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Everything posted by RaveBlond

  1. Grossly misplaced, your sarcasm, because if you are getting caught refusing to put on your seat belt during taxi for take-off, we are going back to the gate...
  2. Because disregarding the safety demonstration is what 95% of the passengers do. Not wearing your seatbelt during take-off and landing is easy as the cabin crew is sitting in their jumpseat at that time and cannot see it. As long as you are wearing it while they are walking through the cabin for their safety checks, unless some other passenger rats them out or confronts them... How stupid it is, though - making yourself a potential projectile to gravely harm others and yourself is beyond stupid...
  3. You are right, the A320 family aircraft do not sport an alternate gear door retraction. If the gear was lowered via manual gear extension, the gear doors would have stayed open. I think they were supposed to fuel at U-Tapao anyway as DXB-MNL is too far (even though their theoretical range may have been sufficient, pilots do not like to cut it so very close - they like extra fuel, especially for unscheduled charter flights).
  4. I was under the impression that we do not need a health insurance for the extension of stay - now I hear conflicting rumors. Is the health insurance mandatory at CW in BKK? (German citizen, OA based on retirement, first extension of stay and renewal)
  5. This is the first year of my visa (non-O, based on retirement). During this first year - the validity of the original visa - you can leave and come back to Thailand multiple times (if the visa is a multi-entry visa). Once you extend this visa with an "extension of stay", you need a re-entry permit (single or multi-entry) for a not-so-small fee to be allowed back in. Total cost: 1900 THB for the extension + 1000 THB for SE, or 3800 THB for ME.
  6. I'll make sure I get my TM30 to submit with the extension request. And the request needs to be filed between 30 and 15 days before the expiration day of the visa, I hear, right? That's a narrow window!. Is that so in BKK at CW? Any alternative ways, in case I am gone during this fortnight?
  7. Thank you for your replies. I may have confused some of you saying that I never did a 90 day report as I never had to, because I never stayed here for even 30 days. I was afraid I needed such report to get the extension which I just learned I don't. Am glad to hear that. My fear was caused by the requirement for a 90-day report for obtaining a drivers license (different topic).
  8. I have a soon expiring first-time Non-O visa based on retirement. I have never stayed in Thailand for more than 90 days. I come and go about once very month, give or take. I could have gotten by with continuous visa-exempt entries, I realize that, but I thought, it's better to be officially allowed as a non-tourist. I have a yellow book and pink card for my condo in BKK. I am over 50 years old and from Europe. My visa expires in December and I would like to renew it. Can I file for an extension of stay (+ ME re-entry-permit) shortly after I come back next time with no 90 day report under my belt? I am planning to stay longer than 30 days this coming year, but still less than 90 every time I come. Or do I need to apply for a new visa at an embassy outside of Thailand? The problem is, no embassy or consulate applies as my official residence is in Thailand now - am not registered anywhere else. When I leave Thailand I am staying in hotels while working.
  9. I am not sure I understand your post. This procedure would require 75 days in the country - otherwise the TM47 would not be processed, right? It helps me to get the RC at the same time. How does it take two weeks?
  10. Thank you, Dr. Jack. Crazy requirement. I have a Pink Card, Yellow Book, and an expired DL. All not good enough. I may have to go to another province if I want to drive. Would I get the DL in the other province as well, or will DLT in BKK accept the RC from the other province?
  11. When can I do a 90 day report at the earliest? After 90 days or earlier?
  12. Is there a way to get a residence certificate without a TM47 in BKK? I am on a Non-O retirement, but I never stay 90 days in the country because of work (outside the country). Come and go every month. I cannot get my Drivers License as DLT (Bang Chak) requires a Residence Certificate and Chang Wattana requires a TM47. My (German) embassy does not issue residence letters any longer either. Any ideas?
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