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Posts posted by Pakboong

  1. 5 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

    Levin is far from credible.  And there's zero evidence, except as has been reported (created) by nut-job websites as click bait.  And it seems to be working.  These click bait websites draw some like moths to a light.




    I don't consider Fox News a credible source either.

  2. 24 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

    The last part is not true.  Donetsk and Lugansk belong to the sovereign country of Ukraine.  There are problems traveling due to the weapons and soldiers Russia is providing.  Stop this and you'll stop the fighting.  Simple, really.



    That train has left the station. These people can't just drive across the border to do anything. Their choice, not mine.

  3. On 12/26/2016 at 5:18 AM, Scott said:

    I suggest you not read or comment on these threads.   If you notice, it is only a handful of members who take much interest in them.   A few are knowledgeable, a few are anti-Semitic and few are here to learn.  


    The majority come along to troll and get suspended.   That's very easy to avoid.   Just move along.  



    Just to be clear, are you suggesting that you cannot be both anti-Semitic  and knowledgeable?

  4. On 12/26/2016 at 7:19 AM, craigt3365 said:

    I think the ability of only one veto vote to cause a resolution to not pass is a terrible thing.  The UNSC should get rid of this.  Current issue aside.  It makes the UNSC a toothless tiger.


    P.S. I know little about this settlement issue, just commenting on the use of the veto to stop resolutions from passing.

    I thought it was an abstention.

  5. 16 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

    Many leaders on both sides of the aisle think Obama stabbed Israel in the back. Not a big surprise to most.



    I have actually been of the opinion that Obama has been wanting to do something like this for years. Perhaps even worse. He tolerates Israel somewhat reluctantly. I am not an Obama fan; he felt dissed a couple of times and it raised the hair on the back of his neck to the point that he would have a hard time seeing past it as simple politics.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Publicus said:


    I think you can see this poster is not quitting posting, so you can relax on that one thx.


    Botching the election call was a national stroll affecting people, institutions, organisations of all kinds at all levels of the society. It was widespread, the conventional wisdom if you will.


    The screwup included people who supported Trump while simultaneously believing HRC would be the winner. Educated and experienced people in all walks of life got it wrong. If this poster were the only or lone one in the country, or anywhere in the world, then he would be isolated in the error. 


    Even the Trump Fanboyz restricted themselves to statements such as 'Trump will win' or other platitutes such as 'Trump in a landslide' among other empty and glib partisan remarks. And they did it only occasionally.


    This poster had a huge and widespread company in his belief. If the rest of what you said in the post might be true, or even reasonably applicable, then there is nothing to be concerned over. Nor would the poster's posts be canceled out as invalid. 


    Moreover, all other posters would need to be invalidated across the board too.


    The Right Sector over there does in fact dismiss and invalidate the existing order that they want to burn to the ground. The Mad Max stuff. To attempt the opportunistic and glib seizing of the moment to specifically target any single poster would directly serve the radical extremist campaign to dismantle America while ignoring the Constitution. Or, more to the point, to be included in it.


    So I reiterate, Trump is Potus the next four years because Ma and Pa Kettle put him in the office. The issue before all of us is how to deal with the fact the shitkickers have given us their long saved up piece by piece sack of shit. (Ted Cruz during the campaign got nowhere with his "New York values" bent because Trump transcends New York, i.e., it is about being completely out of whack and nothing much of anything else.)


    So I look forward as always to replying to your Right Sector and off center posts thx.

    It is what it is. I wasn't simply referring to the election. I preferred neither candidate simply because I didn't like either one. I am trying to figure out if you are strict party line politics to include a fallback to Cold War stuff or you religiously follow the mainstream media. But, please don't think for a second I don't appreciate your opinion even when it is different than mine.


    For example, there were never any Russian maneuver units in the Ukraine simply because there was no reason for Russian troops to be in the Ukraine. If all of your opinions are attached to the idea that Russia is always cheating and the MSM never miss manages the truth,  we will have a lot of differences of opinion.


    I would like to have your writing skills, I do envy those a bunch.

  7. On 11/10/2016 at 3:46 PM, Publicus said:


    Trump is being put on notice. As Trump needs to be.


    With no power in Washington, the Democratic Party voters will need to take to the streets and to also utilize the independent U.S. courts system against Trump and the wild proposals he's been presenting in impolite and even crude ways each day, the past 16 months. 


    Hillary Clinton received the majority of the national Popular Vote. The right ignores the fact as they prepare to start pumping power in their absolute control of Washington, to include especially FBI, and the many cyber intelligence agencies.  


    The potential abuse of absolute power in Washington by a Potus Trump in charge of the executive branch, and the Republican Party in complete control of the House and the Senate, are unmistakably foreseeable and they are absolutely predictable.


    Sen. Mitch McConnell, the Senate leader, spoke to this today:


    However, he hinted that they would avoid doing so, saying that majorities should not “overreach” after a big election win. “I think it’s always a mistake to misread your mandate,” Mr. McConnell said. “I don’t think we should act as if we’re going to be in power forever.”




    (Sounds like Mitch didn't get the Trump-Breitbart Memo about being in power forever.)

    Your opinions are good for the forum. You do great research and present your various arguments in a professional and extremely organized manner. I just can't get over how often you are completely wrong. With that having been said, do not quit posting, I for one enjoy the discourse and this forum would not be as enjoyable without you.

  8. Not as good a some but perhaps better than others, 


    "When we celebrate and remember the legacy of Shimon Peres and his accomplishments for Israel, we should remember that Peres was the launcher of Israel's nuclear programme, the architect of the Israeli plan to isolate, Judaise and take over Jerusalem, and above all Peres was behind the Qana Massacre of 1996 where more than 100 civilians were killed in a refugee camp in Lebanon," she told Gulf News, adding that he is also responsible for a slew of other war crimes against Palestinians.


  9. 5 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

    This is a civil war.  Why is Russia involved?  It's an internal conflict.  Russia is bombing those who oppose Assad, not just IS.  Why aren't you complaining about that?

    Russia has been an ally of Syria for quite some time. What is the US doing there? They are not a Syrian Ally and have not been invited.

  10. I have been in and out of Thailand since the Viet Nam War. On my first trip, there were no Chinese or Russian tourist. The farongs here were mostly American soldiers. There were Chinese but they were from the  Coolie and Communist revolutions of years gone by. Now it has reversed itself. Bus loads of Russians and Chinese show up daily. If I isolate those times and situations, I draw different conclusions. Hanging on to the the Soviet Union and Communism has run its course and no longer serves a purpose. Now it is the TSA and Homeland Security asking for "Papers Please". The communist revolution has pretty much run its course and we are facing new threats but many will come from within.


    It seems to me that too many of us are living in the past.

  11. 3 hours ago, Scott said:

    Please stay on topic and refrain from making inflammatory remarks directed at other members.  


    Members may post their opinion.   If you don't like it, you can ignore it.   You can even put them on ignore if you don't wish to see their posts.  



    Scott, you nailed it here. Discourse is simply a disagreement. To me, censorship can be looked upon as a win. I want those with whom I disagree to look  foolish, I do not want them censored.

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