was a tour group. The Guesthouse staff have not talked to us about it, and of course most tourists have moved on, but there is a small group of people still here who were present. We are all praying for Jae Oi's family, I have been to temple to pray & lay offerings, & it is our hopes this bastard is caught.. Being the same age of Jae Oi & a Mother, this saddens me very much, I hope her children are well supported & her family finds the strength to endure. They are all in my prayers, let justice be swift....

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  7. Currently staying at Lai Thai, have been here with friends since the 12th. Feel very sad for Duangdeun Harris, & her family who were here today. A lot of guest did leave last night and this morning.. I had a look at the surveilance photo, as there is two men in the photo, which one is the one the Police think is the perp??

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