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Posts posted by nami

  1. Hi there,


    I am from Spain, married to a Thai woman and we have a 2 years and 7 months old son. He has been raised in both Thai and Spanish (OPOL); but I am basically the only Spanish language influence and I am definitely begin to see a gap between his Thai and Spanish skills.

    So I am looking for other spanish speaking parents who are raising their kids as bilingual and would like to get our kids together to enhance their spanish speaking skills.


    I am just a normal 40 year old guy, IT professional, been here for around 7-8 years. Nothing weird in our family, just a normal family seeking for other spanish speaking kids ????


    Please hit me up and let these monsters build their language skills together with our help.

  2. Thanks for the replies, but I think you guys are referring to Annual leaves, not Personal leaves. Section 30 says:



    Section 30. An Employee who has worked for an uninterrupted period of one year, is entitled to annual Holidays of not less than six Working Days in one year, and the Employer is obliged to fx the Holiday in advance for the Employee or as agreed by the Employer and Employee. In the following year, the Employer may fx annual Holidays for the Employee of more than six Working Days. The Employer and the Employee may agree in advance to accumulate and postpone any annual Holiday that has not yet been taken in a year to be included in the following years. For the Employee who has not completed one year of service, the Employer may set annual Holidays for the Employee on a pro rata basis


  3. There is a 3k reward but he seems not interested. All the neighbors already told us that he was not nice before we located the cat there.


    Right now is right there in the roof calling to be rescued. I could go and jump from the construction but I wouldn't want to create a possible problem for them...

  4. My MIL let the cat run away while we were on holidays. It's been already 5 days and the cat can't jump back. He is 2 houses away from mine but in another soi. We tried to talk to the house owner but he is uncooperative and keep denying that the cat is in his middle roof and balcony.


    Me and a construction worker jumped to the roof via the bamboo poles used in the building construction site next door but the cat got scared by the worker and went to hide.


    I put a bridge from his roof to my neighbor's and I found it on this guy roof, as if he saw and took it away.


    I need ideas on what to do. At least advice on what could happen if I try to jump on his roof again and he decides to call the police? Should I just call the police and show them footage with the cat on his roof? How can I get the cat back?

  5. 1 hour ago, chrisinth said:

    I'm a bit confused with the information you are being given regarding only three types of job description. I work for a company under BOI and my job description of QA/QC Coordinator is the same, both on the WP and in the company documents. This obviously could depend on the local labour office.


    That said, I do remember that during an extension, my boss, when he moved from GM to MD, was fined for having his job description changed in the company documents without informing the labour office of the change to have his WP amended. This was a few years ago but still adds more confusion as the WP should follow the company's job description for the individual.

    That's my understanding as well, titled should be the same and I don't believe that information they are claiming about those particular keywords. 


    I am based in Bangkok and using the One Stop Service at Chamchuri Square. Just out of curiosity, are you based in Bangkok as well?

  6. 1 hour ago, chrisinth said:

    As far as I'm aware, unless the new job being seeked is within the same company, you will need a new work permit as the details in the old WP would be obsolete (even if doing the same job with the new company). So the details in the old WP don't mean anything as it would be cancelled. That has been my experience.

    Both companies agreed to have the WP transferred from one employer to the other, so no cancellation was needed.

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  7. appreciate the replies guys.


    the thing is I am a technical lead based on my contract but my WP still says Senior mobile development specialist, that actually was my first position in this company. I am worried that if I would apply for a new job in a new company I could have issues the same way as my colleague has had. He applied for BA position in a banking job and got flagged because his WP currently says business analysis specialist. It is pretty stupid since specialist in that context Would be the equivalent to expert, but being a bank with strict HR process really raised red flags. He has been told that they can't actually process his application so he will have to stay with us unable to change jobs. I am concerned that if I decide to change jobs I could face a similar issue, them questioning me how can I be tech lead when my WP says I am just a mobile developer. This is just very stressful specially because our HR department seems to be ran by @&))?/! Amateurs...

  8. Hi there,


    I am working for a huge European multinational BOI sponsored company and the job title in my WP does not match the title in my contract. Last year, due to the emergency decree which strengthen the penalties for irregularities, the company rushed to update all the WP titles basically to remove project or country specific parts from them. At the time I already tried to get them to put my right job title in the WP but I was told that the Labor department only recognizes 3 keywords: Specialist, Manager and Director. Since I have never heard about this I questioned the veracity of it and they basically told me that this is what the lawyer had told them.


    Last week a colleague found a new job and then faced several issues with the new company because of the 'specialist' part in the job title and because it was not matching the contract title. He has been trying to get the WP title updated so that it matches with the contract but he has been told that it is not possible and the same thing about these so-called keywords.


    Has anybody ever heard about such thing as those specialist, manager and director appendixes? I have read a lot of labor documents and have found no mention to any this at all.

    What are the potential problems of having a different title in the WP and in the employment contract? Like if you get promoted and not only the company never updates your WP title but are actually telling you that it can't be changed to match your real (contract) title.

  9. Thanks for the replies @Sheryl @teddog.


    The India thing is another idea but I would certainly rather fly back to my own country and have it done for free hehe.


    Regarding the insurance, it's just a employee based insurance. It's pretty basic: 60k per surgery + 42k for derivated hospital expenses (this seems like medication and follow up visits afterwards) I definitely have to increase this, luckily this time it's just a cyst on the jaw...


    I was even thinking about going to one of those dental clinics. Actually I did and the dentist referred me to the surgeon. My 2 concerns here are that this would be dental and not covered by insurance and that the cyst is pretty close to the nerve and I am afraid of a less experienced surgeon damaging it and leaving me with permanent chin numbness. Besides that the surgeon I met was confident that I could keep the tooth; others have told me to remove it or redo the root canal.


    I guess the first step is to check what this insurance actually covers. It would be nice to find another ENT surgeon for like 90k, paying extra 30k after the insurance covers the 60k is not that bad.


    Thanks again, regards

  10. I have a jawbone cyst of about 2 cm that has to be removed. It seems like an infection has been going on there for years right under a lower molar which had root canal done years ago. The surgeon proposed to do a enucleation, basically a hole in the jawbone to extract the crap inside and check it at the lab, under full anesthesia during 1h and remain 2 days in the hospital: 130-160k was the estimated cost quoted. This was from the, probably, most expensive hospital in Bangkok.


    Good thing is that the surgeon is also an MD and proposed to bill it as ENT instead of dental so that my insurance would cover part of the cost. Still, I think that the cost is high for such an operation. I would like some recommendations for good but cheaper surgeons in Bangkok. I would definitely prefer if he/she is MD so at least I can get some coverage from my current policy.



  11. Hi,


    we are planning to travel from Bangkok to Khon Kaen to meet the in laws in Chaiyaphum during songkran and let them meet our 2 month baby. The tickets require the passenger information for the baby who has only a Spanish passport, my nationality. Of course he is also Thai since his mom is Thai. Can I just fill his details as in the passport and select Spanish nationality or I will get issues because he doesn't have a visa?


    Another issue is the birth certificate in case it is required. Spaniards have 2 last names: first one from the father and second from the mother. Since the Thai systems only allow for a single last name, my last name in the system is my 2 last names. So my son Thai last name is also my 2 last names. But in his Spanish passport his last names are my first last name and the mother's one.


    Besides changing nationality to avoid all of the last names hassles, any other advice?

  12. My Thai friend and my are both huge fans of disco music, specially the one at the end of the 70s. Think about Boney M, Sisters Sledge, Michael Zager band, .... Where can we find a place with such a music? Modern music is ok if it sounds like those bands :-) BTW, we don't give a %$@ about bar girls, so having them or not is perfectly fine :-D Live music is probably better than DJs if he band is decent enough.

  13. Mae Hong Son is certainly out of my way :-P Yesterday I went to Makro branch at Lad Phrao and they didn't have them. Not in the bakery section, dried seeds nor in the spices area :-( I guess I will try in the Indian area in Yaowarat...

    Thanks anyway

  14. My gf has been working for 10 years and had never gotten a warning. She is currently working as a receptionist in an office building. She handed the right company entry card to a guest so he could go visit that company, that card was not locked to the company floor and the guest went to another company floor. That other company talked to my gf manager to ask her to issue a written warning to her and the manager agreed.

    This seems completely unfair as her main job is to hand over the right cards, which she did. What can she do about the warning besides not signing it? If it was me I would threaten then to go to Labour if they persist on issuing the warning. It looks as if the manager is just saving face at the expense of issuing an unfair warning.

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