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Posts posted by stewsan

  1. In the 15 years I lived in Pattaya, the Shin family owned and maintained an entire floor, in the building I called home. Numerous times they would slide in with fancy cars in the evening and hang out for a few days to a week. Naturally, when Yingluck was ousted and being hounded, she came to Pattaya. Of course, the rest of the owners kept their mouths shut so we wouldn't have 10,000 Thai's chanting at the entrance.


    I wouldn't be surprised if she was there now, just hanging out. 

  2. I had a similar situation. I went to Vietnam for a month and completely forgot to pick up my passport in Bkk. I called the embassy and they said they would send it to HCMC. I gave them my phone number in VN and they called a week later and said my passport was here in hcmc. 


    When  I left back to Thailand, the immigration officer at the HCMC airport gave me a slight hassle but then he found a special "note" folded up in the passport and all was ok. 


    I entered Thailand using my one year visa in my old passport and told to go to immigration and have it switched. 


    Good luck!


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  3. Actually, I did get a 5 year VN drivers license with just a tourist visa and I drive a van all the time. I do live in Thao Dien which was mentioned earlier and it's quiet, not polluted. We ride our bicycles daily on the main road without any fear of getting hit. It's about 10 minutes or so to District 1.Of course District 1 and pretty much of the rest of Saigon is nuts as far as traffic. There is a nice beach area south of Saigon which is about a 30 minute drive or 1 hour by hydro-foil. Vung Tau. Very quiet area. The guys are right about the language but I'm learning the basics, use a couple Apps on my phone, and I get along fine. My daughter prefers living here also. My biggest complaint is the MC drivers.

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  4. It looks like he has managed to get off a long haul flight, tuck in behind the cabin crew and squeeze through the crew lane where they probably don't stamp passports. So he probably doesn't possess an arrivals card.

    They absolutely stamps passports for crew, In and out.

    I've been a crew member flying in and out of BKK for over 20 years. I've never had a stamp. Perhaps Crews from some countries have a stamp but I seriously doubt it. We have a General Declaration form instead. So, if he was following some crew members, it's very likely he just slipped through.

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  5. I have two USA passports and have had for over 10 years. The Thai computer system does not tie them together when you enter the country. Without going into it, I can't use my original passport into Thailand anymore due to a mess up (nothing illegal) but I continue to get a second Passort every year and a half and this is my entry into Thailand. Since I have an over 50 visa, it's not a problem. But rest assured, since both passports have different numbers, they are not linked just because of your name. They are totally separate and have different numbers. With that said, don't ever cloud the issue and show both. Most places freak out including the USA.

  6. Gives me a knot in my stomach just reading about all the crapola one has to go thru to satisfy immigration in this country...

    Try being a Thai trying to get a UK visa.

    That's for sure, I adopted a Thai Child a number of years ago, went to the US Embassy in CM, was denied a visa for her to go to the States ( I'm American ), and told " For all we know, you could be a Child trafficker "Nice.

  7. For the past several years, when I fly back to the states, I take a water sample from the tap in my condo, in a sterile container and have a buddy of mine that works at a city water treatment plant, take it into the lab. Every time, the water has come back with a clean bill of health. Needless to say, I'm more than a little shocked by this and still prefer to drink bottled water but....

    Oh, this is in Pattaya.

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  8. During descent, and only slightly during ascent, we need to clear our ears and most do it without thinking by just swallowing or the valsalva method. (Pinching your nose while trying to blow out your nose and clearing your ears. Since babies can't do this, it creates incredible pain and can damage the ear drums. Not to mention bothering all the Pax within 30 rows. Sooooo, have a bottle to give just at top of descent, so the baby can swallow all the way down. I've been driving airplanes around the world for the past 30 years and can hear the little brats, I mean babies through the reinforced cockpit door. Use some common sense and hold off that final feeding until then. When will you know it's top of descent? As a rule of thumb, your top of drop is 30 minutes give or take a few minutes, before your actual ETA. So, 0930 arrival? stick that nipple in at 0900. Good luck and most places won't hassle your milk supply but I've been hassled for a nail clipper, go figure.

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  9. Very impressive and a far cry from the standard Thai houses I've seen. Good job Eric! When I did my remodel, getting dependable crews together was a nightmare that lasted a year. I'm thinking of doing a new place and what you've done is right up my alley. Talk soon!

  10. I purchased a fully automatic Krups in Australia 50,000+ baht over 8 years ago and had the same problem. It needs two types, the powder and tablets. I had to break down and just order a dozen packets of each and have them sent in. If I remember, it wasn't too expensive and no duty on arrival. I'm sure you know these machines need to be maintained and dumping homemade products are not recommended. You have a big investment, if you can't find someone that can bring for you, find someone to buy and send. For the past several years, I've avoided DHL and fedex and just used regular first class postal. I've never been tagged for duty since I've done that. Good luck!

  11. 100% they do work. I have two street dogs that are now condo dogs. I purchased 2 bark collars from Amazon, and extra batteries. It didn't take two days and the dogs stopped barking whenever we put them on, and someone would come to the door. They are programmed to start out gentle and progressively produce a stronger shock. It is not painful as my wife wanted me to try it on myself. However, for some reason, whenever I'd yell for another beer I'd get shocked. Kidding aside, it's not at all painful but gets the dogs attention. The extra batteries were not needed and now when we put the collars on them, we don't bother to turn them on as the girls know and have learned. We also have two remote controlled shock collars, and when we go for a beach run and one of the dogs fails to respond, a quick shock and it immediately returns. We all did try them on ourselves and it's just an attention getter, nothing more.

  12. "Police are waiting for drug test results before handing the case to the public prosecutor by March 10.

    “I do not know exactly when we will receive those results, but we should have them by the end of February,” Lt Col Jumroon said.

    Hmmmmm, let's say they drew blood on December 18, how can it take over 2 months to run a blood test? A full urine test needs to be completed within 24 hours, Blood degrades for testing over time and if not handled properly of course will not test accurately. I'm just curious, any one seen something like this before?

  13. The nicotine juice is illegal to sell or have in ones possession. It falls under the Thai FDA regulations for controlled drugs. Hmmmm, how do I know this? My wife ordered some from China for her shop, was called in by customs, and well, the saga continues. As we all know, just because it's done here doesn't mean it's legal. Having an E-cigarette isn't illegal, it's the nicotine juice.

  14. I purchased a condo via corp means, 10 years ago and sold it 2 years later for a wash. Zero profit. I told the lawyer to dissolve the corporation and never gave it another thought. Then we get a strange call, about 4 years later, that we owed taxes. The call came from a personal number and no letter from the Thai IRS. So then, after we found out this was really the IRS, they told us that 4 years of loss was considered profit and capital gain so we owed them 1.3 million. Our Thai lawyer obviously set this up and after a warrant was sent to my Thai wife, we brought the funds and an additional 300k for the lawyer for tea money. After all was said and done, or so we thought, my wife had to go to the police station to address the warrant. She had to pay another 20k tea Money and then the police Captain told her to go for lunch with him and do the get down and dirty. She texted me and I met them outside the police station and was told my wife could go but I needed to pay 1mil. Baht and if I didn't have the money now, I could pay 200k per month for 2 years. We have been liquidating our asset's and plan on moving. I'm sure this was a one off but it woke us up that we have too much wrapped up in Thailand.

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