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Posts posted by tullynagardy

  1. But TVF posters say they have seen it in entirety. Do you believe Thais can't do the same?

    Most TVF posters claim they are married to a hiso millionaire - I wouldn`t listen to too much you read on here champ.

    So as I thought, it wasn`t broadcast in Thailand and only a handful of people even knew about it..... Until this absolute halfwit opened his mouth.

    Everything he does has the exact opposite effect of what he wants it to.

  2. As much as I dislike the man you have to admire the way he plays everything like a game of chess and seems to come off top every time.

    He knows 112, LM and the institutions which hold up the patronage system are into their final months. As he was doing 15 years ago, he`s planning for events years ahead not now. Always ahead of the game.

    A US diplomat some years ago described him as "buying futures in xxxxxx" It seems he`s now buying futures in a Thailand after the inevitable happens.

    An interesting move.

  3. Getting drunk arguing for all and sundry to hear and then going for a swim and drowning, well , lets just say she paid for her behaviour, sometimes it pays to have those old fashioned values, moderation and discretion, she showed neither and doesn't need them now.

    You seem nearly excited by her death. So much hate and anger for a lady you have never met.

    You seem a troubled soul

  4. Any decent middle to upper class Thai woman would never consider getting involved with a farang,

    There are tens of thousands of Thai girls studying in UK, USA and Australia. Their social standing ranges from hiso to middle class.

    If you think none of these girls date farrangs you are deluded.

  5. This facebook page https://www.facebook.com/ceclip?fref=ts is one of (perhaps the) most popular in Thailand with the guts of 9 million followers.

    Daily it posts sickening videos of onlookers standing by and videoing violence. I`d bet money the incident above was videoed. When I raised it on here a few months back the usual crew came out with their "Thai bashing" or "you`re friends arent hiso like mine" nonsense. Glad to see more sympathy on this thread.

    The truth is it is a very sick society that can sit back and not only watch but video such violence. In other countries such videos would lead to prosecution whilst in Thailand we all know the police will do nothing.

    On this occassion this lady paid the ultimate price.

  6. I personally consider the Japanese to be the most brutal people

    on planet Earth, and their conduct in WWll certainly proved that. For a moment,

    the mask dropped, and we were able to see what they are really like.

    Horrific racism, sad the mods let this stay.

    The idea a race or nationality is inherently evil is just racism. The idea 130 million people all share the same personality is just ignorant.

  7. Yingluk kicked inflation into high gear with her vote-buying populist policy BS.

    But Yingluck promised every Uni grad a starting salary of 15,000 a month

    God you two are so boring. Regardless of the topic you bring up an administration that has long been and gone and has nothing to do with the failures of today. As I`ve said before, it`s like defending your cheating wife by pointing out your previous wife was also unfaithful. Change the record.

    For the record halloween, inflation can and does changes from month to month dependent on a huge variety of factors such as interest rates and oil prices. The idea it can be affected by a government that stopped functioning properly at the end of 2013 is ignorant in the extreme, like most of your posts.

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