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Posts posted by Meetoo

  1. And the point of these peace / table talks are to bring peace of course and no more killings at all by making agreements with these so called many group of insurgents, that if they come up front and confess they will go into a rehabilitation center to become normal citizens and will be exempt of all and any charges against them for killing innocent people and children by the 100'ds ...??? Logic please ?? Sorry I am blonde today .. well as usual !..... Hell this is really unbelievable !!! And to top it all Takshit has a hand and word in this ... OMG!! Please is there any sanity left in the world anywhere ///

    Sorry meant Takshin ..that T is like a magnet on my typing fingers

  2. Amazing how many people want to believe that a 23-year old, after a night of drinking and choosing to go have consensual sex with a man she met, would then choose to invite this same man to call a couple friends over to gang bang her and then instead of chalking it up as a wild night out decides to say I did choose to have sex with the one man but then he had his friends come over and they all raped me. But who knows,maybe she gets off on telling the story. I am sure your mothers, wives and daughters could help tell you how at 23 they all yearned to be gang banged and then got off further by having to tell a story of being raped and have it be made public.

    Anything is possible but the odds of these men didn't rape this women is considerably less than if they did. However, I would not be surprised if they didn't want to believe it was rape ... like appears to be the case with some posters here.

    Nisa... WHERE exactly in the article does it say =" after a night of drinking and choosing to go have consensual sex with a man she met, would then choose to invite this same man to call a couple friends over to gang bang her"

    She didn't "CHOOSE TO INVITE THIS SAME MAN TO CALL A COUPLE OF FRIENDS OVER TO GANG BANG HER" ...Please read the article again .. Eeesshh!!

  3. Carioca, on 25 Feb 2013 - 06:55, said:

    Not caring a whit about whether I know what I am talking about but why is the thai governments responses so much more idiotic than other nations. Maybe they don't say it as well, but I don't see their statements any more stupid than others.

    To wit, not whit, it costs more in resources to recycle a can or bottle than to make a new one. So where is the savings. Recycling is only about running out of rent money for landfills.

    Why does this have to be done in April , one of the hotest months of the year...?? Why could they not schedule it for November or December or even January when it is cooler and people don't need AC's
  4. What bar did you hear this rumor at?

    Bar...?? Hehehe!! Don't have time for such sophisticated leisure.... I was on the phone with a friend of mine who is also a TV member and said to me " by the way it looks like now the money for retirees visas will have to be in the bank all year around" Someone she knows went to Immigration for their retirement visa a couple of weeks ago and apparently this is what he was told at immigration... I find it hard to believe myself but just thought I would ask because I couldn't find anything on the Immigration Forum...
  5. In the case your describing, all the foreigners that are thinking of spending their Holiday in Thailand can't afford to come anymore. And I don't think that Thailand will let that happen as Thailand needs Tourists.

    In the case your describing, all the foreigners that are thinking of spending their Holiday in Thailand can't afford to come anymore. And I don't think that Thailand will let that happen as Thailand needs Tourists.

    Correct as they don't have to! They now have captured new markets and plain & simple is that they now have the huge influx of Chinese, Singaporeans & Russians so they really don't need us anynore and /or at all because these markets arerowing like really fast!!
  6. You gotta feel for the families, all that way then a Thai half wit kills them! I wonder if we will ever hear the final out-come?

    Of course not ... Jeezzzzzzzzzzzz! We all know that by now /............and it irkes me sooooooooooo much to see such good / wonderful young lives go wasted because of ... I can't find the right words to describe these F______g idiots who kill people and go totaly unpunished .... It makes my blood pressure rise to .................... ???

  7. More Funds To Fight Haze...........kinda like beating a dead horse.

    Actually the real haze is the money going into pockets that you don't see !

    This problem will never be solved even if they enforce the laws because........ this is an Asian wide problem. It's not just Thailand, but Burma, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam are all burning off dried vegetation and the remnants of the last rice harvests from the rice fields ......... as they've all been doing at the same time for hundreds of years.

    You forgot India which is also not far away and man they burm a shit load of stuff////

  8. Meanwhile, Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yubamrung conceded that the premier took him to task for being hesitant to tackle the long-running problem.

    "The premier rebuked me for my unwillingness in solving the problem. She also instructed me to go down South and keep her updated periodically about integrated intelligence work," Mr Chalerm said.


    And this proves even more what a dingbat she is .. ! Why in the first place would she even place such an A/H to this position and then even continue supporting him .. Oye!!! .. There is no hope here at all and I do mean in all of hailand not only the south which is at this point beyond any salvage ... I mean in all of Thailand ... all looks good in the media ant he made up fictitous reports ans surveys but the shit of the reality will hit the fan very soon...

  9. I imagine it would be rather easy to prove who owns the camera. A receipt, a credit card or bank statement showing the transaction, some kind of invoice (online or otherwise), etc. can easily be presented in this day and age.

    Of course. But why would they really need to. All they have to say is that it was in her pocket and she stole it. She didn't even need to have it really.

    If she is a real pratt they just see a camera on the table and decide to say she stole it. Police against her, no chance for her.

    But even if she did steal it, or try too, the real issue is locking her up and not notifying the embassy or allowing her to contact anyone. That is the terrible thing.

    Police should only make the arrest, they aren't supposed to mete out summary justice. That is not their role. Well in theory anyway.

    And I guess nobody can go into the camera to see the pics on the memory stick to see if UMMMM... Why would she have so many pics of Police people and surrounfdings or Thai people and their families... versus Touristy pics of Thailand >>>>???? whistling.gif

  10. I imagine it would be rather easy to prove who owns the camera. A receipt, a credit card or bank statement showing the transaction, some kind of invoice (online or otherwise), etc. can easily be presented in this day and age.

    And you carry around the purchase receipt of your camera tucked in with your drivers license, passport and all other pertinent purchase receipts to prove what you own at all times...?? And especially when you travel abroad ..??? blink.png

  11. Swiss arrogance? Refusing to pay the overstay sheer arrogance as well as stupidity. And now she can under Thai law be held 84 days without a peep and even that is renewable. Seems to me she is bring taught a great lesson and the 130,000 Baht is a bail jumper which she should pay and get out. The camera issue - sounds like plant to teach her a lesson. And as a Farang she hasn't got a leg to stand on. Stupid girl.

    And yes people who murder, steal and whatnot, wether foreigner or Thai can get bail in a couple of days and basically get off Scot Free more or less ... but small minute and ridiculous offenders like this have to go through this non sense of almost life & death threat .... Logic here please ...??????????????????????

  12. Urging the public sector.

    What on earth does that mean in practical terms?

    She is the bloody public sector. Anything more practical than feeling an urge?

    And really ...! Isn't the Press a little embarassed to even report this garbage ..? Actually she doesn't have a wine drinking problem or need to take any special ear medecin but he is starting to sound more intelligent than her .... Oye! Someone please save this country / And no Tak.. I certainly wasn't referring to you because we know you are the actual one who has come up with these brilliant strategies ....

    • Like 1
  13. It will be interesting to see if there will be armed guards and escorts in the early days of this service. The taxi syndicates will not accept this peacefully.

    There could be few technical solutions as well. Crooks don't like media attention, so install few video and still cameras to the buses with automatic upload to network storage.

    Install 'red alarm button', which would make loud noises and blink lights - the way ambulances do.

    Use strong (I guess bullet proof is needed) glass to separate the driver cabin from the rest of the bus.

    And the paranoia has already set in .... next will be to make the bus's fire and bomb proof .... why don't they just use Sherman tanks as buses ... Safe Nah?? and can roll over those annoying taxi gangsters ... save money this way .. no need for armed guards, special Red Alert Buttons waiting for buffons to come and rescue you, no bullet proofing required either ... a hell of a savings... mind you how much would a Sherman Tank cost versus a bus loaded with anti this and anti that and the bullet proof vests and armed guards ( Who by the way can't seem to aim their guns that well ) .... And yes in the Sherman tank we would need expert foreigners to shoot as don't want any stray bullets killing innocent people and they would be quite costly.. I think though that Israelis would be the best ) ... Oye Vey!! What a world we live in ////

  14. Disgusting , anything like this will not help the tourist numbers. It is not the fact that she will not come back but the word of mouth re the incident. The Asians are flocking in they say, but are not as likely to get into these kind of situs, as they are mostly tour group style, the European types are the ones to fall foul to the scams and incidents. So as the numbers of European style tourists fade away so will the scams and assault incidents.

    Future is looking a bit bleak for the bar persons if this trend continues, and hooray for Thailand and it's new found Asian friends.

    what drivel

    what you forget the Westerner built most Thailand's resorts, Your Asian friends will not spread there money around like westerners , they arrive in groups chaperoned around like cattle in groups and the big hotels and company's will make a lot of money , where will the street venders go, you don't see many Japanese or Indians, buying street food.

    Nope you are wrong there.... right as in USED TO BE!! Now the trend as changed and they are not travelling in heards but individually and exploring and eating in the local spots... Go out and spend a few days in CM center and you will see..

  15. Son of assistant village head, another arsehol_e who thinks he can do anything he pleases.

    and the lady , put on a fitted sporting suit, why is this relevant,I suppose it will be used as

    defense by the man , could not help himself, was her fault !!

    regards Worgeordie

    Have you seen the "photo" at the top of the report linked to?. What kind of cr@p news source is this?

    Exactly; so insensitive, sickening and stupid of them to put such a photo there !

    Yew!! Sick they are for sure and even more sick to have written this :


    "In their initial investigation, the police found that Mr. Kraisorn had a condition of a mental disorder, and he had been sent to be cured in a Chiang Mai hospital. The local people also told police that Mr. Kraisorn always showed his sexual organ in public places which made people feel bored.

    So the police prepared to send the defendant to check his mental symptom again, before sending him to prosecute further in an accusation of raping other people.

    OMG... these reporters are hopeless but before they even try to improve their skills thay should learn proper English to be comprehensible to begin with... Once they are comprehensible then yes by all means improve your reporting skills ... Hopeless but totaly hopeless!!

    • Like 1
  16. In reality it shows that these C.C.T.V. cameras ( obtained no doubt at an interesting price by the commission agent) are in fact about as useful as a chocolate fireguard.Rather like the inept fool supposedly in charge of security affairs in the South

    Wasn't it revealed just a short time ago that more than 1/2 of the C.C.T.V. cameras in Bangkok didn't even work and were only dummy ones...?? So why would they even be better quality in the South ??whistling.gif

  17. The amount of Korean and other Asian tourists does seem to have increased from what I have seen. Yet they whiz past in some big coach onto some hotel / resort or other.

    In Pattaya along Arunothai we often see Koreans walking along in groups of a bout 10 people. They never seem to stop in any bars but they do purchase food from the street vendors. Their cameras are clicking away, they point and smile and then carry on along the street.

    Over here on the dark side about 20 or so Indians were here for a month staying in two houses. They were picked up by mini buses last week and the street now seems empty. Those Indians walked everywhere, or seemed to.

    My point being that I see so many empty bars off the main streets in Pattaya - say off beach road - yet I have seen plenty of Asians & Koreans milling about everywhere except in the bars and restaurants.

    Look at Big C Xtra on Klang in Pattaya. They have had a Korean clothing display in there on the ground floor for many weeks now. Maybe that is also indicative of a trend - like more Koreans about.

    On Beach Road in Pattaya you see plenty of Indians / Pakistanis (or similar) wandering along the path near the beach but also not going near the bars / restaurants.

    Possibly the numbers are up for visitors but not for customers to bars and local shops.

    Golf coursed in chiangmai are block booked by Korean agencies until March. Almost impossible to get a tee off.

    1000 USD, flight, accomdation and 4 days golf from Seoul at the moment. Where is the money going, coz it isn't going to be here.

    And my little guest house of 4 rooms has seen a tremendous increase of inquiries from especially China ( 4 out of 10 inquiries ), but not only from China but also from Korea, Singapore, Malaysia and now from Japan ...?? All in All inquiriees and I can even say confirmed bookings from Asia are almost 30% of my business in just the past 1 year whereas I had almost non on these for the previous 3 - 4 years ... And yes... totally different type of customer compared to the European or North American ones ... totally different

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