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Posts posted by shimizu

  1. To the OP. Harley-Davidson has shown interest to open an assembly plant in the Asean region, possibly Thailand, within the next five years.

    It seems a long shot, so better get one now. There are plenty around, new or second hand. Yes, they are not cheap, but keep very good real value.

    Generally speaking, before having an opinion about them, one has to own a Harley, or at least drive one for an extended time.

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  2. The Indian feels more like a marketing concept, where clever business people (Polaris) bought the brand name after the original company went bankrupt in 1953, and came out with some kind of modern retro bikes.

    The Ducati on the other hand, is a much more interesting machine, both from an engineering and performance point. The looks can certainly be argued.

    My vote goes for the Ducati.

  3. The owner wants to sell the condo I rent for the last 4 years, and arrives frequently with a group of potential buyers to show them the rooms. I have a rental contract, pay my rents on time, and absolutely hate it, if strangers walk trough the condo, take pictures, and disturb my privacy.

    My contract only says, that the owner has the right to inspect the premises with a 24 hour notice. Does he have the right o bring prospective buyers and show them around or can I refuse?

  4. The essence of Buddhism is meditation, and meditation is brain training.

    The Buddha and all famous monks are exclusively pictured while meditating. Meditation is an exercise that,

    if done regularly, changes your brain waves, and the blood flow to different parts of your brain. With an

    improved brain, you might be able to have experiences and insights that otherwise you would not. This

    insights can not be explained verbally, only experienced directly by the practitioner.

    All Sutra reading, incense burning, Buddhist chanting, orange dressing, head shaving, will not produce any

    insights, only meditation will.

  5. Unfortunately, it is rocket science.

    A review examining studies with a double-blind protocol concluded that milk thistle and its derivatives has no significant effect on mortality or course of disease in individuals with alcoholic and/or hepatitis B or C disease.Toxin-induced liver damage. (Wiki)

    Thereare are a lot of tales, and not much evidence to support those claims, but a healthy life style, plenty of plain water, and fresh food helps.

  6. Of course, there is no such thing as an "overloaded toxic liver" other than in the mind of the OP,

    but the detox industry will insist otherwise, as they profit from his needs.

    A herbologist then gladly treats him with an anti-toxic mix, and the OP is cured and happy.

  7. I am looking to buy a new Flying Pigeon Bicycle and would be happy, if anyone could point me to a shop that sells them.

    Those are the classic black steel bicycles that have been build in China by the millions since 1950. They would make

    a nice and strong classic city bike perfect for Chiang Mai.

  8. Autosuggestion? Does that mean we have two minds? One that produces annoying thoughts, and one that controls them by autosuggestion? Or has the one mind split into two minds, a producer of thoughts and a controller? If we have only one mind, autosuggestion to control ones thinking seems not really possible, as the very same mind would have to do both.

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  9. Thinking is not something we do, but rather something that happens to us. We don't really know where thoughts come from or where they go. For that reason it seems not possible to control the process of thinking with thinking. As has been said earlier, the coming and going of thoughts can be observed, and during meditation, the whole process will quiet down. Actively trying to "throw away" certain thoughts must therefore be counterproductive.

    On a more scientific note. Since we consist of atoms with plenty of empty space around them, where would there be a place we could throw our unwanted thoughts?

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  10. Whey should they have more insight? If Somchai, the local bike mechanic, enters monkhood, shaves his had, dresses in orange and walks down the road in the morning, he still is the same old Somchai. Where would any insight come from? This is a rather romantic idea, that Thai monks have some special insight. After a while, they might memorize a certain vocabulary, but this should not be confused with any real insight. Talk to a monk, and you will find out by yourself very quickly.

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